Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3978: Mountain of Terror

"I don't have many talismans here. Brother Qi Mu, just look at the arrangement." Qin Shaofeng didn't help him.

He is only an outsider after all, and it is enough to express his meaning clearly.

Qi Huanshang was hesitating.

Luo Xingjun on the other side had already discussed with the two.

"Brother Qin, we have already decided on our side. I will take Lu Yao up the mountain with you. Lu Yao doesn't need Brother Qin to consume any resources. If he dies halfway, he will make up for his previous mistakes." Luo Xingjun Said.

This greedy master of Tianji Lou, who is afraid of death, wants to follow him on adventures?

Qin Shaofeng also froze for a while.

Immediately, he understood.

Luo Xingjun's thinking obviously overlaps with some people before.

He is afraid that he has no idea about the inheritance.

The reason why I want to follow myself is entirely because I want to live.

Since this kid is so obedient, he doesn't need to think so much for the time being.

As for him and Tianjilou are bound to become enemies.

Lord Luo Xing, who had a small Tianyue Peak cultivation base, would not cause much confusion.

Maybe it can really give him some benefits or something.

In the future, when I go to the Tianji Building to look for Ximen Bingning, there may be some benefits.

Everything has to wait to see on the road.

"It's so good."

Qin Shaofeng nodded in satisfaction.

Immediately, he looked at Qi Tomb again.

Qi Tomb also discussed with everyone, and then said: "Our side, let Qi Zhen Qi Huang and I go together."

"Count in Qi Xian."

Qin Shaofeng shook his head and said: "Before I came here, I promised to help Qi Xian get through. It is not a big deal to protect him alone, not to mention that his ability to build formations is not small for us."

Qi Mu slightly opened his mouth.

In the end, nothing could be refuted.

After all, when he was discussing it just now, he had considered Qi Xian's role.

It's just that this mountain is too dangerous.

If the situation like formation is no longer needed, carrying Qi Xian will only consume excessive resources.

But when Qin Shaofeng spoke, he naturally wouldn't have any different opinions.

After discussing the number of climbers, everyone immediately prepared.

The first thing I did was to open the space ring after breaking the illusion, and everyone ate and drank.

When everything is done.

Qin Shaofeng immediately began to take things from the spatial ring.

That is a set of armor.

The armor level is only heavenly, but for most people, it is completely enough.

Although Qi Huanshang's first stroke is not small.

There are only ten sets of heavenly defensive equipment. It is impossible for him to take out all of the equipment. Some of them must be reserved for emergencies.

Everyone was full of joy when they put on equipment.

Yun Tianxing has also put on his defensive equipment.

It was a fake Yao suit.

There is still some gap in level from what Qin Shaofeng wears, but it is already a top defensive equipment.

Everyone is fully prepared.

Qin Shaofeng ordered to start climbing.

Without Long Haoyue and others in need of shelter.

They only gave Qi Xian to the middle position this time.

Lu Yao opened the road ahead, and Qi Zhen and Qi Huang finished in the end.

Qi Mu and Luo Xingjun were responsible for the protection of Qi Xian under Qin Shaofeng's arrangement.

Both he and Yun Tianxing are dressed in Yaoshen clothes, so they are naturally the most casual.

Just walking behind Lu Yao.

Before going to the foot of the mountain.

This lineup looks very good.

Can be Lu Yao climbing for a moment.

Changes are sudden.

It was just that two locust-like insects flew over and unexpectedly caused two pieces of flesh to fall on the face of God Lu Yao who had no defensive equipment between the shadows.

The screams resounded for a moment.

Luo Xingjun immediately controlled him.

But that faint cry also shocked many different existences.

Immediately, those bugs and the like swept towards them.

Just the moment of climbing.

The scenes that appeared made everyone who watched their movements tremble with fright.

The white wolf exclaimed: "The two insects that launched the attack just now have at least the peak speed of the sky and moon."

"Here, so many bugs come together, hiss!"

Xiaoyao spoke subconsciously.

But it seemed to be shocked by his own words, and his whole body was trembling suddenly.

"How can it be, how can it be so strong, and so easily attracted?" Luo Xingjun was even more frightened and weakened.

Had it not been for his confidence in Qin Shaofeng, he would have hurriedly backed away from fear.

"Brother Qin, is this also a kind of illusion formation, do you want me to use the magical illusion formation to try?" Qi Xian asked at the same time.

"Everything here is nothingness."

Qin Shaofeng shook his head, "In other words, we have now entered the nihility realm of a nihility and mighty person."

The shaking of the whole body became more intense.

It turned out to be within the range similar to when the nihility power was used by the nihility.

Their highest cultivation base is only the Heaven and Moon Rank.

Want to break into this terrifying place?

Luo Xingjun seemed to have lost his mind, and shouted: "Lu Yao, go, kill those bugs for me!"

Lu Yao didn't have the slightest ability to be autonomous, so he immediately took out his weapon and rushed up.

He is indeed the peak cultivation base of Tianyue Position.

But in the face of the endless existence of heaven and moon, there is still no chance of winning.

Qin Shaofeng didn't mean to stop him at all.

Watching Lu Yao rush to the insect swarm, he started a life and death fight with the insects, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Facing the bugs and terrain that he had never encountered before, he really needed to take a closer look.

As for Lu Yao's life and death, he really didn't care much.

In other words, those present might not care.

As the battle begins.

Qin Shaofeng soon saw many things that he had never thought of before.

In this big mountain, all the grass that appeared was exactly the same as the prohibition they had seen, and they all existed like blades.

Even if there are some exceptions, they are extremely rare.

But the bushes that could be stepped on by Lu Yao faintly gave Qin Shaofeng a more dangerous feeling.

"Brother Qin, you can't touch all the grass. I just used the Heaven's Secret Technique to see that the weed that Lu Yao just stepped on seems to contain more terrifying power than a blade-like weed." Luo Xingjun The shouts rang at the same time.

Rao Qin Shaofeng already had feelings, but after stopping his words, his face became harder to look.

What kind of existence are there?

Can the level of danger reach such a high level?

Isn't this too scary?

"Okay, let Lu Yao come back, there are still places for him to test later." Qin Shaofeng said after thinking about it.

"Lu Yao, come back!"

Luo Xingjun didn't even think about whether his order was reasonable.

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