Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3981: Nothingness

"What kind of prohibition is this, how can it return to its original position?"

Qin Shaofeng's face was completely black.

Through previous experiments, he has thoroughly figured out that it is not advisable to crack it according to the original prohibition method.

Because those are not the root of the prohibition here.

But he was about to use up the pure heart talisman, and there were not many soul crystals left.

So it seems...

Qin Shaofeng pondered for a long while, a cold color appeared in his eyes.

All beginnings are hard.

No matter how far the resources in his hands can support them, there is no chance to hesitate.

After thinking about it, he took out that piece of mind.

"Xin Jing? It's still a special one?" Yun Tian Xing exclaimed again.

He could indeed think that he had some accustomed to Qin Shaofeng's big hands.

But compared with Luo Xingjun, the gap is still very far away.

Maybe there are some mental differences?

Luo Xingjun wished that Qin Shaofeng could gather all the treasures of the entire Cangming Realm until they were injured, so that he would be more hopeful to take him out.

A mere heart crystal will not cause him to have much mood swings.

He is the second son of the original poster of Tianjilou.

It also has a mind, although it is not specially made, but it doesn't care too much about it.

Qin Shaofeng had already used his heart crystal in Yun Tianxing's exclamation.

The heart crystal, soul crystal, plus the heart-clearing talisman.

He immediately felt that the world before him was changing again.

As if before his eyes, there was already a coincident world.

The two worlds overlap.

Looking at it again with this state, he immediately noticed the difference.

The original three prohibited items are all false.

And the real forbidden thing was suspended in the air ten steps away from him, it was a thin line.

Or it should be the hair or beard of a certain animal.

Has the prohibition on the mountain become such an existence?

When Qin Shaofeng was surprised, he had already used a defensive talisman on himself and rushed out towards the hair.

"Brother Qin, be careful!"

"Master Qin, don't mess around!"

Luo Xingjun and Yun Tianxing exclaimed at the same time.

According to their opinion, even if Qin Shaofeng discovered something, he should let others go and get it.

Although Lu Yao was dead.

But in their team, aren't there still Qi Zhen and Qi Huang?

Although the two should not be used as cannon fodder.

But they all know that when the two choose to follow, they must have been fully prepared.

But Qin Shaofeng personally walked over.

"Boom boom boom!"

Thunder bombarded instantly.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't take care of that much.

The defensive talisman was not like the Yao Shenyi on his body, unable to achieve continuous energy.

After all, the defensive talisman was originally for one-time defense.

The gap in this is not generally large.

After a few steps came between the beard and hair, he stretched out his hand and touched it in the air.

This touch was empty.

"Why not?"

Qin Shaofeng exclaimed in surprise.

Immediately, there was a hint of understanding in his heart.

The prohibition on this mountain is due to the power of nothingness. To take it down, I am afraid that the power of nothingness is needed.

Fortunately, he met Ya'er before, otherwise he would return empty-handed.

Thinking about it, he turned the pink cloud out of the dantian and applied it to his hand.

Not daring to hesitate any more, he hurriedly reached for it.

This time it feels different from before.

He could clearly feel that he seemed to have touched something, but he couldn't get it out anyway.

Why can't I get it?

Between the doubts in his heart, a fierce color flashed in his eyes.

The value of the heart crystal is indeed ten thousand times higher than that of the soul crystal.

But speaking of consumption, the heart crystal in his hand is at least ten times faster than the consumption of the soul crystal.

In other words, he only has half an hour at most.

This is not much different from the limit of the power of the void that he can bear.

The power of the void increases.

He immediately felt as if his body was about to be torn apart.

But at the same time, he also really grabbed that beard in his hand.

The touch is very soft, just like the skin of a baby.

Don't dare to hesitate.

He put that beard into Sky Dragon City the first time.

The restricted environment disappeared as the beard and hair were put away by him.

"My secret technique and the heart crystal can't last long, I'll crack it in front, and you will follow up!" Qin Shaofeng shouted to everyone, and his figure suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Broken, cracked?"

Both Yun Tianxing and Luo Xingjun almost stared out their eyes.

They just saw Qin Shaofeng grabbed a few times in the air, and they broke this terrifying prohibition?

But where did he go now?

Secret technique used?

What secret technique could increase his speed so much?

They don't know.

Qin Shaofeng is obsessed with time now.

There is still an unfamiliar distance from the top of the mountain. If he can't break the formation in the fastest time, he is not sure that he can reach the top of the mountain.

Just after that flashing, he had already gone to the second banned formation.

It is almost casually cracked.

The third seat, the fourth one...

Qin Shaofeng's speed under the combat power of the void realm is simply staggering.

But everyone lags behind.

His speed surpassed the level of sight observation of the Tianyue Position, so that no one knew how much the prohibition in front had reached.

Rao is that Qin Shaofeng's cracking speed is extremely fast, and every search and collection in the forbidden formation also takes about a breath of time.

His forward speed is actually not too fast.

In the blink of an eye, it is two tea time.

When Qin Shaofeng felt a little unsupported under the fastest consumption, he finally disappeared when he looked ahead.

But everything in front of him made his scalp numb.

Because those pieces are like the phantom of the self before he goes to the canyon.

His appearance immediately made hundreds of phantoms look at him.

Under the eyes.

The cultivation base aura on those phantoms actually started to increase sharply.

"Fogweed! It turned out to be the self!"

Qin Shaofeng was frightened and sweated.

He couldn't always hold on to this situation, hurriedly use the power of nothingness, and re-seal the heart crystal that consumed most of it.

In the first time that followed, he had already taken back the cultivation base of the void.

Under the instantaneous change of combat power.

He also clearly saw that the hundreds of phantoms had begun to change because of his changes.

In the blink of an eye, he became exactly the same as his current state, and those who are weak need to be carried on their backs.

Mo said it was fighting a warrior, it seemed that even ordinary people could not be beaten.

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