Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3963: Luo Xingjun's plan

Qin Shaofeng's move into the circle of war stunned everyone at once.

Because other people are trying to attack.

He is heading towards the place with the largest number of ghosts.

Standing abruptly in the position with the most phantoms, let the phantoms attack motionless.

"Can the battle be like this?"

"This defensive ability is too terrifying, it can actually play such a role?"

"It's really... I'm going!"

"How many treasures are there in him, no wonder he can be so confident."

The four people in Tianji Tower couldn't help but exclaimed once again.

Their voices are all subconscious.

But when they uttered these words, Luo Xingjun's heart suddenly sank.

How could he not shock Qin Shaofeng's ability?

But with his greed of life and fear of death, he clearly knows that some things can be known, and some things cannot be known.

He can be arrogant in front of ordinary people.

If he was in the Tianji Tower, he could even find a way to **** Qin Shaofeng's treasure.

But it is definitely not now.

If these people's words make Qin Shaofeng feel uncomfortable.

Today's Qin Shaofeng only needs a thought to make them all die here.

"Shut up all for me, Young Master Qin will create opportunities for us regardless of consumption, why not kill me quickly?" Luo Xingjun shouted out anxiously.

Among the four, although there are also two people from the son of brother.

But people have different ideas from people.

Those two people blindly rely on family power and are used to domineering, how can they think of so much?

Hearing Lord Luo Xing's words, it was only that Lord Luo Xing was really anxious.

While puzzled, he sighed secretly.

It seems that the vision gap between me and Mr. Xing is really not small!

They lamented one by one.

But there is no lag in the movement of his hands.

While thinking about it in his mind, the attacks have already moved towards the phantom attack one after another.

The intensity of the successive attacks immediately eased the trend of the phantom's upper hand.

"What's happening here?!"

After a few people noticed that the phantom had been reduced to this level, when they were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, an exclamation suddenly sounded.

Although everyone is not too familiar.

But this voice can still be heard by everyone, and it is indeed the tomb of Qi who is mainly responsible for flying Qin Shaofeng's four phantoms.

Everyone looked back subconsciously.

This glance immediately caused everyone's pupils to shrink violently.

I saw that the tomb of Qi was returning quickly.

With quick eyes and quick hands, he has replaced him, and Qi Zhen, who has attacked Qin Shaofeng's phantom, has actually gone to those phantoms.

The same kick flew out.

Everyone saw that the phantom that had received Qin Shaofeng faced this foot, and he didn't evade in the slightest.

In the imagination, the situation that he would be kicked in the air did not appear.

Quite the opposite.

Qi Zhen, who flew out of that kick, was unexpectedly flew out when the attack hit Qin Shaofeng's phantom.

"How could this be? That phantom......"

Luo Xingjun subconsciously exclaimed.

But when he was halfway through the conversation, he was abruptly restrained by himself.

It was not the first time that they saw the almost identical scene. They subconsciously turned their heads back and looked at Qin Shaofeng, who was resisting several ghost shadows with his own strength.

There was a fierce twitch in his face.

"These phantoms can actually display Young Master Qin's cards, what kind of phantom is this?" Luo Xingjun exclaimed.

When everyone heard the words, their expressions changed.

They all knew how terrifying Qin Shaofeng's defenses were.

But this is not the point.

When they saw the phantom using a defensive method, another thing subconsciously appeared in their minds.

That was the scene where Qin Shaofeng used the Void Talisman to easily kill the Void.

Shouldn't these phantoms also be able to use such methods?

"What are you looking at, don't you withdraw soon?!"

Qin Shaofeng also thought of this, the fear in his heart far surpassed everyone.

The attack of the void talisman, even if they enter the void defense array, may not be able to resist for long.

If you just face it like this, there is only a dead end.

I was terrified.

And now the number of phantoms is not too large, he has ignored other people, and the first one rushes towards the defensive formation.

His shouts and actions immediately awakened others.

Among them, only Qin Shaofeng had insufficient cultivation.

The rest are all peak powers of Tianyue.

Several people moved together.

Its speed is so fast that it has caught up with Qin Shaofeng in the blink of an eye.

Qi Mu and Luo Xingjun held Qin Shaofeng at the same time.

"Fu! Fu Lu!"

Qi Huang's exclamation suddenly sounded from behind.

Everyone felt a tingling scalp at the same time.

But under these crises, many of them looked back subconsciously.

The moment it was discovered that it was Qin Shaofeng's four phantoms and the four void talismans were used to shoot Qin Shaofeng at the same time, everyone's expressions had begun to turn into awe.

Huang Tianwen and Lu Yao in the Tianji Building flashed to the side at the first instant.

Obviously, they are also afraid of death.

I don't want to be buried with Qin Shaofeng.

But they only thought of themselves and the four phantoms who were using the attack talisman, but they did not think of others.

Especially their immediate superiors.

Among them, Qi Xian is not the first in terms of fear of death.

The true first fear of death is Lord Luo Xing.

But Luo Xingjun's fear of death was not limited to short-lived living.

His wisdom is probably not much worse than Qin Shaofeng.

At least better than everyone else present.

After witnessing the scenes led by Qin Shaofeng, he has clearly realized the importance of Qin Shaofeng.

If Qin Shaofeng died.

None of them need to think about going out alive, even if they can get the treasure left by Qin Shaofeng.


The first time he saw the four Qin Shaofeng shadows condensing a talisman out of thin air, his gaze shifted to the two of them.

It was discovered that both of them had made moves to stay away from Qin Shaofeng.

He released the hand holding Qin Shaofeng for the first time and left Qin Shaofeng's side faster.

This is the most dangerous time.

Huang Tianwen and Lu Yao did not notice his behavior.

But Qi Mu, Qi Zhen, and Qi Huang frowned together, and they wanted to scold but they knew it was not the time to scold them.

But a scene even more unexpected to them appeared in a flash.

I saw that Lord Luo Xing, who had escaped the fastest, did not really stay away, but when he escaped ten meters, he had already gone behind Huang Tianyuan.

Three consecutive talismans have appeared in his hands.

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