Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3965: Voting certificate

"Master Luo is right, I support Master Luo."

Xiao Liu called out subconsciously.

Following his words, Long Xiaoxiao, Shen Jun, Zhang Ye and Ren Tiankuang also nodded subconsciously.

Such words made Long Haoyue and Liu Kaishan's looks even more weird.

That Luo Xingjun will really be like he said?

Why does his words sound so weird?

They have different ideas in their hearts.

The three Qi Xian and the Tianjilou three almost spewed blood because of this.

Luo Xingjun said so boldly.

Combined with Jun Luo Xing's daily life, they have thoroughly understood the reason Luo Xing Jun did this.

Even Qin Shaofeng as an outsider can already think of many things.

Presumably because Lord Luo Xing was worried about his fall, no one would be able to take him out alive, so he would rather sacrifice his own people.

This kind of person is really terrifying to live for himself.

What made him even more speechless was that after Luo Xingjun did such a thing because of selfishness, he was able to speak so boldly.

Really a wonderful flower!

The hearts of the three people in Tianji Building are indeed complicated.

Qin Shaofeng was not much better.

He looked at Lord Luo Xing in front of him, and subconsciously thought of Ziwen City that he had brought to the Cangming Realm.

But speaking of the degree of insidency, I am afraid that only Ziwen City can compare with him, right?

It seems that when you go to the Tianji Tower in the future, you should be careful with this person.

He just thought silently in his heart.

But he didn't know that he was a fan of the authorities, and he was frightened by the move Luo Xingjun made.

Ziwen City was taught by the sinister Zilong.

Although he is still young, the things he has done are far from comparable to Lord Luo Xing, one of the original posters of Tianji Lou.

When they were thinking about each other, Qi Xian, who was already familiar with the arrangement of the formation, had already arranged the second defensive formation.

The third formation has now begun.

Qin Shaofeng felt the change in formation, and after looking at Luo Xingjun again, he had already retracted his gaze.

Luo Xingjun is indeed sinister enough.

But Luo Xingjun was also afraid of death enough.

As long as he can grasp this, he is not afraid that Lord Luo Xing will do anything unfavorable to him.

In this case, he naturally didn't need to pay too much attention to Luo Xingjun's situation.

He and Long Haoyue and others withdrew their eyes early.

The three people in Qi Mu just watched the excitement, and they were slightly jealous.

Tianjilou's heart is very lively.

They want to say something more.

But they also had to admit that if something happened to Qin Shaofeng, it would be almost impossible for them to want or leave.

Because of this, the complexity in their hearts has gone to the extreme.

I want to say something, but I don't know how to say it.

Qin Shaofeng's gaze had already fallen outside the defensive formation at this moment.

The group of phantoms are indeed attacking the defensive formation by their own attacks.

But that kind of attack still increased the damage to the defense formation.

Especially the four phantoms portrayed by him, from time to time they would attack the talisman with one move, which made the defensive array increasingly damaged.

In just such a moment, the degree of damage has exceeded half.

If it wasn't for Qi Xian who had already mastered the layout of the defensive formation, I am afraid such a defensive formation would not be enough to help them survive.

The waiting time is not very long.

When the outermost defensive formation was about to collapse, Qi Xian had already deployed the third defensive formation.

"Brother Qin, what should we do next?" Qi Xian asked anxiously.

"Begin to lay out the attacking array."

Qin Shaofeng said with a sullen face, "Didn't you have already confirmed the method of attacking the formation?"

"I believe you will be able to deploy the attacking formation before the two defensive formations are destroyed."

Qi Xian's face suddenly appeared shocked.

He did not expect that Qin Shaofeng's trust in him could be so much.

Do you believe him too much?

Qi Xian wants to cry without tears

But he didn't dare to hesitate at all. After receiving the materials from Qin Shao's grave, he immediately began to think about it.

All the grievances, he had to wait for the formation of the formation before he was qualified to speak.

With this idea, his thinking speed is naturally fast to the extreme.

Just a few breaths.

He has already begun to use the simplest place formation cornerstone.

As soon as he started to get started, he immediately understood the true layout of the formation, and immediately began to accelerate.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know anything about the layout of the formation, and could only wait anxiously.

The gazes of other people followed the people of Tianji Tower who were speechless and had to gradually change outside.

After all, Luo Xingjun's reason is too domineering.

As he himself said, even if the real high-level of Tianji Building is here, there is no way to tell if he is not.

It was under such circumstances that no matter how angry the three people in Tianjilou were, they could only suppress their anger.

Besides, there is no danger yet!

If they really offended Qin Shaofeng because of what they said, they only need a word from Qin Shaofeng and they will die here.

In this regard, they no longer have any doubts.

After all, Qin Shaofeng and Qi Mu were the real companions, and they were only brought with them because their people begged.

Luo Xingjun was the only one who really gave the vote.

Falling out now will only disadvantage them themselves.

Driven by various emotions, no matter how much resentment they have, they can only choose to bury it in their hearts.

The waiting time is always so tormented.

Wait for no more than a moment.

Luo Xingjun had already integrated himself into Qin Shaofeng's group seriously, came to Qin Shaofeng's side, and asked: "Big Brother Qin, what should we do now? What do you need younger brother to do, just give it an order."

Once again, everyone was desperate.

Qin Shaofeng's thoughts were also forcibly interrupted, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

This guy is really shameless!

He just did one thing he thought he had voted for, and he actually climbed it up by himself.

Anyway, when he is using people now, he won't really say anything to refuse.

"I'm not sure for the time being, but I'll probably need your help later." Qin Shaofeng nodded and said.

"Brother Qin can give orders at any time."

Luo Xingjun nodded happily.

Judging from his appearance, it seemed that he was really going to go through fire and water for Qin Shao's grave, making Qin Shao's grave a little irritable.

Xindao: Insidious people are really amazing, and they feel that they can do so naturally without saying anything.

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