Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4006: The lion has a big mouth

"There is such a thing?!"

Another old Huang Jiasu shouted out in shock.

The elders present are all human beings.

Hearing the words of the old man from Huang's family, everyone cast a surprised look, as if they were all shocked by Qin Shaofeng's words.

Such gaze made it seem to those who didn't know it, it seemed that the Huang family really didn't know it.

But who is Qin Shaofeng?

Don't say what they did before.

Even if they really came in halfway, these people would never fool his eyes.

Qin Shaofeng's mouth suddenly twitched, and his voice said sharply: "You don't need to pretend to be in front of me anymore, do you know that you know it better in your heart?"

The shocked look on everyone's faces suddenly disappeared.

All of them stared at him scorchingly, waiting for his follow-up.

"What you're doing inside the Tianji Building has nothing to do with me, but since you pulled me in, you need to send me out. Let's just give up about the Huanglu family and the ten heart crystals of the family!" Qin Shaofeng said directly. The lion opened his mouth.

His identity has been established.

Now that we encounter such a thing again, it is rare not to take the opportunity to blackmail.

The faces of the elders of the Huang family changed sharply.

The old man from whom the Lu family just made peace, couldn't help but shouted, "This little friend, this matter has nothing to do with our Lu family!"

"My words are already here. Whether you choose to send me away is up to you."

Qin Shaofeng didn't talk nonsense with them at all.

Throwing down these words at will, he said to Lord Luo Xing: "Ms. Xing, you are the host in Tianji City, and you have to bring me the best food and wine in Tianji City."

"No, no problem..."

Luo Xingjun still couldn't get out of the shock.

Qin Shaofeng is really a disciple of Endless Mountain!

This this this...

It seems that my father is a generation shorter than him!

How can I call him brother for so long?

God! O earth! You can be regarded as an eye-opener!

Fortunately, you did not make me confused for a while, otherwise I would really suffer if I miss such a big thick leg!

Luo Xingjun came from a family, how could he not see what happened in their family?

The arrival of Qin Shaofeng can be said to have brought them great hope.

Qin Shaofeng just took a few steps forward, but stopped again, raised his head to look at a few people in the air, and said: "Forgot to say, Luo Xingjun is a kid I like very much. I don't care what you want to do, he, can't move."

After saying this, he walked towards the distance with a grin.

Luo Xingjun followed him a long way.

Only then finally woke up from the shock and exclaimed: "Qin, Brother Qin...no! Senior Qin, you, are you really a disciple of the endless mountain? The master of the mountain now?"

"Other people call me senior, I will really respond, but since you have my approval, you don't need to be so restrained in front of me."

Qin Shaofeng patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "What identity I am has nothing to do with the friendship between us."

"Okay, that's a good point, but it's a pity that you shouldn't have come."

The moment his voice ended, Luo Tianji's voice came out of the void not far away.

I saw Luo Tianji step forward.

They were enveloped by the power of the void.

Between one flash.

They have entered a narrow room.

The room is only about ten square meters, and there is no gorgeous decoration on the walls, and it even looks like a temporary earthen house.

There is no door to the earthen house.

Even in the entire room, you can only see the candles lit in the corner of the edge.

With the faint light of the candle.

Qin Shaofeng could see that there was not even a stool in the entire room, and the only place to sit was a bed that occupies most of the room.

There is a young man with a dark complexion lying on the bed today.

"Big Brother?!"

Luo Xingjun suddenly exclaimed.

Qin Shaofeng discovered that the pitch-black face really seemed a little bit like Lord Luo Xing.

It's a pity that this room is too dark, and the man's face is blue and black, making him unable to see clearly.

"The original host just said that I couldn't understand it."

Qin Shaofeng looked at him and smiled indifferently: "Even if those two families have to deal with you, can they still attack me when the secret banquet is about to begin?"

"They can even assassinate Heavenly Sage Ancestor, why don't they dare to move you?"

Luo Tianji said with a gloomy face, "To tell you the truth, the Tianji City now seems calm, but in fact it is already a huge gunpowder barrel, and when the Tianji Banquet begins, it will completely ignite this gunpowder barrel."


Qin Shaofeng's mouth suddenly grew.

Luo Tianji sighed and said, "You think I have been in control of the Tianji Tower for hundreds of years, and the two big families didn't dare to move. Why do you suddenly act at this time? Even my only heir is dead in their hands? ?"

Qin Shaofeng just looked at him silently, but the expression in his eyes had become gloomy.

How could he not think of it?

But he still wanted to hear what Luo Tianji said, trying to wait for a different answer.

"The Huang family and the Lu family are not fake in seeing the disciples of the ancestors, but the members of the family are more of a cover."

Luo Tianji's body was trembling slightly: "I dare to say that even if that girl lay down on their bed, those elder brothers would absolutely not dare to run into it, or even look at it."

"Why is that?" Luo Xingjun asked.

"Because the person who really fell in love with that girl was the Cangming Palace, the son of Cangming Great Emperor, and the Shaotian Emperor of the entire Cangming Realm." Luo Tianji said.

"The Emperor Shaotian knew that the ancestors of Heavenly Sage couldn't let people go, so it was naturally impossible to do this in the face, but he sent three powerful experts in the void."

"Moreover, the two big families have long had a lot of power, but they were afraid of my father's questioning ancestors, so they didn't dare to act."

"But with the support of Emperor Shaotian, where can they be afraid of anything?"

"The ancestor of Heavenly Sage ignores the world, but his heart is always upstairs."

"They took advantage of our unawareness and quietly stole the two sacred objects in my building, severely inflicted on the ancestors of Heavenly Sage and blamed me."

"Unfortunately, I can always feel the threats around me, so I don’t dare to approach the residence of the Heavenly Sage Ancestor at all. Otherwise, it’s not the news that I killed the Heavenly Sage Ancestor. News will come out."

This incident seemed to be held in Luo Tianji's heart for too long.

When he said this, he felt a lot more relaxed, the long-term support seemed to disappear quietly, and his body shook suddenly.

It's still Luo Xingjun's eyesight and quick hands, otherwise he might fall to the ground.

"Then what is the ancestor of Wentian doing, why are you ignoring this matter?" Qin Shaofeng still asked curiously.

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