Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4041: Named disciple

The flying boat and the warship traveled rapidly in the air for more than an hour.

Driving towards the front, it suddenly became flying upwards, which made Qin Shaofeng understand that they had returned to the endless mountain.

It can be considered safe for the time being.

It didn't take long.

The flying boat and warship landed on a ground.

"Little Junior Brother, we're already home, let's go, Senior Sister will arrange a place for you first." Wu Xing Ning said to him.

"it is good."

Qin Shaofeng nodded.

Immediately, he was separated from Ximen Bingning by one meter, followed behind them, and headed towards the endless mountain.

Because of this, the big brother endless Canglan also shot.

They didn't even go to see endless Canglan.

Only Wu Jin Ning and Wu Jin Wen took Qin Shaofeng to visit their uncle Wu Jin Hu.

Infinite and Infinite Nether is even more simple.

They went straight back to the retreat.

As if returning from a trip, there is no need to talk to the true owner of the endless mountain.

After that, Wu Jin Ning gently raised her hand next to her other courtyard.

A manor appears as if out of nothing.

On the main peak of the endless mountain, no one dares to come in normal times.

Those who can stay on the main peak are either high-ranking existences or some inherited disciples.

The disciples of the endless mountain are divided: named disciples, outer disciples, inner disciples, core disciples, and inheritance disciples.

Qin Shaofeng also learned this after a year of reading.

Inheritance disciples are the inheritors of the top powerhouses.

These people usually seem to have never existed in the eyes of outsiders.

The named disciple is a special existence.

Those people have learned part of the martial arts inheritance of the endless mountain, but they don't need to do anything in the endless mountain, let alone in the name of the endless mountain.

But if there is something in the endless mountain, they must come back to help.

There are not many such people, and the identity is the most embarrassing.


Ordinary people seem to have only outer disciples, and inner disciples and core disciples are classified into the same three categories.

In fact it is not.

As a high-level of Endless Mountain and a disciple who knows some inside stories.

Although I saw the weird appearance of the Great Elder Wu Ending Ning, no one dared to come close and investigate.

An exquisite courtyard was formed in a few short breaths.

"Little Junior Brother, younger brother and sister, go, I will take you to see your future home." Xuan Ning smiled and greeted them.

After Qin Shaofeng visited for a while, he was speechless.

The second elder sister seemed to particularly like the layout of her courtyard, and even the layout here was exactly the same as hers.

After an introduction by endless Ning, Qin Shaofeng and Ximen Bing Ning were allowed to move in.

But the imaginary coexistence in the same room is obviously impossible.

Otherwise, Shao Qin might not even know how he died.

Rest for a while.

Endless Condensation will come again.

She didn't know whether it was because of her happiness, or because she wanted to help Ximen Bing Ning, or a hero of Dayan, she actually said that she would arrange a table of dishes by herself, so that all the seniors would come to meet her younger siblings.

As soon as the news came out, endless text was naturally the first person to come.

But the first time he arrived, he had already become the second senior sister's message.

At all costs, all the brothers must be summoned back within an hour.

The face of endless text suddenly turned into pig liver color.

Qin Shaofeng was really tired during this time.

Not physically, but mentally calculated.

Ximen Bing Ning followed Wu Xing Ning, saying that she might not be as good as the second elder sister in cooking, and I believe there is nothing wrong with hitting the hands.

Hentai Ning was naturally so happy and took her away directly.

Time passed slowly.

Qin Shaofeng was sure not to be awakened by the sound of cooking, but because of a burst of dragon chants.

When he walked out of the bedroom quickly, he saw a group of powerful men in the void, all staring curiously at the five-clawed golden dragon flying above his head.

Humans face the five-clawed golden dragon that only exists in the legend.

It stands to reason that humans should be nervous.

The situation is just the opposite.

The people who seemed to be playing chess in the courtyard did not even put away the chess pieces, but were either squatting or sitting, curiously watching the dragon above their heads.

But after seeing the battle, the five-clawed golden dragon suddenly wilted.

"That, that, that..."

The five-clawed golden dragon was naturally Long Tianyin who rushed over at full speed.

Based on the fact that the Young Master of the Dragon Race in his own district, in this situation, he did not know how to report to the base camp of Everlasting Mountain.

He was so frightened that he hadn't been able to say why for a long time.

"I promised him that he can practice in the endless mountain."

A sound full of terrifying killing intent, seemed to come through the endless void.

"This infatuated little dragon is very good, I like it very much, and in order to pursue his younger brothers and sisters, he did not hesitate to lay down the dignity of the dragon clan and knelt, and even desperately to fight against the Cangming Palace, if it weren't for the arrangement of the younger brother, he should have died in heaven by now. In the city."

"We Wu Endless Mountain owes him a favor, and the same is true of Junior Brother."

"If he is willing to become something, he can become my registered disciple and stay in our endless mountain to practice."

The voice was so simple that Qin Shaofeng just looked at Long Tianyin in surprise.

He didn't know much about the second senior sister, so naturally he couldn't know too much.

But the other brothers and sisters, their eyes widened.

They know best what kind of existence the senior sister with endless prisons is.

If it weren't for Long Tianyin's death without regrets, she would never agree to such a thing.

That kind of love has been able to prove too many things.

"The fact that Ruthless Hongyue can say the word "Like" has proved too much. If you agree to become our famous disciple of the endless mountain, don't stay in the air stupidly." It was another female voice. Sounded.

Everyone is very familiar with this voice, isn't it the Great Elder Wu Endless Ning who is in charge of cooking for everyone?

"I, I, I, I would like to."

Long Tianyin didn't expect that ever since he started flying here, the endless red moon he had never seen would speak for him at this time.

As long as he could stay in the endless mountain and stay beside Ximen Bingning, he would be satisfied.

There are few generations of disciples and so many identities.

And he has already felt the breath of Ximen's freezing.

Isn't it the one who helps in the kitchen, who looks like a little maid?

"What are you still doing in the air, don't you hurry down, want to wait for others to come and watch the joke?" Qin Shaofeng suddenly exclaimed.

The plan was made by him, Zhou Qing and Ziwencheng, and naturally knew how much Long Tianyin had paid.

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