Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3946: A baby

"You have done very well, come on, no matter how hard you work, you will be able to succeed." Qi Mu couldn't help but support.

If he were to change to the past, he would not be able to say such a thing when he was killed.

But he couldn't think of anything.

This little brother of my own is actually so terrifying in terms of formation.

He is only in his early twenties.

He barely entered the Tianyue position cultivation base!

Qi Mu could even imagine it, as long as there was Ge Wantao who would continue to follow his little brother.

What level of achievement can this little brother of my own reach in the future?

"Big brother..."

Qi Xian suddenly raised his head and looked over.

He has been dull for so many years, and he doesn't know how much shock he has just brought everyone to the two formations.

But he clearly knew that his eldest brother, under normal circumstances, would not say such a thing.

but now……

He really felt flattered.

Qi Mu saw the emotion in his eyes and smiled: "You are doing very well now. As long as you continue to keep it, my little brother will achieve extraordinary achievements in the future. Let alone disciples outside the Lingyun Immortal Palace, even the inner disciples, in the future I will also beg to marry you."

"Wh, what? How is this possible?!"

Qi Xian jumped up in shock.

He is indeed the son of the Lord of the Immortal Palace.

But he is very clear about what kind of person he is in the eyes of outsiders.

Suddenly getting such admiration from his elder brother really made him very flattered.

"Okay, if you brothers want to chat, there will be time after we finish this line, let's fix the strangeness here first!" Qin Shaofeng immediately interrupted the conversation between the two.

Just as Qi Mu expected.

If Qi Xian has maintained such a mentality, his future achievements are indeed not small.

But once Qi Xian's state of mind is broken, everything will be different.

He doesn't understand the way of formation.

But he also knew that Fatty Ge must have spent a lot of effort on Qi Mu.

Since Fatty Ge and Dian Master Qi didn't pierce it, it's better to let him get confused.

Qi Mu was interrupted by him, and he was also slightly taken aback.

Although he was still very at a loss.

But since Qin Shaofeng spoke, he naturally would not go to educate his brothers, nodded and said: "Brother Qin is right, you should think about breaking the formation as soon as possible!"

"Big Brother, I, I can really..."

"If you can't even break this formation, everything is empty talk. If you honestly do what you deserve, your questions will naturally be answered in the future." Qin Shaofeng suddenly interrupted his question.

His sudden voice made the fairies of Lingyun Immortal Palace feel shocked.

That is the two sons of the Lord of the Palace of Immortals, talking about the future.

He actually interrupted the conversation between the two of them in this way. He seemed too rash, right?

What's more, what qualifications does he have to speak like this?

Looking at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, Ruan Zhen became more curious.

"Well, we will definitely break this big formation next time."

Qi Xian took the materials and immediately ran aside to study.

Qi Mu glanced at his brother.

Immediately, he curiously transmitted to Qin Shaofeng and asked, "Brother Qin, why did you stop me suddenly?"

"Don't stop you, let you break his state of mind?" Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes.

Such an answer made Monk Zhang Er puzzled by Qi Mu's head.

Qin Shaofeng didn't wait for him to continue to inquire, saying: "Hallmaster Qi has cultivated him secretly to the present level, but he still doesn't know anything. Obviously, he has the intention to use his innocent character."

"Before you and I knew the arrangements of Dian Master Qi, it was all wrong no matter what you said and how to do it. Instead, it's better to just watch or give him some opportunities to exercise."

Qi Mu suddenly came to a sudden.

Looking back at Qi Xian who was studying the formation method carefully, he couldn't help but sigh.

Qin Shaofeng's statement may have a lot of ingredients he guessed.

But he is also a great cultivator, and he knows just as clearly that in martial arts training, being able to maintain a heart of innocence will benefit the cultivation.

"If this is the case, then we should continue to watch."

Qi Mu Chuanyin replied.

He knew very well that in teaching his own younger brother, even if he added up to ten, he couldn't be better than his father, or that Ge Wantao.

Since there is nothing you can do, just keep watching.

A moment when the two talked through voice transmission.

Qi Xian seemed to have found the final wrong place, running the power of qi and blood, adsorbing a bunch of materials on his left hand, and starting a new round of formation.

Although he is arrogant and dull on weekdays.

But when he really immersed his mind in the formation, he could indeed give people the feeling of a master of formation.

With the previous two failure experiences.

This time, he seemed a lot more relaxed when setting up the formation.

The cornerstones of the formation fell one by one.

There was a sense of mellowness, as if every cornerstone of the formation he laid down should have appeared in that position.

In just two exercises, he was able to deploy the void formation to this level, which was enough to shame everyone from countless formations.

In just a few dozen breaths, he placed the last cornerstone of the formation.

The bright golden light suddenly shone from the big array.

The dazzling light flashed away.

At the moment when the light dissipated, everyone saw a space filled with the feeling of this formation.

The space is very dim, although there are mountains and trees seen in the world before, but they all give people a sense of decay.

The air seemed to be filled with a feeling of depression.

Standing in this void, Qin Shaofeng and others felt a little numb, and the pores on their bodies stood upside down.

And this space turned out to be formed in nothingness.

After walking into this world, you can still see all the things in the previous world, even the breeze.

They are in the world of nothingness, and naturally they have the same wind blowing.

But the wind here is full of extreme chill, it seems that only a gust of wind will freeze them all into ice sculptures.

"Is this the real place of the ruins?"

Although Qi Xian's cultivation base was above Qin Shaofeng, his experience and temperament were too weak. Under the cold wind, his whole body trembled and he subconsciously hid behind Qin Shaofeng.

"It should be right."

Qin Shaofeng nodded lightly, then took out a piece of jade talisman, urged it with the power of blood and energy, and printed it on Qi Xian.

"Void Realm Wen Yu Fu Lu?" Ruan Zhen's exclamation sounded.

Driven by curiosity, she was always paying attention to Qin Shaofeng, and she was shocked when she saw what Qin Shaofeng took out with her own eyes.

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