Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4048: arrangement

"Little Junior Brother, I'm really curious, where did you meet so many weird friends?"

The endless gaze finally turned towards Qin Shaofeng.

She suddenly pointed to the direction where Ya'er was leaving, and said with a slight trembling of her lips: "Emperor Xumiao's precious daughter, a terrifying existence that is even older than Master."

"There is a name on the magic list, and now the cultivation base is even more incomprehensible to Ximen Lingzhong."

"How many friends do you have who can shock me to your second senior sister?"

Endlessly condensed can't help but curiosity in my heart.

"It doesn't seem to be anything now, right?"

Qin Shaofeng was embarrassed.

It's not that he didn't want to say it, but the young face that flashed in his mind, which really made him very puzzled.

And once dominated the strong.

He was very worried, if he said it, he would start Sister Second with a heart attack.

"It seems that you really don't know you, it's an amazing existence!"

Where can I not see endless Ning, what he doesn't want to say?

He shook his head helplessly, and said, "Even if your kid doesn't want to say it, Senior Sister will not force you. I will keep you a secret about them, but..."

Her voice suddenly disappeared.

Qin Shaofeng understood what she wanted to say, shrugged slightly, and asked, "Senior Sister is worried about what Ya'er said?"

"Ya'er? You are really affectionate. If you let those suitors of your Royal Highness hear it, I'm afraid it will blow you to death in one breath." Wu Xing Ning choked speechlessly.

"She asked me to call her that, what else can I do?"

Qin Shaofeng continued to shrug and said, "What's more, Ya'er now has to hide her identity. If I really call her a princess, I'm afraid she can kill me without her suitor chasing me down."

"What you said is the truth."

Endlessly nodded and said: "I am really worried about what the princess said. Although the princess has become what she is now, the force that exists around her is definitely not what you can imagine. Her news should be There will be no fakes."

"Go step by step and watch step by step."

Qin Shaofeng shook his head casually and smiled: "I have to say that even I had underestimated Uncle Ling Zhong before, but now with him hiding in the dark, and the help of our endless mountain and dragon clan on the bright side, I don't believe in Emperor Cangming. Lord Cangluo can really kill me in public."

"There is always something in case, you should be more careful." Endless teaches.

"Senior Sister, don't worry so much. When I was in the Land of Shining Stars, I have faced things similar to today not once or twice."

Qin Shaofeng smiled and said, "Should we go back?"

"Are you not going to meet your people bye?" endless Ning asked.

"Let's talk about it after this matter is resolved!"

Seeing what he said, Wu Xing Ning had to use the two abilities of Void and Nothingness again, and disappeared with Qin Shaofeng.

Outside the hall.

The people who had been waiting for a long time discovered that the layer of entanglement surrounding the hall had finally disappeared, and the door of the hall was immediately clicked.

Unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng has long since disappeared.

When they finally pushed the door open, they couldn't help but sigh.

"It looks like he is gone again." Old Ghost Chenxing sighed.

Zilong frowned: "Don't he even want to leave us a word?"

"He is not what he used to be, and we are still standing still, maybe he doesn't want to hit us?" Simon Li made up a reason at will.

As for the real reason, he had heard Ya'er mumble to herself.

But he didn't want to say it.

Speaking seriously, if Qin Shaofeng is likely to encounter some kind of life and death crisis, he believes that the entire alliance will probably be desperate.

Qin Shaofeng never chose to talk to them, obviously he was also worried about accidentally leaking his mouth?

"After leaving, we should also practice."

Ximen Li greeted everyone and said, "The little bastard's current cultivation base can't even be seen through me, plus Chu Huan, who has already broken through the Yaoxing position half a month ago, if we don't hurriedly upgrade the cultivation base, we can I'm so embarrassed to see them."

"This is also reasonable, go, practice!"

Old ghost Chenxing is too familiar with Simon Li, he can see what Simon Li is deliberately covering.

Naturally, he wouldn't say anything bad, at most he would ask him when there was no one.

As everyone knows.

He hesitated.

When he really knew Qin Shaofeng's situation, Qin Shaofeng was already a public enemy in the world.

Return to the endless mountain.

Qin Shaofeng will receive news from Shan Mansion again.

It seems that Ke Jiuxiao has also cultivated to the brink of breakthrough, asking him whether he wants to make a breakthrough.

Qin Shaofeng thought about the current situation for a moment, and chose to let him wait for a while.

The hole card is the hole card because no one knows it.

Even if he trusts the brothers and sisters of Endless Mountain.

If only he knew it, he still didn't want anyone to know about the powerful existence in Shan Mansion.

Although he did not let Ke Jiuxiao come out.

But after receiving this news, my heart still became more urgent.

Although Li Naling and others are not their own.

But they are very likely to be their biggest help in the next period of time.

Qin Shaofeng immediately emptied all his belongings.

Once used the remaining few sets of formation method cornerstones, all were thrown into Fan Mansion for Wang Sheng to study and use.

A large number of soul crystals were thrown in by him.

Even the pill and all kinds of things that they didn't use were thrown in, letting them watch the refinement and improvement themselves.

After he finished this, he went to the second elder sister again.

Then, accompanied by the second senior sister, he left the endless mountain again.

This time, it was the mansion of the city lord of the endless city.

Although Qin Shaofeng is an unfamiliar face, he is led by the second senior sister endlessly.

The guards in the city lord's mansion still reported the endless wind in the first place.

Endless wind came to greet him personally.

But when she learned of Qin Shaofeng's request, she opened her mouth in amazement.

Immediately, she personally led Qin Shaofeng to the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion.

This is Qin Shaofeng's request.

If there is no support behind him, he will naturally not ask for anything.

But he guards such a treasure house as the endless mountain.

According to Ya'er, there is a high chance that he will go out and do it alone for a while, but it won't work if he doesn't prepare the baby.

Endless Wind is extremely generous, and when he threw him into the treasure house, he actually dropped a casual sentence.

After all, in her opinion, how much can Qin Shaofeng take as a child?

But she didn't know.

After Qin Shaofeng left, she regretted severely for a long time.

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