Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3988: Last scene

A finger that exploded with all strength, immediately killed the phantom.

There is no gap.

The next phantom had already flashed out.

This phantom seemed to have figured out Qin Shaofeng's combat power level, and he even held a long sword.


Qin Shaofeng saw that long sword, and immediately shouted: "Senior Chaos, my current physical condition can't use the long sword to fight."

His shout immediately alarmed other people in the battle.

But everyone just glanced at him, then hurriedly withdrew their gazes and went back to the battle.

The phantom doesn't know how to stop temporarily.

If they really stopped, they could imagine what would happen.

Chaos did not give any answer.

But the long sword in the hands of the phantom that Qin Shaofeng faced had disappeared as soon as his shout fell.

The phantom also did not stop at all.

The moment the long sword in his hand disappeared, he suddenly slapped Qin Shaofeng with a palm.

Compared with the previous two phantoms, this phantom is obviously much more flexible.

Although Qin Shaofeng was unhappy.

But I also know that this is already a lot of support that Chaos can give.

If you are looking for Chaos, maybe other bad things will happen when Chaos is angry.

The ghost is indeed flexible, but he won't even care about it at all.

Not moving like a mountain.

He went straight into a complete defensive position.

After all, the Lord of Chaos is only controlling these ghosts.

He said that the phantom is the id, but in fact it is not.

At least it seemed to Qin Shaofeng that these illusory shadows could not be compared to the case of the true self that he had encountered before.

The phantom can indeed use their abilities.

But it is also limited to the imitation of combat memories obtained from their memories.

Neither wisdom nor combat experience can compare with the true self.

Qin Shaofeng's combat experience.

Especially if only the advantage in speed can be defeated?

Calmly resisting the phantom with only two moves, he has found the flaw of the phantom, suddenly grabbed the hand that the phantom was attacking, and suddenly took the phantom away with a palm.

"It's another one."

Luo Xingjun was already so excited.

Qi Zhen and Qi Huang kept twitching their mouths.

It was obviously stimulated by Qin Shaofeng's fighting style.

But the fighting over there did not stop.

Quite the opposite.

On the contrary, the battle continued to heat up.

In the blink of an eye it is tea time.

Qi Mu and Qi Xian brothers beheaded their opponents one after another.

The two looked at Qin Shaofeng and Yun Tianxing who were fighting one after another, and then re-entered the battle.

In a blink of an eye, another half hour passed.

Qi Mu has defeated three opponents.

Qi Xian was obviously about to defeat his third opponent.

Yun Tianxing, who had been fighting for more than half an hour, finally solved his opponent.

At the end of a moment, he sat down on the ground.

"Senior Chaos, I don't know if I can rest for a while? I'm almost exhausted." Yun Tianxing had always focused his attention on the battle before.

But also heard Qin Shaofeng's shouts.

He then saw that he didn't hear the sound of the weapon colliding, and naturally thought that Chaos would agree to some of their requests that were not too unreasonable.

"Tea time."

Chaos did not disappoint him.

Yun Tianxing immediately took out the pill and began to recover.

The opponent to face is too strong, and the strength must be restored as soon as possible.

This is what he is thinking now.

But he didn't know that the three people in the defensive formation almost broke their belly with laughter.

People Qin Shaofeng can't wait to make the combat power lower.

This guy is fine.

He was actually afraid that the phantom's strength was not strong enough, and he was still actively asking to help the phantom improve his combat power. He was really a talent!

A quarter of an hour is not very long.

The first time he was sober from entering concentration, he saw the scene where Qin Shaofeng shot the phantom with a palm.

"It took a long time to kill a phantom. If it doesn't seem to be unexpected, the first one will belong to me." Yun Tianxing sneered in his heart.

But without waiting for him to think about it, his opponent has appeared.

As a result, he didn't notice that Qin Shaofeng didn't have the next opponent appearing at intervals.

Yun Tianxing's second battle lasted longer.

A full hour and a half.

When he asked to rest again, he looked towards Qin Shaofeng and the three of them.

Looking at the same three panting men, they couldn't help but wonder.

Their strength seems to be weakened?

Why are their opponents as weak as them?

Yun Tianxing's heart was full of doubts.

But he knew very well that he didn't have time to think so much now, and he quickly recovered.

His self-talking voice was not at all hidden.

Into the defense array at all.

The three Luo Tianxing couldn't hold on anyway.

They all burst into laughter.

The laughter once again caused Yun Tianxing to look back.

But how could the three people who had seen them unhappy a long time remind him that Qin Shaofeng, who seemed to be about the same as ordinary people, had already killed 97 phantoms?

This was already the 98th phantom that Qin Shaofeng had to face.

Going further back, there was only the last phantom left.

Even Qi Mu and Qi Xian, who seem to be fighting hard, have killed more than thirty ghosts.

But it is not Qi Mu that makes people feel the surprise.

It's Qi Xian.

Qi Xian's original combat experience is simply the weak scum among the weak scum.

But after this period of battle, it seemed to degenerate him.

The continuous increase in combat experience makes his opponents seriously underestimated and often loses in unexpected situations.

On the contrary, after these two hours of fighting, he has already won 38 games, which is more than one third.

And Qi Tomb has just reached one-third.

This is the 33rd scene of Qi Tomb.

If he can't defeat his enemies, I'm afraid he won't even be able to pass one third.

Under such a gap.

Yun Tianxing even dared to say something to satirize others. It was really a great irony!

After tea time.

When Yun Tianxing stood up again.

The King of Chaos was not in the mood to arrange enemies directly for him, but stared at Qin Shaofeng with scorching eyes.

The ethereal voice sounded again.

"Little guy, I know that you have a pill that can restore your physical condition. Take it as soon as possible, otherwise you will not be able to pass the next game." The King of Chaos.


Qin Shaofeng's eyelids twitched slightly.

He was certain that the King of Chaos could never be aimless.

And what follows is his last battle.

The Lord of Chaos wants him to truly defeat the self once, but there is nothing surprising.

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