Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4053: recognition

The confrontation between the parties is indeed only a matter of their big brothers.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, he was always paying attention to every change.

The moment the blood family appeared, his gaze was naturally attracted to him.

But when he saw the **** emperor behind him, the look in his eyes also began to become heavy after a certain gaze staying on him.

The endless chaotic really hasn't figured it out yet.

He already knew the probable reason why the blood family came here.

"Qin Shaofeng, can you see why the bleeding race came here?"

Long Tianyin also observed for a long time, but he also knew that his mind was not good enough, so he asked Qin Shaofeng.

"Of course it is to intensify contradictions."

Qin Shaofeng's fists were already tightly clenched.

Emperor Cangming was able to find what would be beneficial to him in the chaos, and Qin Shaofeng's wisdom and insight were no less than that of Emperor Cangming.

He was thinking about these things while his eyes were rolling around.

"Then what should we do, is it really going to fight today?" Long Tianyin was a little worried.

As the young patriarch of the Dragon Clan, he knew the energy of Emperor Cangming.

There were endless muddy words before, which made him even more worried.

"If he wants to fight, we will naturally accompany him to the end."

Qin Shaofeng's eyes were darker, and he said, "It's just that things will never be that simple, just look down."

He said that, but he was quickly thinking about the solution.

The one staring at him in the blood clan was his only acquaintance in the blood clan.

The blood of blood.

Wouldn't this guy stab him out of the murder of the Huang Family in Tianjilou, right?

But it doesn't seem like a big deal, right?

The Huang family wants to deal with me, are you not allowed to kill me?

As for the issue of kinship, it doesn't seem to be too difficult to solve. Now it depends on how Emperor Cangming will deal with it.

"Our endless mountain doesn't need your blood to fight the injustice, let's go!" Wu Endless said.

"Do you really think that the emperor only came for your endless mountains?"

The blood emperor laughed and said: "Endless muddy, this emperor admits that you are very powerful, but you are not qualified to let this emperor help."

"The emperor came today for the same person as Lord Cangluo."


The endless complexion suddenly became more ugly.

Does even the blood family want to touch Qin Shaofeng?

Take advantage of the fire?

"Blood Emperor, do you have to deal with Qin Shaofeng?"

Emperor Cangming tentatively asked.

"How can it be?"

The blood emperor laughed and said: "Our blood has indeed fought with your humans for a thousand years, but our blood is still one of the races in the Cangming Realm. How could it be possible to make enemies everywhere?"

"Blood Se!"

The blood emperor shouted loudly.

When his words uttered, when the Great Emperor Cangming and the many powerful human races were puzzled, the expression in Qin Shaofeng's eyes had turned into a strong killing intent.

"That's it!"

Qin Shaofeng's fists were already clenched.

Hearing this, Long Tianyin couldn't help asking: "What is the case? Do you know that blood clan?"

"Since Cangluo Jun wants to deal with me, it's useless for me to say anything now. Even if what Xuese said is all made up, it will definitely make Emperor Cangming buckle me a big hat." Qin Shaofeng's fists were tight. grip.

When he met Ya'er yesterday, he was ready to deal with most of the current situation.

But I really didn't expect that there would be a blood family suddenly intervening!

"Great Emperor Cangming, Qin Shaofeng is my friend and the only friend of our blood clan. If you dare to touch one of his hairs, you are an enemy of our blood clan!" Xuese shouted.

His words immediately caused an uproar.

Almost all the strong men of human forces have already looked at Qin Shaofeng.

The words of the blood family are too heavy.

Especially when they knew that Xue Se was still the blood royal family, and in front of the blood emperor, they even believed that Xue Se's words could not be a lie.

So, Qin Shaofeng really has something to do with the blood clan?

Emperor Cangming became even more excited and shouted loudly, "Qin Shaofeng, how do you explain this matter?"

When Xue Se stood up, Qin Shaofeng had already expected this scene.

Then, he stepped forward, staring at Emperor Cangming with cold eyes, and said with a smile: "Do I need to explain?"

"So, do you really collude with the blood clan?" Great Emperor Cangming was a little surprised.

He has made all kinds of qualitative plans for Qin Shaofeng.

It was impossible to think that Qin Shaofeng would directly admit it.

Admit it so simply.

"Cangluo-kun, don't you feel that what you said is farting?"

Qin Shaofeng sneered.

But his tone and attitude made everyone speechless.

Endlessly dared to scold the Great Emperor Cangming, calling the Great Emperor Cangming directly, but he had that level of strength and seniority.

Why is Qin Shaofeng?

Are you looking for death?

The immortal demon king jumped out again and shouted angrily: "Qin Shaofeng, do you dare to be disrespectful to the emperor?"

"Just a minion, go back to this seat!"

Qin Shaofeng's attitude was even more rigid, and he shouted angrily: "Isn't you aware of what identity is talking here? If you were the first person in the magic way, you might be qualified to say a word or two, but now Just shut up honestly."

"Kongcheng, come back first, let him speak slowly."

Emperor Cangming also had to admit Qin Shaofeng's identity.

And now it was Qin Shaofeng who was going to tell him what he wanted to hear most, and Emperor Cangming also put away his temper.


The Indestructible Demon Lord Situ Kongcheng gave Qin Shaofeng a fierce look before he walked back again.

Until now.

Qin Shaofeng's mouth showed a sly smile, saying: "Thousands of years ago the covenant, the Cangming Realm and the Void Realm must work together to fight back the ghost slaves."

"For thousands of years, the blood race has indeed had a lot of friction with us humans."

"But just because of those frictions, did you Mr. Cangluo forget the covenant thousands of years ago?"

Everyone was silent for a while.

Even Emperor Cangming had to think about how to continue.

Qin Shaofeng's words did not end.

"Not to mention what your Cangluo-kun is doing now, as long as it is a race with eyes that can understand it."

"The so-called rabbit bites people in a hurry."

"Since you Lord Cangluo wants to kill me and the blood race wants to save me, why should I refuse the blood race's kindness?"

Rough words are not rough.

Great Emperor Cangming also grasped the dead corner of his words, and said coldly: "This is the reason you betrayed the race?"

"Cang Luo Jun, who betrayed the race first, you know better than anyone else."

The smile on Qin Shaofeng's face remained undiminished: "Or in your opinion, when facing a beast who is helping the ghosts to speed up the destruction of our human beings, we should wait for death?"

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