Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4037: Nine can't mess with

Long Tianyin trembled all over.

The authorities were fascinated by him, and he really thought Ximen Bingning had someone in his heart.

But he did not notice.

In the crowd surrounding them, many of their bodies trembled slightly, and there was a hint of thinking in their eyes.

"If I could have the strength I am now?"

"What if I wasn't so stupid?"

"It's impossible, everything is impossible."

Ximen Bingning's eyes showed a madness, and she looked at Wenjun's ancestor with a cold expression: "Lu Wenjun, your Tianji Building is very good, it is really good, so that I have sealed my life for so many years. The biggest tragedy came to mind."

"Girl Purple, don't mess around, everything has me. As long as Long Tianyin still breathes, I will never let anyone bully you." Long Tianyin roared.

With his nerves to the extreme, he could clearly feel the craziest killing intent in Ximen Bingning's heart.

"Little bug...no! I have to admit that you won my respect, and I will call you Xiaolong in the future." Ximen Bing Ning's cold voice continued.

"Well, as long as you don't do stupid things, even if you call me little bugs in the future, it's okay. Don't mess around, just leave everything to me." Long Tianyin was still shouting hysterically.

"The kind of love is the kind of love, don't you see now that the purple girl standing on your head is someone else?" The ancestor Wen Jun also had a murderous intent in his voice.

"What? Someone else? What about Girl Purple?" Long Tianyin exclaimed.

"If I guessed correctly, Zi Bingning should be with Qin Shaofeng now, and has been taken down by someone brought by Shao Di?" Wen Jun ancestor said.

"With Qin Shaofeng?"

Long Tianyin was taken aback for a moment, but then said: "Well, that's okay, although Qin Shaofeng's **** is a bit shameless, I can see that he is at least 10,000 times better than that **** Shaodi."

"As long as Miss Purple can escape from that bastard's clutches, my Long Tianyin is worth it, even if I die here!"

"No, you just said that Cang Qingtian **** brought other people?"

Long Tianyin's reaction was half a beat slow again.

"You infatuated little dragon, you are... alas!"

Ximen Bingning patted his dragon's horns, and said, "Although there are a lot of people under that little baby in Cang Qingtian, there is no real high-strength combat power. The only guardian is also entangled by the ancestor of Tiansheng. They should be Back to the endless mountain."

"That's good, that's good, as long as Miss Purple can be safe, I will die if Long Tianyin is dead! Hahaha..." Long Tianyin burst out laughing.

The laughter made Ximen Bingning sigh again.

"You won't die here, because you are the only one recognized by me among the entire dragon clan. Lu Wenjun is not qualified to kill you in front of me." Ximen Bing condensed.

Long Tianyin was stunned again.

He knew clearly that the ancestor Wenjun, one of the three ancestors of Tianji Tower, was blocking their way.

The real peak powerhouse of the void.

The horrible existence that half foot has stepped into the half-step heaven!

This fake Ximen Bingning is so confident?

"Miss Purple...no, girl, you...who are you...?" Long Tianyin couldn't help asking.

"One thousand eight hundred years ago, endless Tianjiao, endless red moon!"

The ancestor Wenjun told Long Tianyin the true identity of Ximen Bingning above his head.

The identity has been revealed, and the endless red moon will no longer be pretended to be.

The body breath suddenly changed.

In a blink of an eye, she has turned into a blood-red coarse cloth shirt, and even her pupils are like two rounds of blood-red moons, a woman with the most icy breath.

Yes, she is the endless red moon.

Qin Shaofeng's third senior sister.

When Qin Shaofeng was pretending to be a boy, he did think about certain operations.

But it was also after Zhou Qing and Ziwen City arrived that he finally completed the plan with the help of a military division and a conspiracy expert.

The robbing before the secret banquet was not a fake.

But he didn't really want to take people away, but made the powerful Third Senior Sister Endless Red Moon disguised as Ximen Bingning.

This is why he has been anxious to leave the secret banquet as soon as possible.

It was also the reason why Tiansheng Patriarch felt that the fake Ximen Bing Cultivation base aura around him was no less than his.

"I haven't practiced killing precepts in thousands of years, Lu Wenjun, I have to admit that your Tianji Tower is really powerful, and it can break through my thousand years of self-cultivation."

"In return, I have to give you some rewards from the Tianjilou."

The voice of the endless red moon was icy.

In front of the enemy, she wouldn't be as solemnly restrained as when she saw Qin Shaofeng's junior apprentice.

Just hearing her voice, Long Tianyin trembled all over.

In my mind, my father's solemn stare unconsciously appeared.

"Although our Dragon Race is powerful in the Cangming Realm, it is not invincible. There are nine existences. Remember, don't... No! It is absolutely impossible to provoke!"

"There are not many people, but you must remember clearly."

"The first human race can't provoke, the western sky is blue; the second cannot provoke someone in the Immortal Palace, my fairy is not very clear; the third cannot provoke the endless mountain, the endless mountain, the fourth cannot provoke the endless mountain, the endless ghost, Five can't mess with the endless mountain and the endless red moon, and the sixth can't mess with the Tianji Lou Tiansheng..."

"Father, isn't the strongest blood race right now? Why can't these nine people be offended? Why are the first eight human races and only the last one is the Lianxin race?"

"The blood race is indeed strong, but they themselves need to use the blood of our human race to cultivate. They will easily but not kill."

"But these nine guys, no matter which one you provoke, will cause a terrible catastrophe."

Long Tianyin still remembered that at the beginning, he was surprised that the four of the nine who could not be provoked were all from the endless mountains.

Therefore, he was actually very tolerant of Qin Shaofeng.

But he couldn't expect that Qin Shaofeng had brought such a big surprise to himself.

The fifth in my father's mouth can't be offended!

I actually got her appreciation.

This, this...I am so happy.

"Endless Red Moon, your killing methods really scared the old man, but in front of the old man, do you think you really have a chance to kill?" Old Ancestor Wen Jun said coldly.

"How about trying it?"

Endless Red Moon laughed, her smile was very beautiful.

It can even be close to the level of Ximen Bing.

But her smile prevented all those who saw it from admiring.

The only emotion that can arise is fear.

Endless fear.

Fear and fear from the bones.

As if she could turn the world into blood with just a smile.

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