Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4008: Credible?

How much is it, actually need a space ring to dress up?

Qin Shaofeng took it subconsciously.

But when he opened the space ring to check, he was taken aback.

There are even hundreds of heart crystals in it, the number of soul crystals is more than 30,000, and there are even a few classics that look unusual.

There is no need for Luo Tianji to say more, he can also see that Luo Tianji is trying to protect the gu.

Luo Tianji actually entrusted the future of Tianji Tower to this young man.

He also understands.

The situation of Tianji Building has long made Luo Tianji no hope.

It was only after he displayed the endless seal that Luo Tianji made this determination.

"Then thank you the host."

A very unhappy expression appeared on Qin Shaofeng's face.

But he didn't say much.

"Then I will take Xingjun back first, after all, I still have some things to tell him." Luo Tianji continued.

Immediately, he took Luo Xingjun and hurried away.

"Enter the house!"

A voice suddenly appeared in Qin Shaofeng's ears.

Qin Shaofeng did not act directly.

Instead, he took out a few sky crystals from the space ring and threw them in Luo San's hidden direction, saying: "Go and get me some of the best wine and food in Tianji City. I want to taste the deliciousness of Tianji City tonight."

"My son, this doesn't seem very good, right?"

Luo San's figure emerged and said: "Today's Tianji City obviously feels like a storm. If you have any accident after I leave, how can I explain to my ancestors?"

He is also a person who has lived for more than a thousand years.

When Luo Tianji took Qin Shaofeng and two of them to leave before, he was hiding in the dark, and he naturally heard Luo Tianji's words.

He still knew exactly what to say and what not to say now.

"It's not that they don't know what I am here, who dare to touch us?" Qin Shaofeng waved his hand impatiently.

He didn't know whether there was someone from a certain power lurking around.

But in such a dangerous situation, he still knows exactly how careful he should be.


Luo San had no choice but to buy food immediately.

Qin Shaofeng strode into the room just now.

The moment the door was closed, everything in front of him became illusory.

Immediately, he once again came to Infinite.

The four senior brothers and sisters were all staring at him.

Even the Xuanwu hidden on his wrists rarely appeared in front of him.

"You have all heard what Luo Tianji said just now. I don't know what senior brothers and sisters think?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"Let the old five say it, it's him who is anxious to teach you to come in." Third Senior Sister Infinite Red Moon said.

Qin Shaofeng's gaze immediately turned towards Senior Brother Wu Endless.

Endless Shang did not directly speak.

He pondered for a long time and he said, "Little Junior Brother, what Luo Tianji said you don't know what you believe in."

"How much do you believe?"

Qin Shaofeng looked at him in surprise, with a look of puzzlement in his eyes.

Isn't it true that Luo Tianji's words are full of loopholes in the opinion of this fifth senior?

"It should be 50% credible, right?"

Senior Brother Seven suddenly spoke, but he didn't seem to be answering for Qin Shaofeng: "If I heard correctly, the current situation in Tianji Building should not be too different from what he said."

As soon as the voice fell, he felt like he had said something wrong.

It's not just that endless sorrow cast a strange look at him.

Even the Third Senior Sister Endless Red Moon and the Eighth Junior Brother Endless Nether cast a weird look at him.

The expressions of the two men can explain many things.

Even Xuanwu had a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Senior Brother Five feels, how reliable are Luo Tianji's words?" Qin Shaofeng did not answer, but asked instead.

"No one in Chengdu."

The answer given by Endless Shang almost made Qin Shaofeng bleed.

After all, before that, Qin Shaofeng felt that Luo Tianji's words were at least 60 to 70% credible.

It was only because Senior Brother Seven spoke incessantly that he didn't say anything.

But he couldn't expect that Senior Brother Five would actually give such an answer.

"Seventh Junior Brother, Little Junior Brother, you have all overlooked one thing, and calculate the secret." Wu Endless Shang said.

Qin Shaofeng and Wu Jian both trembled after hearing this.

They really ignored this point.

Even if Qin Shaofeng had thought about it, Luo Tianji was the world's biggest intelligence leader, but he ignored the heavenly secret technique.

After all, even Luo Xingjun can calculate that the Tianji Tower will undergo a huge change.

Even at least three adults have fallen.

How could Luo Tianji and others who have cultivated the Heaven's Secret Technique to an extremely high level fail to calculate it?

If this is the case, it might not be impossible for them to perform such a play in secret?

"In the next few days, they may really test you, but we can't make a move at this time. Everything depends on you." Wu Endless Shang said.

Qin Shaofeng nodded clearly.

Regardless of whether Brother Five's endless sorrow's guess will come true, he must be careful enough.

"But you don't need to worry too much."

Endless Red Moon suddenly smiled and said: "The support we left behind is enough for you to protect yourself in times of crisis. Under normal circumstances, there will not be too much trouble."

Qin Shaofeng nodded gently.

But his mood is not getting better at all.

Even if he has countless experiences.

When faced with such a heaven-defying existence that can measure the secrets of heaven, I still feel at a loss.

Is there no way to crack it?

After thinking for a moment, his eyes suddenly flashed.

Since normal methods can't solve this situation that has been calculated by people, why doesn't he use heavenly secret technique against heavenly secret technique?

Thinking of this, he immediately opened the storage ring given by Luo Tianji.

Several classics suddenly entered his hands.

There are only three kinds of classics.

But they are all the treasures of Tianji Tower.

A secret technique.

The second is the sword of heaven.

The last type is the palm of heaven.

The three martial arts are the strongest martial arts in Tianji Tower.

Even some of the upper floors of the Tianji Tower, even the old patrons, can only practice part of it.

No matter what the reason for Luo Tianji, since he gave these three classics to him, it is obviously impossible to think that he has the ability to successfully cultivate these three classics in a very short time.

When he thought of this, his eyes flickered with the starting point.

"Little Junior Brother, these martial arts are probably not of much use to your current situation." Infinite Red Moon saw his thoughts.

"The Heavenly Mystery Sword and the Heavenly Mystery Palm have really little effect to me, but the Heavenly Mystery Technique is different."

The corners of Qin Shaofeng's mouth were drawn lightly: "When I was in the land of the shining star, I had practiced the techniques in front of the heavenly secret technique, but I was worried that there were no techniques in the back."

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