Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3952: Sell ​​it or not?

"You go?"

Qin Shaofeng was taken aback, and it was the Tianxu Insect King who sounded in his mind.

After a massacre in Yunling six months ago.

The Heavenly Void Insect King has been in a semi-sleeping state for half a year, except that he was able to give orders to the Heavenly Void Insect King through the Heavenly Void Insect King, as if it had really become a bracelet on his left wrist.

Unexpectedly, it would wake up at this time.

And it can really pick that leaf?

Qin Shaofeng was slightly stunned.

He still chose to believe in the Sky Void Insect King, after all, both the Sky Void Insect and the Emerald Dragon King were races that only existed in legends.

Since Tianxu Insect King spoke, he naturally had its confidence.

"Then be careful, I'll be waiting for you here, if something is wrong, call me at any time, I will go over and pick you up immediately." Qin Shaofeng also replied in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Immediately, the sleeve of his left wrist moved slightly.

After half a year of absorption and transformation, the Emerald Dragon King seemed to have begun to have crystal light flowing in his body. Every time he moved, there was a little emerald green crystal light flashing.

As if turned into green jade.

But when it moved, the aura from its body had already become the peak of the sky and moon position.

Just a slight difference, it will become the existence of the star position.

"Such a big change happened?"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help being shocked.

Remember that before the Emerald Dragon King fell asleep, he seemed to be about the position of Xuanyue and Earthy Moon, right?

Just a simple sleep absorption can make it jump to its present level.

Such advancement simply shocked him.

"What is that, Star Beast?"

"It shouldn't be a star beast. I heard that a star beast has never been subdued by us humans?"

"What it is?"

"It seems to be an emerald green thing, but it's too thin to see clearly!"

"Whatever it is, it looks so beautiful!"

"Yes, so delicate, like a jade hairpin."

"It would be great if I could also have such a pet, let it be a hairpin when I am fine, and let it help in the fight when something is wrong."

As soon as the many fairies in Lingyun Immortal Palace spoke, they immediately let Fairy Ruan Zhen, who was also subconsciously guessing what the existence of the Green Dragon King was, all the corners of Qi Mu and others twitched.

This group of so-called fairies are too girlish, right?

Even if they couldn't see what it was, wouldn't they be able to feel that the aura radiating from that thing was at the pinnacle of Heaven and Moon?

Even these so-called fairies, they may not be opponents of others, and they still want to make people make hairpins?

It's so fantastic, right?

Qi Xian is the most trash on weekdays.

But his talent in inquiring about things is obviously not comparable to those who only know how to practice blindly.

His gaze immediately fell on Long Haoyue and the others.

"Several seniors, do you know what is Big Brother Qin's pet?" Qi Xian asked directly.

He opened his mouth to Qin Shaofeng and it was Brother Qin, so naturally he didn't care about being a kid in front of these people.

The voice of questioning immediately attracted curious eyes from everyone.

Qi Mu, Ruan Zhen and others secretly said one by one: Why did I forget them?

They are the people who followed Qin Shaofeng, and they must know something we don't know.

Dozens of gazes immediately made the Seven Long Haoyue uncomfortable.

The Seven Long Haoyue also knew what it was.

Can they say it?

Long Haoyue twitched fiercely, and smiled bitterly: "Although we know what it is, we can't say, if you want to know, just ask Qin Shaofeng's younger brother, if he wants to tell you. If you do, I will naturally tell you."

Several people suddenly stagnated.

Although they can also guess this possibility.

But Long Haoyue's direct refusal to tell them still made them somewhat unable to adapt.

They can also think of it.

Since Qin Shaofeng only used that strange pet at this time, it was obviously a very remarkable existence, so naturally he couldn't tell anyone casually.

Just as they quarreled Long Haoyue and the others for inquiries, the Jade Dragon King was already moving.

I saw the Emerald Dragon King in this space, as if he didn't feel any gravity at all.

But it also failed to make a surprisingly high flight.

Instead, he fell into the grass, flicked his tail abruptly, and swam past the gap in the middle of the grass.

Its speed seems to have not been suppressed at all.

Just a breathing time.

Qin Shaofeng saw that the Green Dragon King had gone to the big tree, and tore off the leaf with one mouth.

The surrounding space lost the control of the forbidden core and immediately dissipated.

First, the gravity on him suddenly disappeared.

The blade-like blades of grass under his feet also became normal, making his body short.

Immediately, the Green Dragon King returned with a leaf in his mouth.

Qin Shaofeng first put away the Green Dragon King, and then stored the leaf in the Sky Dragon City in the Sea of ​​Knowledge.

After placing it carefully, he looked at everyone again.

Seeing that they were surrounding Long Haoyue and the others, she couldn't help but chuckled, and said, "What are you doing over there? If you don't leave quickly, let alone seventeen days, even if it gives us seventy days, It's impossible to find a heritage."

Everyone was awakened by his voice, and they ran towards this side.

A fairy from the Lingyun Immortal Palace, with a straightforward heart, asked first: "Master Qin, what is the pet you just used? Can you sell it to me?"

Expectation suddenly appeared in her eyes.

Such questioning made Qin Shaofeng's eyes cold.

Then he glanced at the other girls, and the chill in his eyes was even worse. Every one of these people was expecting his answer.

It seemed that it wasn't because of the jealousy about his origins, I'm afraid he was about to grab it.

Especially when his eyes finally fell on Ruan Zhen's eyes, he saw exactly the same idea.

Even faintly, there seemed to be a complex expression of calculation.

What a group of so-called fairies!

Since these women didn't know how many catties they were, Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't bother to bother with them.

He really doesn't mind exposing his secrets to some people he thinks can be friends.

But it definitely doesn't include people who don't even know their names, let alone those who don't know the sky and the earth, who don't have the slightest edge to speak.

"As soon as the fairy reminded me, I suddenly realized that I didn't seem to ask the girl her name, how old is this year, how many measurements, and whether it's for sale?" Qin Shaofeng said coldly.

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