Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 402: Who kills who?

Aura of 50 million points!

In other words, if Qin Shaofeng didn't use his Dantian Yundan, he would not be able to read Tang Qijian with the moon.

Even if he successfully performed the monthly reading, once Tang Qijian resisted, it was very likely that he would break free from the monthly reading space in a very short time.

This allowed Qin Shaofeng to finally see the power of Jianxin, the strongest spirit root of kendo.

But compared with Tang Qijian, Du Meng was far behind.

one million!

That's right, in the face of Du Meng, this fierce boy, Qin Shaofeng was able to smoothly pull Du Meng's mental power into the moon reading space after only displaying the monthly reading.

Not once failed, every time it went smoothly.

After Qin Shaofengyue read it, Du Meng was just a mass of soft clay, still being kneaded by Qin Shaofeng.

But what made Qin Shaofeng speechless was Du Meng's super resilience.

This resilience is not only physical recovery, but also mental recovery speed. No legendary realm master, or even a master of Yuandan realm, can catch up with Du Meng.

This was the time when Du Meng's mental power was hit hard in the Moon Reading Space, but after the next moment, Du Meng did not take long to fully recover.

And every time he recovers, Du Meng's mental power can be improved somewhat.

However, on the one hand, mental power is always Du Meng's weakness.

Fortunately, a legendary realm like Qin Shaofeng attacked with mental power, even in the Origin Continent, it was rare.

Most people are only in the Great Yuan Dan realm to fully condense their spiritual consciousness, and after reaching the Three Yuan realm, they can barely use their spiritual knowledge to carry out mental attacks.

If such a master appeared, it would be the same whether Du Meng had this weakness.

After all, the powerhouse of the Trinity Realm, with Du Meng's current strength, even if he does not have the weakness of mental fragility, he will probably be killed by a spike.

The levels are too different.

However, if Du Meng and Tang Qijian cooperate, both of them can complement each other's shortcomings.

In this way, the two can rely on each other to grow to the point where their weaknesses are eliminated.

Compared with the two, the current Tiger Lord seemed to be somewhat inferior to them.

Because during the entrance examination period, the Yuan Dan realm cannot appear, even if it is one's own war beast, once it reaches the Yuan Dan realm, it cannot be summoned.

Therefore, the realm of Lord Tiger at the moment is still ten legendary.

However, at this moment, the Tiger Lord, like Du Meng and Tang Qijian, could be promoted to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm at any time.

Battle Beast: Tiger Roaring Lion

Level: Legendary Top Ten

Aura value: 30 million / 30 million

Talented spirit root: Wind and thunder mutant spirit root

Talent Skill: Tiger Roar


Although the spiritual energy value has reached 30 million, the strength of Lord Tiger is at most comparable to that of Luo Tian. Once the fight is started, it is not certain who will win.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng had already considered letting Tiger Master merge with super demon chess pieces.

But what surprised Qin Shaofeng was that Lord Tiger actually refused, saying that he would wait for Qin Shaofeng to enter the Qianshan Sect.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng also knew that when the Lord Tiger said this, he knew nothing more than knowing that Qin Shaofeng would take Zhao Yuner and the others to a big fight.

Although its strength is now inferior to Du Meng and Tang Qijian, but the tiger is still trying to do its best.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng also agreed.

Of course, as Qin Shaofeng's war beast, the strength of Lord Tiger was stronger than Da Meng and Little Wolf.

Among the few people, the least change is Zhao Yuner, but this is only on the surface.

Family members: Zhao Yuner

Level: Legendary Ten

Occupation: Castle

Reiki value: 1 million / 1 million

Talented Spiritual Root: Star Dao Body

Talent skills: Astral, Star clone

Skill 1: Write round eyes

Skill 2: One hundred and eight yoga poses

Skill 3: Beiming Shen Gong

Skill 4: None

Skill Five: None

Envoy: Canglang Emperor (Little Wolf)


Only one million points of spiritual energy, but with Yun'er's cultivation of the star realm, the power of the stars possessed by the secret stars in her body at this moment has reached the point of 10 million points of spiritual energy for each.

With these twenty pieces, Qin Shaofeng no longer knew how to describe the total amount.

Facing such Zhao Yun'er, Qin Shaofeng found that his monthly reading seemed to be completely useless in front of Yun'er.

Of course, if Qin Shaofeng's realm improves, the power of reading this month will naturally increase.

As early as three days ago, Qin Shaofeng had directly passed the "Beiming Magic Technique" to Zhao Yuner.

After these three days, under the rich aura created by Qin Shaofeng deliberately, at this moment Zhao Yuner's star realm seems to have a vague tendency to upgrade again.

Only a level 2 star realm can accommodate twenty star powers equal to ten times its own aura value.

What if this is level 3?

Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to think anymore.

Even Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er tried once, he burned Zhao Yun'er's star armor with the sun, but in the end Qin Shaofeng was stunned to use up his own aura and Yun Pill's aura, Zhao Yun'er still possessed a lot of star power.

Star Armor is a new skill that Zhao Yuner obtained from the star realm after she was promoted to the pinnacle of the legend, similar to the inner wall of the legendary realm.

No, to be precise, Zhao Yun'er's star armor is already equivalent to the condensed spirit armor of the Yuan Dan realm.

And compared to the Ling armor, under the same realm, it is afraid that Zhao Yuner's star armor has better defense.

In a word, after Zhao Yuner and others got the help of Qin Shaofeng, their strengths all increased greatly.

Then a few people began to prepare for action.

What are you doing?

Of course it's revenge!

I remembered that a few days ago he had been chased and ran back to the 90th mountain in embarrassment, not to mention Du Meng, who was already grumpy.

Even Tang Qijian, who had been cold and cold, thought of this, his face was full of anger.


On this day, when there was only about half a month left before the three-month period for the entrance examination, the three of Zhao Yuner were ready to leave the 90th mountain.

When the three of Zhao Yuner moved, they attracted the attention of many people.

A cave, when the three of Zhao Yuner moved, it became lively.

"The three of them acted!"

"Hmph, finally can't help but come!"

"Definitely can't help it! After all, the three-month period is about to pass, and the three of them naturally want to rush to the 100th mountain."

"Hey, this is our chance. As long as we take down these three people, we will be able to threaten Qin Shaofeng. A hundred dollars!"

Not profitable!

How could these people who chased Zhao Yun'er and the three of them really wanted to avenge Qin Shaofeng for the sake of their dead clansmen and relatives?

Their purpose is Qin Shaofeng's Orderless Qianshan Order!

No one is a fool. Everyone knows that Qin Shaofeng killed many people.

And every person killed by Qin Shaofeng is likely to have an Orderless Qianshan Order on him.

No matter how bad it is, there are still some fragments!

As early as more than ten days ago, that is, when the three-month deadline was still one month away, all the monster beasts with Thousand Mountain Token fragments in the entrance examination had been killed.

In other words, the fragments of the one hundred and nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand mountain orders have all appeared, but these fragments are all scattered.

I don't know how this Thousand Mountain Sect thought that if only one fragment was released, it could be merged into a fragment of a bronze order Qianshan Order.

In such a situation, many people are naturally based on the collection of Orderless Qianshan Order.

Because if you just collect the fragments, who can guarantee that what you collected is the fragments among the last nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine fragments.

It is precisely because of this that the competition has become more intense during this period.

As soon as it is discovered that the opponent is likely to have a Qianshan Order, the battle will break out.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng's Qianshanling had naturally become a target of many people.

But now Qin Shaofeng should have entered the final assessment point, and he can no longer attack Qin Shaofeng.

And the most important point, with Qin Shaofeng's strength, there are not many people who really dare to do something with him.

Therefore, many people's eyes fell on the three of Zhao Yuner.

Among the three, Zhao Yuner is especially the woman who has now been identified as Qin Shaofeng.

In this case, once he caught Zhao Yun'er, wouldn't Qin Shaofeng obediently hand over Qianshan Ling?

Revenge or something, that is just a reason.

As for the purpose, it is naturally the order of the thousand mountains!

Revenge is just with it!


Qin Shaofeng didn't act with Zhao Yun'er and the others, because Qin Shaofeng knew that if he showed up, there would be many people who didn't have the guts to show up.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng followed in secret.

As for whether it will attract other people's attention, Qin Shaofeng is not worried at all.

Because at this moment, there are too many people behind Zhao Yun'er like him.

"Tsk tusk, this time, can my experience tree bear a large piece of experience again!"

After a little sensing of the surrounding situation, Qin Shaofeng just gave a tut.

Because there are too many people, even more than the people who chased him back then.

During this period of time, due to the number of people killed, Qin Shaofeng collected a lot of spoils, which greatly increased Qin Shaofeng's points.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is not stingy about the five times experience bonus card that is only 10,000 points, and he will use it directly as long as he kills the enemy.

Some time ago, Qin Shaofeng did the same when killing those people.

Because although he didn't get any experience points for killing himself, the experience tree was different and he still absorbed experience.

As a result, the experience fruit that Qin Shaofeng has produced on the experience tree so far has exceeded hundreds of millions of experience points.

Even if Zhao Yuner and the others were all promoted to the pinnacle of legend, Qin Shaofeng's experience fruit still had as many as 80 million experience points.

"Well, this time, I'm afraid it will allow me to accumulate the experience fruit, reaching hundreds of millions of experience points again, right?"

Walking slowly behind him, Qin Shaofeng sneered at the corner of his mouth when more and more people appeared.



Maybe this was the case before, but now.

Who is this killing whom?

This may already be possible.

And this time Qin Shaofeng has also decided that if it is necessary to make a big trouble.

He wants everyone to know what will happen to his Qin Shaofeng people.

He wants people to fear him and dare not think about him anymore.

Even if it's not everyone, at least there are some small trash fish characters, it is enough to stop asking him for trouble.

I, Qin Shaofeng, is not a garbage recycling station. The garbage has already annoyed me enough.

Just clean it up this time!

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