Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3976: Forbidden Power

"Killing formation, they launched a killing formation!"

An exclamation suddenly sounded from the ban.

The man yelled anxiously, "How is it possible? I have been paying attention to Qin Shaofeng and Qi Xian. When did they start the killing formation?"

"Don't worry about so much, over there over there... those directions are where the formation is located. Let's take action together and destroy all the nine formations at the same time!" The person in the Zun Xiandian who was looking for trouble before Shouted.

Everyone acted immediately.

Seeing the scene of their collective actions, Qi Tomb, Qi Xian, Long Haoyue and others who had always followed Qin Shaofeng sighed.

What killing array did Qin Shaofeng use before?

It is true to kill them.

But it was just a horrible prohibition.

Judging from the restrictions they cracked, this seemingly ordinary dog's tail grass is exactly the horrible existence that can rank in the top ten.

The cold wind has the effect of dispersing qi and blood.

Except for the ground underneath, all ordinary grasses are comparable to Yaoshen's blades.

As long as they dare to leave the place ten steps, the sky will have terrifying thunder descend.

When Qin Shaofeng asked the Emerald Dragon King to pick the dog's tail grass, even the tyrannical Emerald Dragon King almost died in that restriction.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng stubbornly consumed ten pills of various kinds before reluctantly rescued the Jade Dragon King.

This group of people didn't even know what they were facing, and they started to mess around.

What is it if you are not looking for death?

as expected.

The moment these people moved, the screams of screams rang out one after another.

"Ah! What is this?"

"Why has the grass on the ground turned into a knife?"

"My feet..."


In the screams, there were more than ten people at the same time, because they pushed each other and fell to the ground one after another.

The weeds that were once commonplace are obviously really sharp-edged existences comparable to Yao Shenbing.

At the first moment of falling, those ten people had already lost their breath of life.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing nine enemies of the star position and obtaining 90 million star and moon value."

The voice of the system sounded in my mind again.

Qin Shaofeng no longer paid attention to the situation during the prohibition, but opened the character interface.

It was discovered that the martial arts value between the characters' interface had also increased by 9 points, and it was closed.

"A magical array! There is even a magical array in Qi Xian's array!"

"The power of the killing array in the void is to kill the enemy in the broken void. It is absolutely impossible to happen. Don't be blinded by the illusion. Hurry up and destroy all the killing array." The person in the Zun Xiandian still shouted wildly.

Naturally, he himself would not be delayed in place, and quickly moved towards the nearest formation.

Step by step, his feet have been completely prickled.

The bones of both legs have almost turned into dregs.

But he was still moving towards where the formation was.

Every step forward will cause part of his body to rot.

He had just walked out seven steps before he was killed on the spot.

Others are also moving fast.

They did see the man's fall.

But they have to admit that the man's words are very convincing to them.

They have never seen a killing array capable of such a change.

"system hint……"

"system hint……"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading, he is currently struggling with the moon position."

Qin Shaofeng's breath of breakthrough was very small.

And everyone's eyes were also in the horrible scene in front of them, and no one noticed the change in his cultivation base.

On the surface, Qin Shaofeng, who was still the first-order Xuanyue position, was already approaching them with real combat power.

"This, what exactly is this method, why is it so terrifying?"

"Are they really killing arrays and phantom arrays? Impossible?"

"The illusion will only make the people in it hallucinate. It is impossible for us to see such a scene?"

"What terrifying method did His Highness Qi Xian Xiao learn?"

A series of exclamations came from Yun Tianxing and other people.

Especially the three of them have been constantly marveling at their choices.

If it wasn't for the horror of Qin Shaofeng.

I am afraid they are still like those people, taking everything they see as illusions, and then killing themselves a little bit?

The horror in their eyes is getting stronger, but they are also more and more grateful.

The **** scene did not last long.

When everyone's eyes were still on those dead, only Qi Xian, Qi Mu and other people who spontaneously covered others' eyes, noticed a bright green light flashing a few times.

After going back and forth, the dog's tail grass returned to Qin Shaofeng's hands.

In Qin Shaofeng's palm, he disappeared.

"Okay, the potential threat has been resolved, and your choice makes this young man very happy. You can follow him next. If the exit is really in front, you can also leave together."

Qin Shaofeng's indifferent voice sounded again: "Of course, if there are a lot of inheritances, you can all accept one inheritance."

The sound is still so silent.

But it was this calm voice that made Yun Tianxing's legs feel weak.

They didn't know what Qin Shaofeng did.

But they all knew clearly that the person who used such a terrifying assassin was definitely not Qi Xian who could control the formation, but this calm young man.

"Thank you Master Qin." Qi Jin was the first to react.

The three of them are the core members of the Immortal Palace, and naturally they will not be like the dead members of the Immortal Palace.

They just felt lucky for Qin Shaofeng's terrorist methods.

"You all come to me, Qi Xian, launch a great array of breaking the illusion to remove the illusion in this canyon." Qin Shaofeng said in a deep voice.

The six people who were still a dozen steps away from Qin Shaofeng and others all trembled.

They didn't see Qin Shaofeng lifting the formation!

What if they come over and encounter a similar situation to those people?

The three Yun Tianxing hesitated.

The Qi Jin trio believed that His Highness Qi Mu and Qi Xian would not harm them, and took the lead in raising their steps, but when they first stepped out, they still trembled.

One step down.

It was only a little relieved that the grass was still the most common grass.

The six people came behind Qin Shaofeng and others one after another.

Qi Xian's energy and blood exploded completely.

The defensive array and the nine phantom-breaking arrays were opened simultaneously.

The nine-seater array was used by Qin Shaofeng to crack it in the way Wang Sheng said, and it was completely different from the magic-breaking array used for the first time.

At the moment when the nine large arrays of light completely shined, everyone's expressions changed dramatically.

Where is the gorge where they are?

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