Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3984: compromise

Yun Tianxing suddenly felt like he wanted to spray blood.

I gave you all the treasures, but I still need my own resistance after encountering danger?

What kind of statement is this?

His face changed faster and faster.

The suffocation in my heart is almost about to blow him up.

"Yun Tianxing, you don't have to be convinced. Think about what you have paid for this journey, and how many treasures did Brother Qin bring out?"

Luo Xingjun shouted loudly: "Let's not talk about the situation of Big Brother Qin for the time being. The number of attacking talisman he used on this road is less than fifty, and there are definitely more defensive talismans."

"If we want to rush through the defensive array completely, we will consume at least a hundred sets of offensive and defensive void array, but what about you?"

Luo Xingjun's eloquence is very good.

He also has a very unique view on conspiracy and tricks.

After this passage, Yun Tianxing's mouth was immediately opened.

He was just thinking that if he handed over the things, the difficulty he wanted to fight for later, but he had forgotten Qin Shaofeng's consumption on the road.

Think about it according to Luo Xingjun's statement, it seems that this is really the case!

The changes in various thoughts in his mind made his face more and more ugly.

After Qin Shaofeng and others have gone through such consumption, it is absolutely impossible for Qin Shaofeng to give up like this.

What can I do?

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't make up his mind.

"Tianxing, you and I are cousins ​​after all, I don't want you to do it with you, but please do it yourself." Qi Mu said again.

Although he is not the heir of Zunxiandian.

But his potential identity is the future ancestor-level figure of the Zun Xiandian, the guardian of the future Zun Xiandian.

His right to speak may be in a sense inferior to the Second Highness, who rarely shows up in front of others, but it is definitely extremely high.

His statement once again made Yun Tianxing unable to help but hesitate.

How should this matter?

Thinking for a long while.

"Okay, I'll give it to you, but if we can find the inheritance, you must not use any excuses to prevent me from gaining the inheritance." Yun Tianxing said with gritted teeth.

"Whether it is your turn to get the inheritance, it's not you who decide."

Luo Xingjun spoke for Qin Shaofeng again, saying: "Who will get the inheritance for us? It has already been ordered. If it's your turn, it doesn't matter if you give you a copy, but if it's not your turn. , You don’t have to think about anything."

With such words, Yun Tianxing immediately vomited blood.

Yun Tianxing had thought of a lot of sayings, but in any case he could not expect that Luo Xingjun would actually say such a thing.

What is a turn?

The inherited things behave as those who are capable, this guy actually wants to follow the law of democratic distribution"?

According to what they are doing now, there is no need to think about the things assigned to them at all!

"Luo Xingjun, do you mean I want to be behind everyone?" Yun Tianxing's face was extremely gloomy.

"I didn't say that."

Luo Xingjun sneered and said: "The arrangement we have made is for Brother Qin to acquire the inheritance first, then Brother Qi Mu, then Brother Qi Xian, and finally me."

"Since you want to choose Huya who walks with us, then you can only gain inheritance behind me."

When he said this, Yun Tianxing was immediately stunned.

Yun Tianxing originally thought that Lord Luo Xing had helped Qin Shaofeng in this way, even if he had not obtained the inheritance after Qin Shaofeng, it should only be behind Qi Tomb.

But he couldn't imagine it anyway.

Lord Luo Xing, who is like a loyal dog of Qin Shaofeng, can only be the last one to gain inheritance.

This is too unexpected, right?

"You turned out to be the last in your team?"

Yun Tianxing didn't want to ask, but he really couldn't contain the shock in his heart: "You are the second son of Tianji Tower. If it weren't because this is the home of Zunxiandian, it seems that Qi Tomb is not qualified to be in front of you, right?"

"This has nothing to do with power."

Luo Xingjun immediately shook his head and said: "If you want to follow us, just listen to the arrangements, and you won't be able to exert any strength along the way, what else do you want?"


Yun Tianxing suddenly felt that he couldn't say anything.

In front of people like him, identity is really very important.

If Qin Shaofeng had said this, he would definitely not just approve it if he didn't directly break out.

But this was spoken by Luo Xingjun, the second son of Tianji Lou, and the meaning was completely different.

"Well, the last in the list is last."

Yun Tianxing felt that his lungs were about to explode.

But did Luo Xingjun say this? Even if he was not reconciled, he could only grit his teeth and admit it.

"In that case, let's move on!"

Qin Shaofeng understood Luo Xingjun's intention to take the initiative to stand up, and nodded in satisfaction.

He said to keep going.

In fact, if you want to move forward, it depends on Qi Xian.

Although Qi Xian didn't stop.

Due to the endless existence of terror, they can only rely on Qi Xian's continuous formation to move forward slowly.

In the blink of an eye, it took three days.

Although Qi Xian's formation speed is very fast.

But the formation requires a lot of spirit and energy and a huge amount of energy and blood.

Even if Qin Shaofeng didn't ask for it,

When he himself feels that he can't fully concentrate, or the energy of qi and blood is exhausted, he will also choose to take a short rest.

After three days of formation, there were only a dozen sets of offense and defense in his hand.

A total of more than a dozen sets.

In fact, only the last three sets of defense remain.

Looking at the end of the distance, there is at least 10,000 meters away, and there are waves of fear in their hearts.

Especially Qin Shaofeng and others, even more so.

They clearly know which phantoms are, and they won't be stagnant because they enter the next level.

It's okay if the front is really a place of inheritance.

If not, they may not be easy to escape.

"What do you think about the front, our formation is only the present. If the front is not a place of inheritance, if we really rush over, then it is not a treasure hunt, but a death." Qin Shaofeng said in a deep voice.

When everyone heard the words, their faces couldn't help becoming a little heavy.

Not long.

Yun Tianxing couldn't help asking, "Isn't it a place of inheritance? Even if it isn't, those phantoms should disappear, right?"

"You think too much."

Luo Xingjun seemed to have liked Dayun Tianxing.

He shook his head and said, "You only came here because of Brother Qin's light, and your understanding of this place is far from enough. Even if those phantoms won't chase us to death, I'm afraid it won't be much worse."

Yun Tianxing was shocked suddenly, and when he looked at the phantom outside the defensive formation, his heart was tight.

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