Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4045: Hide

Qin Shaofeng had rested for a whole day in the endless mountain.

After a banquet at noon yesterday.

He is truly integrated into the generation of endless mountains.

But this day and night.

He also felt deeply uncomfortable.

After Long Tianyin was recognized by the endless red moon, he actually regarded himself as a person from the endless mountain.

Even in front of him, he was calling himself a junior.

Qin Shaofeng knew exactly what Long Tianyin said nicely, but what he was actually fighting.

Anyway, no one can get close to within one meter of Ximen Bingning's body.

He didn't need to worry about Long Tianyin's thoughts.

But after one day of observation, his heart became strange again.

Because Long Tianyin's treatment of Ximen Bingning, it was not ordinary enthusiasm.

Do not say whether he needs to worry.

Without being reminded by anyone, Long Tianyin also consciously distanced him from Ximen Bingning by three meters without knowing anything.

As long as he could see Ximen Bingning, he was already satisfied.

Qin Shaofeng treated him with such infatuation.

I can only feel speechless.

But I originally thought that even if Cangming Palace would do anything, it should be when I had some negotiations with Wu Endless Mountain.

The endless text with an anxious face had already ran over.

"Little Junior Brother is okay, I just got the news that Emperor Cangming is already arranging people and is ready to do it to you." Wu Endi Wen said with an anxious expression on his face.


Qin Shaofeng was sitting in the courtyard drinking tea.

In my heart, I was thinking, what excuse should I use to leave the endless mountain next, and then go to find a place to improve his cultivation.

Unexpectedly, what he was waiting for was such a news.

"The news just came from the Zunxian Hall. It is said that many forces have already set off now, and even the head of the Zunxian Hall, Qi Huashang, is already on the way here." Wu Endian said.

"Even Palace Master Qi is here?"

Qin Shaofeng's expression also began to gradually become tense.

He knew exactly what the endless text meant.

"Qin Shaofeng, this matter is probably not that simple. If it was ordered by the Great Emperor Cangming, it might still be related to Miss Zi." Long Tianyin suddenly ran out from nowhere.

Qin Shaofeng knew that even if he had disappeared for a short time, he was still peeking around Ximen Bingning, but he didn't feel any problems.

Hentai Wen was taken aback by his sudden appearance.

Hentai Wen was too anxious just now.

Moreover, on the endless mountain, he naturally didn't deliberately observe anything, but he didn't expect that a shout would suddenly be heard from behind him.

But when they all understood Long Tianyin's words, they were all stunned.

"Why is it related to Bing Ning?"

Qin Shaofeng looked at Ximen Bing Ning, who had temporarily stopped practicing because of the arrival of endless writing in surprise.

"You left early before, and you didn't know how shameless that sunny day was. He knew that he couldn't come to Endless Mountain to **** people. The possibility of specially moving Cangming out was very high." Long Tianyin shouted loudly.

Even now Ximen Bing Ning has determined that his heart belongs to.

However, his heart was still all tied to Ximen Bingning's body, and the appearance of such turbulence made him worry immediately.

Even the scope of his conjecture, in the eyes of Qin Shaofeng and the other two, is simply too fantastic.

The Tianji City incident seemed to have indeed been triggered by Ximen Bingning and the Dragon Race.

They all knew clearly that it was all because of Qin Shaofeng.

Even Zhou Qing and Ziwencheng who helped Qin Shaofeng perfect this plan could not be compared with Qin Shaofeng, the real culprit and implementer.

The dragon clan, to put it bluntly, is just the one who suffers.

Even Ximen Bingning is pretending to be endless red moon.

But he said that all the spearheads were on Ximen Bingning, which was really unreasonable.

Just relying on an empty and beautiful Ximen Bingning, he was not qualified to inspire the Great Emperor Cangming.

Even if Young Emperor Cangming Cang Qingtian really still has thoughts about Ximen Bingning, that would only be said after dealing with Qin Shaofeng.

That being said.

Qin Shaofeng listened to this Long Tianyin's remarks, but he was also worried.

His life is not just himself.

The treasure Qi Yao helped refine was indeed great for Ximen Bingning, but it was also limited to physical contact.

If someone really took the shot without getting close, Ximen Bingning's slight cultivation base would really not be able to resist.

"Although Xiaolong said that he is somewhat paranoid, it may not be completely unreasonable. The Great Emperor Cangming is indeed going to deal with me, but it may not be without the ice condensation factor." Qin Shaofeng said in a deep voice.

When Long Tianyin said the first sentence, his face had changed drastically.

It was not until I heard the follow-up that I took back the foul language that almost burst.

As long as Qin Shaofeng can figure out a way to protect Ximen Bingning, it will be enough.

"Little Junior Brother, this is our endless mountain. Even if the Great Emperor Cangming comes personally, he shouldn't be qualified to **** people in our endless mountain, right?" endless Wen asked doubtfully.

"I can't tell you this kind of thing."

Qin Shaofeng shook his head and said, "Although I haven't been able to see what Long Tianyin said, according to the character that I showed when I saw the clear sky, I didn't dare to think about a good place."

Endless Vin suddenly fell silent.

He never really saw the situation of Young Emperor Cangming, and couldn't make any comment at all.

He had to choose to be silent.

"Then what should we do now, can't we just wait like this?" Long Tianyin asked anxiously.

"Naturally can't wait."

The corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth rose slightly, and said, "Brother Eight, help me pay attention to my surroundings. I don't want anyone else to hear what I say next."

"no problem."

Endless text immediately monitors the surrounding area.

Said that I do not want others to hear.

Perceiving the strangeness here, the Second Senior Sister Wu Ending Ning who was already flying over here was obviously an exception.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about that much.

"Next I will send Bing Ning to a secret place until this matter is over." Qin Shaofeng said.

"Then can I... forget it, I'm not going."

Halfway through Long Tianyin's question, he swallowed it himself.

After the Tianji City incident appeared, he believed that his father, the patriarch of the dragon clan, must have arrived with the strong dragon clan.

If he disappears at this time, I am afraid his father will send his anger on the endless mountain.

"Thank you."

Qin Shaofeng gently arched his hands.

Immediately, he raised his head and turned towards the already coming, and he clearly heard everything he said and asked endlessly: "Second Senior Sister, I wonder if you can take us there yourself?"

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