Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3996: Qi Yao

In the blink of an eye it was seven days.

After these days of precipitation, Qin Shaofeng has been able to initially use the nihilism of his life.

Even under the fusion of his own name skills and Tianxu Gong.

He truly felt his own power in fleeing.

It seems that under his double nihility, it is not easy for even a strong man in the nihility to kill him.

"It seems that after taking Bing Ning back, we must pass on the relatively best to her as soon as possible." Qin Shaofeng thought silently in his heart.

Once again straighten what I have learned.

He finally said: "Come here, prepare the best pen, ink, paper and inkstone for me, and at the same time invite Palace Master Qi Huaanshang to come over."

After he fully realized the emptiness of his life, he was able to initially feel the changes in the outside world.

It's not a spiritual probe.

But it seems to be a more weird kind of exploration than the divine sense exploration.

It was as if he could feel another level of space after using the void of his life.

Everything in the double space, don't think about escaping his detection.

What's more, the exploration of the emptiness of one's life consumes mental power, and the consumption is extremely terrifying.

Even if his mental power is good.

After the Chaos phantom helped him open up the sea of ​​spirit, his mental power was at least comparable to the celestial powerhouse.

It's not impossible to even pass it.

It happened to be such a spiritual level, and at best it could only support him to use the void of his life to explore the tea time.

If you want to escape into nothingness, consumption is even more terrifying.

When he was still thinking, the door had already been pushed open.

It's not just Qi Huanshang who walked in.

Qi Tomb, Qi Xian, and Luo Xingjun are all among them.

In addition to the three of them, there was also a young man who was seven-point like Qi Mu and Qi Xian.

Young people are only in their twenties at most.

But even if he was wearing a plain blue shirt, it was difficult to conceal his noble upper class aura.

As if the Lord of the Immortal Palace, the soldier shouldn't be Qi Huanshang, but he is right.

"Qin Shaofeng has seen Palace Master Qi."

Qin Shaofeng hurriedly held his fists to meet him.

"Don't be polite."

Qi Huanshang hurriedly took a few steps forward, personally helped Qin Shaofeng up, and asked with a smile: "I just heard the guard say that you want me to come over, but straighten out the thoughts of inheritance?"

"It's almost the same."

Qin Shaofeng nodded.

Upon hearing the words, Qi Huanshang personally took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone from the space ring.

This set is not ordinary.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what the pen and ink were.

But that roll of paper was made like the skin of some kind of star beast, giving him a faint feeling of indestructibility.

"This is?" Qin Shaofeng asked subconsciously.

"The blood of the sky star beast is ink, the roots of the tree of heaven are pens, and the dragon skin is paper. Even if it is something you can't describe in words, you only need to run that ability to draw a line on the dragon skin paper at will, it is enough for me to wait. Feeling." Qi Huanshang said.

Qin Shaofeng gasped immediately after hearing this.

For the inheritance of the King of Chaos, Qi Huanshang really spared no effort!

He sighed deeply.

Looking at the three things that were so expensive in front of me, I couldn't help but go through everything in my mind again.

After confirming that there was no problem at all, he finally picked up the pen made by the roots of the heavenly tree.

He started to write on the dragon skin paper after being stained with the blood of the Sky Star Beast.

He is the one who repays the grace of dripping water.

Qi Huanshang did not ask for such a great help, which allowed him to obtain the inheritance of the Chaos King.

Now, without questioning, he directly took out these divine objects for him to use.

He will naturally not keep anything.

The writing speed is extremely fast.

But what he was really writing was only his perception of the emptiness of his life.

Whenever he wrote a paragraph.

Will quietly break down the most inferior inheritance, merge it into the pen in his hand, and scribble a line on the dragon skin paper.

Scratches are extremely random.

But it was this random scratch that he really left to Zun Xiandian.

The first scratch appears.

Looking at his fierce handwriting, it seemed as if he was cutting up with a knife.

Everyone was shocked severely.

Fortunately, this is the paper made by Dragon Skin. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will break with it, right?

Although Qi Mu Qi Xian and others are not close, they can still see what Qin Shaofeng wrote, and they are full of doubts.

But they also know that now is not the time to inquire.

Qi Huanshang's eyes are not like two sons.

He could already feel something faintly.

"This little guy is good, very good!"

A sound transmission suddenly entered his ears, interrupting Qi Huanshang's thinking.

"Qi Yao, did you see what he was doing?" Qi Huanshang also transmitted voice.

"What he wrote is just his direction of perception. If you only read the text, I am afraid you will get nothing."

"But every time he draws that one, it is the inheritance that is really left. I can feel that the inheritance mark left in that one may not disappear even if it lasts for thousands of years."

The young man spoke through a voice.

These words immediately made Qi Huanshang's eyes widened.

"How could he leave the inheritance mark so deep?" Qi Huan was shocked.

"That's why I said this kid is very good."

The young man Qi Yao looked at Qin Shaofeng, and became more satisfied with it. He smiled and said with a voice transmission: "It seems that we must quickly prepare some supplements for him when we go back. He really spared no effort to repay you for what I gave him."

"Although I can't see his inheritance, I can still imagine that if you draw those traces, the damage to him will never be small."

Qi Huanshang nodded in agreement: "Leave this to me, I will take out the Heavenly Star Yulian."

"It's not enough just Tianxing Yulian."

Qi Yao shook his head and said, "Go and take out the spiritual tea you prepared for me! The inheritance of chaos emphasizes soul power, and the most serious damage to him will only be the soul."

"Mind tea? How can that be!"

Qi Huanshang's face changed drastically, and Shen Sheng said in a deep voice, "That is what those ancestors obtained from the heavens, but how can they be given to outsiders to help you return to the dominance of the necessary items?"

"With this inheritance, you still need to worry that I won't be able to regain control?"

Qi Yao laughed: "If I'm not sure about the role of Chaos Inheritance, how can I let you take out the Tianying Pill? Now that I have the opportunity to return to the top, what do I need to do with spiritual tea?"

"Moreover, a junior can repay the grace of dripping water, do you want me to be an ungrateful person?" Qi Yao said angrily.

Qi Huanshang suddenly closed her mouth.

I couldn't say a word for a long time.

He was silent for a long time.

It wasn't until three hours later that Qin Shaofeng completely finished the inheritance, and when he sat down on the ground, sweating, he could not think clearly.

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