Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3971: Probe

The Magical Array cannot directly solve the problem here.

But when the formation was completely formed, it also made the formation suddenly become like the only Guangyuan in the dark night.

At least those who feel hungry and intolerable can relieve most of them immediately when they come to the edge of the big array.

This feeling immediately made everyone stunned again.

Such a terrifying formation was arranged by Qi Xian, whom they once looked down upon, and it made them feel even more shocked.

Luckily survived, more than seventy people who were already hungry to the point of cannibalism rushed over immediately.

Seeing that, it seemed that someone dared to fight with them and was going up to desperately.

Qi Xian frowned slightly.

His idea is the simplest, he only needs to listen to Qin Shaofeng's orders.

But Qi Mu's face became difficult to look.

After looking at this group of people, he shook his head helplessly.

But they have already made judgments on these people in their hearts.

They can only walk through this section with their own group at most.

It's not guilty to be angry with them.

Yun Tianxing, Bai Lang, and Xiaoyao Zui were still thinking of Qin Shaofeng.

As the leader of the tripartite forces.

They are far from the ordinary disciples.

At least in terms of controlling your emotions, you can still do something.

"Cousin Xian, I didn't expect to see you in such a short period of time. You turned into a Void Array Mage. You really almost made my cousin scared to death!" Yun Tianxing smiled at Qi Xian.

He is also one of the best in Yunxian Temple.

If it were changed to other times, he would definitely not be able to say such a thing.

But what Qi Xian is doing now has completely distorted his senses.

He can even imagine it.

If cousin Yun Lan learned of this, she would definitely be deeply shocked, right?

"I'm barely able to set up a large array of the Void Realm. Maybe when can I set up a large array of the Void Realm, can I really compare with my cousin?" Qi Xian still doesn't know what the Void Array Mage represents.

The answer from the heart almost caused Yun Tianxing to spout a mouthful of blood.

He still doesn't know.

Since Qi Xian entered here, he has never considered whether his abilities are outstanding, only following Qin Shaofeng's footsteps in his eyes and heart.

Lun is afraid of death, he is no better than Luo Xingjun!

Yun Tianxing choked fiercely by him.

Just when I was about to say something, I saw that Qi Xian's eyes were already looking at the three people coming in the distance.

It was as if he, the second son of the Hall of Cloud Immortal Palace Master, was not qualified to let him touch.

Qi Xian quickly ran towards Qin Shaofeng.

"Brother Qin, have you found anything? What should I do now?" Qi Xian was like a good baby.

Think about Qi Xian's unparalleled life.

Yun Tianxing felt like he was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Cousin Tomb, who is that Young Master Qin Shaofeng? How can you let you... so respect?" Yun Tianxing thought for a long time before coming up with a reasonable excuse.

"A friend who has a better relationship with us."

Qi Mu has a lot of understanding of Qin Shaofeng's temperament.

He knew that those people who had been squeezed into the formation would definitely be given up by Qin Shaofeng, and maybe they would provoke the anger of a certain force.

At this time, it would be better to help Qin Shaofeng hide.

Yun Tianxing suddenly grew his mouth.

Bai Lang and Xiaoyao were stunned.

I thought I could get any information.

No one could have imagined that they would get such an answer, which really made them somewhat unacceptable.

An ordinary person, who ordered the son of the two major forces?

What an international joke?

"Wait first."

Qin Shaofeng was not eager to respond, but glanced at Shen Jun and his group who were also walking back, and the crowd desperately squeezing toward the center of the array.

There was a flash of anger in his eyes.

But he was not in a hurry to attack. Instead, he waited for Shen Jun and others to arrive and asked first: "Is there any discovery?"

"There is no problem with the plants here, but there is a special presence on the surface of the plants, or in the air, that makes them feel hungry, among them, over there, and over there..."

Shen Jun pointed out seven positions one after another, and said: "These seven positions have problems, at least they feel completely different from other places."

Qin Shaofeng has personally observed the situation here.

He only heard what Shen Jun said, and he nodded in satisfaction.

He can be sure that there is nothing wrong with Shen Jun's observation, just two missing points.

There are problems in nine places.

The superposition of nine places makes this a terrifying cannibal canyon.

When he thought of this, he immediately lost his mind.

On the surface, it was still thinking.

In fact, he was taking advantage of this little effort to send a ray of thought into the fan house.

His cultivation level is not enough to be a shining star, so it is reasonable to say that he cannot do it.

But he is the master of Fan Mansion after all.

It's true that you can't do more things, but simply sending some thoughts into the fan house is not a big problem.

Not long after, he received an explanation from Shan Fu.

What he encountered was indeed a terrifying array, even at the pinnacle level in the Void Realm.

If only they were encountered here, they would die here.

But in his Fan Mansion, there was Wang Sheng who had once specialized in the top formation between heaven and earth, making everything different.

After receiving the solution given by Wang Sheng, he put away his thoughts.

He raised his head and said, "Tomb Qi, Lord Luo Xing, you will take people to guard the nine places you have discovered."

"Qi Xian, you go first to tear down the illusion-breaking array you arranged before."

The two successive orders immediately shocked Yun Tianxing's expression.

"Master Qin, have you found a way to solve the situation in this canyon?" Yun Tianxing asked anxiously.

But what he got from his questioning was the action everyone took the first time to act.

"It may not be able to crack, but there is some certainty."

Qin Shaofeng treated them as if he was a fellow of the Lingyun Immortal Palace, he was not cold or cold, and even had an explanation.

But this kind of explanation made everyone who was going away clearly feel the distance.

"Mr. Yun, Mr. White Wolf, and Mr. Xiaoyao, please control your people. If anyone wants to mess around while we are doing things, I will give up cracking down on this gorge." Qin Shaofeng's His complexion was gloomy.

"Killing array?"

All three of them were surprised.

But when they spoke, he had already heard curses from afar.

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