Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3992: Tear face

"Qualification for inheritance..."

Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry to leave the world of consciousness.

Instead, he looked at the entire sea of ​​knowledge.

What he is most anxious for now is to know his current situation.

The entire world of Consciousness Sea has become a void.

Although no one from the Void World has appeared, it has already embodied the real travel.

I believe that as long as his cultivation reaches a certain level, it will truly help the Void Realm continue to exist.

Following his little observation, he finally saw the existence of Sky Dragon City from this endless void.

Sky Dragon City is no longer materialized as before.

It is like becoming nothingness.

When Qin Shaofeng observed this place, he suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling.

As if everything here is illusory.

As for the Sky Dragon City in the illusory world, it is a more illusory existence.

And when he saw the prohibited materials that he had placed in the Sky Dragon City, the method of use appeared in his mind.

Although the method of use is very simple, it is also extremely detailed.

He could feel it faintly.

If these methods can be used to construct the prohibition, the power of the prohibition can definitely be increased tenfold and one hundredfold.

More importantly, what he can comprehend is only the most obvious.

He believes very much that the development of a ban is absolutely terrifying.

If it can be used well, it is definitely more terrifying than Fulu.

There was ecstasy in my heart.

He finally began to ponder his own situation.

The same situation occurs.

He just thought.

The memories from the inheritance suddenly came to mind.

Even if he has never touched this one.

But he believes that with such a detailed inheritance, it is definitely not too difficult for him to merge the chaos inheritance with the Taixu Dafa he has cultivated.

Until I thought about it for a long time.

After he felt that he had understood everything, he finally left the world of consciousness.

I don't know how long has passed outside.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Qi Mu, Qi Xian and Luo Xingjun surrounding him.

Qi Zhen and Qi Huang were in front.

They were all guarding Yun Tianxing in Yunxian Temple.

No one needs to explain, he can also understand what happened from the situation on the court at a glance.

His eyes flashed gloomy involuntarily.

"Bring me back!"

Qin Shaofeng let out a low drink, and immediately made everyone look towards him.

"Brother Qin, you finally woke up." Qi Xian called out first.

A touch of relaxation appeared in the eyes of Qi Mu and Luo Xingjun.

He then said in a deep voice: "You have been in a coma for seven days, and the time for the closure of the ruins is not much, and Senior Chaos has disappeared for ten days. Cousin Yun is a little impatient and wants to get you. wake."

Qi Xian obviously still cared about family affection.

When he said this, he obviously covered up a lot.

This can be seen only from his evasive gaze.

"That's it."

Qin Shaofeng nodded lightly and said, "I have been manipulated in the sea of ​​knowledge, and I was discovered by Senior Chaos before. This is what happened to Senior Chaos in order to help me remove hidden dangers."

"What about Senior Chaos?" Yun Tianxing asked eagerly.

"The projection of Senior Chaos has completely disappeared."

Qin Shaofeng didn't have the slightest attitude towards Yun Tianxing.

This guy is just self-righteous, even more so.

Rao has Qi Xian's explanation.

He could also clearly see that, if it weren't for Qi Xian and others to stop him, I am afraid that Yun Tianxing would have to do more than just wake up himself.

"Then what should we do with our assessment?" Yun Tianxing glared at him.

"Of course it was cancelled."

Qin Shaofeng sneered and said, "You have just killed two projections for a few hours, so it's better not to be overpowered."

"what did you say?!"

Yun Tianxing suddenly violent and shouted angrily: "Qin Shaofeng, don't think that you are valued by Senior Chaos and give you special treatment. You can say such things. Didn't you just kill two phantoms?"

Qin Shaofeng was taken aback for a moment.

It stands to reason that ten days have passed, shouldn't Yun Tianxing still be like a fool?

He looked at Qi Xian subconsciously.

Qi Xian is still lowering his head because he lied just now.

Luo Xingjun took the initiative to say: "The kid surnamed Yun was not at ease from the beginning, and even thought about robbing your inheritance. If it weren't for the powerful aura created by the predecessor of Chaos, he might not make it. What is it!"

The cold light in Qin Shaofeng's eyes suddenly surged.

It seems that I was too kind before.

Yun Tianxing relied on him all the way to get here, not to mention, first he was vying for the inheritance quota, and then he even dared to stop his inheritance.

"And after you were in a coma, he just thought about how to deal with you, he didn't even ask us what happened before." Luo Xingjun said.

Luo Xingjun seemed to be forcing Yun Tianxing to ask.

as expected.

Yun Tianxing's curiosity was immediately attracted by his words: "What happened before? Do you still want to tell me that this kid has passed 99 levels?"


Luo Xingjun gave him a vicious look and said coldly: "Do you think anyone is as trash as you?"

"Since you have asked now, then I will tell you."

"Except that I didn't try to break through, only you are the best, and it took a long time to break through two levels."

"Don't say that Brother Qin has passed 99 levels, even Qi Xian has passed nearly forty levels. What qualifications do you have to compete with us?"

"Impossible, Lord Luo Xing, don't think that you can fool me with this. Although Qi Xian has changed a lot during this period, he is still a waste in combat. Why did he pass the forty levels?" Yun Tianxing roared out loud.

On weekdays, he seems to deal with everyone very well.

But as the second son of Yunxian Palace, how could he really calculate based on what appeared on the surface?

Hearing Luo Xingjun's ironic words at first, he suddenly burst out.

When the words were spoken, he suddenly realized that he was wrong.

Others may not know what Qi Xian is in the Zun Xiandian, but he knows it better.

As the youngest son of Qi Huaanshang, the lord of the Zunxian Palace.

He was indeed scolded as trash by outsiders secretly.

But he has an unimaginable favor.

Not only Qi Huaanshang and Qi Mu dove on him.

Even if it was because of identity issues, His Royal Highness, who had a slight contradiction with Qi Tomb, was not good at spoiling this unworthy third brother.

When he said this in public, it was tantamount to lifting the fig leaf of the Zunxian Temple directly.

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