Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3944: Qi Xian's hard work

"Ahem! Ahem!"

Qi Xian hurriedly coughed, seeming to want to ease his embarrassment.

Isn't he the one who just spoke?

"of course can."

Qin Shaofeng didn't think so much, he spoke directly.

He has too many treasures right now, and since Qi Xian has this idea, even if he takes out ten sets of the cornerstone of the formation, there is nothing wrong with it.

He didn't bother to ask, Qi Mu obviously wouldn't let his unskilled brother go.

"Why don't I know when you learned a formation?" Qi Mu asked distrustfully.

"I have only started learning in the past two years, and my learning is not very good. If I use the foundation stone of the formation, it will be fine if it is simple to use. I can't do other advanced things." Qi Xian said.

"No, if you don't practice well, how can you learn the formation?" Qi Mu still refused to give up.

This question caused Qi Xian to shrink behind Qin Shaofeng.

But his gaze subconsciously glanced at the women behind Ruan Zhen.


Seeing that he didn't answer, Qi Mu suddenly roared.

"I, I said."

In front of his eldest brother, Qi Xian is really not an ordinary weapon.

He hurriedly said: "A few years ago, Lingyun Immortal Palace promised that I could act on the fairies of Lingyun Immortal Palace in Xianling City, and I ran over quickly, but every time I was beaten severely."

"Later I wanted to work harder and harder, but I just couldn’t practice. Later, Wan Tao told me that if I really can’t practice, I can simply learn the way of formation. As long as I have a little foundation, I can. Go to my father and ask for the foundation stone, and then..."

Qi Xian's voice became smaller and smaller, even after speaking, even Qin Shaofeng couldn't hear it clearly.

But they all realized it in the first time.

This kid learns the way of formation, and his emotions are to find his father for the cornerstone of formation, and then to bully the girl in Lingyun Immortal Palace.



Qin Shaofeng felt that countless sacred beasts were trampled by his sea of ​​knowledge, directly letting the resourceful and resourceful him trample into a fool.

Qi Mu suddenly rolled his eyes and shook his body suddenly.

But the fairies of Lingyun Immortal Palace almost stared out their eyes.

A younger fairy suddenly exclaimed: "I remembered that when I entered the inner gate two years ago, I seemed to have heard that an outer sister was trapped by this kid in the fairy city. Humiliated severely for a long time."


Ruan Zhen's face suddenly became difficult to look.

As soon as she was about to get angry, Qi Xian had already attacked first: "What is cruel humiliation? The foundation stone of the formation my father gave me can only trap the enemy, and then let me escape. Although I used the formation to kill the little girl Pi is trapped, but I can't get in by myself, so how can I humiliate her?"

Everyone was talking together.

It seems that Qi Huashang, the lord of the Zunxian Palace, has known Fatty Ge's actions a long time ago, and he has come up with such a set of cornerstones for him.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about the Lingyun Immortal Palace, but asked, "I understood something two years ago, what about you now?"

"It's definitely better than the one used two years ago."

Qi Xian said loudly: "Although my plan failed that time, Wan Tao...what, I thought of it myself, and then I asked my father to beg. My father told me, when can I rely on the formation by myself? The cornerstone builds a large formation in the void, and my father personally creates a cornerstone of the formation I want."

"After two years, although I am still so short, but if I want to make a temporary formation and trap a peak martial arts cultivation, it may not be impossible."

"But my father said that the formations I set up can't trap the heavenly powerhouses, and need more training."

"The person who can practice the formation is me, wan...aha, I can feel it myself, I have at most another half a year, I will be able to arrange the formation of the void, then...hehehe, Lingyun Immortal Palace My little girl...Huh? Me, I didn't say anything!"

Qi Xian's mind was obviously not very useful, and he actually spoke out the deepest thoughts in his heart.

And in his not too complicated narrative, he also sold Ge Wantao twice.

The eyes of Qi Mu and others have become bigger and bigger.

He had already seen the power of Fatty Ge when he was in the abyss.

But he couldn't imagine that Fatty Ge could be so powerful.

What kind of temper is my younger brother, I know very well.

If someone said something like that, maybe even if he was a father, he would always be with him and supervise him like a fat man. He could not have this effect, right?

And he could feel that even though Qi Xian was still subconsciously talking about dealing with the fairy in Lingyun Immortal Palace.

But his words and laughter had obviously changed drastically from the previous dude.

Ge Wantao, really a god!

"It seems that Palace Master Qi Huanshang has given me so many foundation stones for the formation technique, it should be because of Qi Xian's consideration." Qin Shaofeng thought silently in his heart.

As a father, it is really hard work to be able to do this for a dude son!

I believe this is also related to Qi Xian's changes in recent years.

Qin Shaofeng thought for a while, and then took out a set of foundation stones that were only used to break the formation.

The same is the cornerstone of the formation, the cornerstone of the formation is different from the one he has seen in the land of the star.

He even saw it more than once when he was reading the books of endless college.

Due to the heavy casualties of the strong in the Void World, and the lack of some specific resources, they could not continue to build the teleportation array.

If this were not the case, the warship flying boat would not be so widely used in the Cangming Realm.

"Huh? So many?"

Qi Xian watched him take it out a hundred times faster, the small one was like a quail egg, and the big one was the cornerstone of the formation similar to a ball, and a white face suddenly became pale.

"I still have a lot of cornerstones of this kind of formation here, even if they are damaged, it doesn't matter." Qin Shaofeng smiled.

He really didn't want to laugh on such a rigorous occasion.

But he knew very well that all of the cornerstones of these formations were in the void realm, and hundreds of them were taken out at once. It was obviously Qi Huanshang's purpose for Qi Xian to completely break through the formation ability under their suppression.

Qi Xian's current knowledge of life and life is considered a small achievement.

As long as there is a small ability in one direction, it can no longer be regarded as a waste.

"Well, I will try."

Qi Xian didn't want to agree, but he also knew that he couldn't refuse Qin Shaofeng's request if he wanted to continue to be brothers with Qin Shaofeng.

He did not directly build a large formation, but first gathered hundreds of formation foundation stones to his side and began to think carefully.

From time to time, they would even put together one or two, but quickly broke up again.

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