Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4013: See you

Soon after the assassination occurred.

A sensational news spread across the entire Tianji City.

The bodies of the three top experts in the void realm belonging to the Huang family and the Lu family, and the bodies of the three experts in the void realm, were thrown in front of the Tianji Building.

Since the establishment of Tianji City, this is the first time such a thing has happened.

Arrogant, it's too arrogant!

While many people in Tianji Building were angry, they were also full of doubts.

Who on earth can have such courage to provoke Tianjilou like this at the same time?

It seems that such a move is extremely unwise?

And how did those six mighty men die?

Who unknowingly killed the six powerful people in the Tianji Tower, and still quietly carried their bodies outside the Tianji Tower?

The more everyone thinks about it, the more incredible it feels.

This kind of thing really shouldn't happen.

Not to mention, as today's machine feast is about to start.

Today's Heavenly Mystery City is truly a gathering of geniuses, not to mention the pinnacle power of all aspects of mankind. It is said that even the young masters of the Dragon Clan and several powerful men from the Phoenix Clan came to cheer in person.

Under such a situation, the Tianji Building today can be said to be the most focused place today.

How dare someone make trouble at this time?

There are indeed many people who guess.

But there are more people watching, what kind of means will the Tianji Building use to deal with those who start it.

But it's a pity.

After several days, there was no news.

It seemed that someone just threw a few wax figures over that day.

It's not worth mentioning at all.

This change makes everyone surprised.

When did Tianji Tower become so perplexed?

There are indeed many people anxious to watch the excitement.

But there are also some people who think more, and they have begun to feel a sense of rain and wind.

Time is passed slowly in this kind of wait and see.

Five days, ten days.

Since that battle, Qin Shaofeng had completely calmed down.

After all, in front of everyone, he showed the endless seal that can only be possessed by the first-generation disciples of the endless mountain.

It was in the downtown area at the time.

For the first assassination ten days ago, I believe that the six mighty ones could transmit part of the news back, but those high-ranking ones could not do anything about it.

After all, in his capacity, he could only be assassinated once.

They are very convinced.

After that time, Qin Shaofeng will at least send the news back to the endless mountain.

If they dare to do anything, they will completely offend the endless mountain, no matter whether the assassination is successful or not, it will be completely different from the previous one.

During this period of time, Qin Shaofeng's purity was not even a little bit.

Originally thought that Lord Luo Xing, who should have come to visit many times after such an incident, had only come with Luo Tianji once.

According to Luo Tianji's statement, they only found a little opportunity.

Whether they said it was true or false, Qin Shaofeng didn't care too much.

The sentiment for ten days.

He was finally able to determine that he could truly control the abilities of various martial arts after being changed by the Seven Colors Inheritance.

This is the real exit.

As soon as he got out of bed, Luo San's figure had already flashed out of nothingness, and asked: "Master, have you finished your cultivation?"

"It's almost there now."

Qin Shaofeng nodded lightly and said, "Has there been any change in Tianji City during this time?"

"It seems that several people from different forces have come over, and nothing else has changed." After Luo San finished speaking, he passed a page of paper with various information on it.

Daxitian, the three disciples of Xitian.

The second son of Emperor Beitian.

The eldest grandson of the Lord of the Void Hall.

The seven powerful men in Cangming Palace.

The information Luo San gave out was not too detailed, but many of them could still be seen at a glance.

But when Qin Shaofeng saw the last line, his mouth suddenly grew.

"The chief disciple of Hongwu Hall of Bodhidharma Academy?"

Qin Shaofeng screamed out.

The appearance of this name almost stunned Qin Shaofeng.

The time he came to Cangming Realm was not too short, so he naturally knew what kind of existence the Bodhidharma Academy was like.

To put it in the most understandable terms, it is the Shaolin Temple that is self-restricted.

Dharma Academy has never happened before!

"My son, there seems to be a big problem with this Tianji banquet. According to the news I heard from the outside world, at the ceremony where the host Luo Tianji became the host, the lineup was only the same as this time. The only difference was that it was the elders at that time. , This time it's just a junior." Luo San said in a deep voice.

"This time things are really weird."

Qin Shaofeng nodded with deep conviction, and said, "It seems that what happened to the ancestor of the Heavenly Sage is indeed far beyond our expectations!"

He took a deep breath.

Immediately, he asked: "Can you find out the residence of Tiansheng Patriarch?"

"It's only a few thousand meters away from our side, but when I went to explore there, I felt that there seemed to be full of danger but I couldn't find out the specific situation." Luo San said.

"Today's Heavenly Mystery City was originally a powder keg, but over there is the fuse of this incident, and it should be full of danger."

Qin Shaofeng nodded and said, "It may be dangerous for others to go there, but I don't need to worry so much."

As he spoke, he walked out towards the front.

"Go, take me to meet the ancestor of Heavenly Sage."

When his voice came out, Luo San immediately followed.

In the past ten days, Luo San has already explored the situation in the entire Tianji City.

Under his guidance, in a short period of time, Qin Shaofeng was able to see a residence very similar to his.

He didn't even mean to knock on the door at all, so he reached out and pushed towards the door.


A low voice suddenly sounded.

I saw a figure in grey clothes, I don’t know when to appear in front of him,

The man's left hand was slightly raised, just in front of his hand that was about to push the door.

"Why should I stop?"

Qin Shaofeng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, smiled coldly, and said, "I came here originally to visit the ancestor of Heavenly Sage. If I stop here, what would it look like?"

"The ancestor is now preparing for the secret banquet, and there is no time to meet the idlers and others." The man said coldly.

He had already used this excuse, he didn't know how many people who wanted to see the ancestor of Heavenly Sage were blocked.

It's a pity that among the people he had blocked, there was never a person named Qin Shaofeng.

Upon hearing this, Qin Shaofeng's mouth immediately sketched a sly smile.

"What did you just say? People waiting?"

Qin Shaofeng heard a cold laugh, and asked: "Let's talk about it! Which family are you from?"

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