Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4067: Threat


Countless screams immediately resounded from the sky.

One after another corpses fell from the air.

Just in a moment, hundreds of people fell.

The same mummy.

The method of death was completely different from just now.

The black shadow man had obviously absorbed vitality and vitality, but now the fallen corpses were all drained of blood.

Obviously, it is the blood emperor who is shooting now.

Even the emperor has already shot.

Naturally, the other powerhouses of the blood clan will not have the slightest hesitation.

Coming here today, except for a **** nephew, all are the emptiness powerhouses of the blood race.

Where do they have such a good opportunity on weekdays?

Anyway, the Great Emperor Cangming had the fault first, and even completely angered the endless mountain. If they didn't take advantage of this good time to reap the benefits, they would not be worthy of being a blood clan.

In a moment, the sky became a melee.

The overall combat power of the Cangming army brought by Emperor Cangming is indeed tyrannical, but it is not yet an opponent of so many kinsmen's peak powers.


Great Emperor Cangming looked at the loss of hundreds of troops in just a blink of an eye, and hurriedly shouted.


What he did before, in the blood race, who has long been waiting for the opportunity to fight, where is there any effect?

Not only the kinship has no tendency to converge.

As soon as he shouted, more screams began to sound.

Four figures rushed into the battlefield again.

Compared to the kinsmen sucking blood, they even have to take into account the differences in their companions.

All four shots were range attacks.

If you look closely, you can easily see that the attack range of the four includes even their companions and even the blood.

This kind of fighting method is naturally not very effective for those with similar cultivation bases.

But among the Cangming army, more are still Yaoxing martial artists.

In just the blink of an eye, thousands of people have already turned into patches of blood and fell towards the ground.

"Stop! Stop! This emperor orders you to stop!"

Great Emperor Cangming's eyes were already red.

The Cangming army is the most elite army in his hands.

It is also his greatest reliance when he is ready to conquer all human forces before proceeding to the next step.

But he was slaughtered like this, how could he bear it?

For the first time, he was about to rise into the air.

But before he had time to fly, he saw that endless chaotic had already stood in front of him: "Shameless villain, since you want a battle, we will accompany you to the end!"


The sound of the Buddha's horn resounded again.

Master Juechen's cultivation may not be the first at the time, but he can definitely enter the top five.

Moreover, the murderous aura he brought with his killing was even the best in the world.

This sound of Buddha's name is a fusion of cultivation base and murderous aura.

The sound of the Buddha's horn immediately frightened everyone.

This is true whether it is the blood clan desperately absorbing the blood of the strong, or the four great disciples of Infinite Xuan who are resentful.

The battle ended without a problem again.

But the result of the battle in such a short instant just made everyone in the Dragon Clan take a breath.

The number of strong people dispatched by the blood race is indeed more.

But the Cangming army that the blood race really killed was only a few hundred, and the remaining thousand were all killed by the hands of the four people who suddenly appeared in the endless mountain.

They couldn't contain the panic in their hearts just thinking of the results of the battle.

"Monk Juechen, since you are in charge of today's affairs, I hope you can give us an explanation for the endless mountain, otherwise we can try it. It is you, the old monk, who wiped out our Taoism in the endless mountain first, or our sister The four brothers first wiped out the entire Cangming Realm!" The sound of anger resounded from the air.

The arrogance of this sentence, even the Master Juechen, who thinks he has been able to contain his emotions, can't help but chant the Buddha's name again.

The eyes of Emperor Cangming went round in an instant.

He knew what kind of existence the four that just appeared.

But it doesn't mean that everyone else knows it.

A person of the top power who wanted to flatter the Great Emperor Cangming for a long time shouted: "You Wujinshan actually wants to be an enemy of the common people in the world?"

In a moment.

"The world is a fart!"

A ghastly sound came from behind the man, and the man turned around in fright.

His speed is still slow.

Before he turned halfway, he felt that the whole person seemed to be light and light, but everything in front of him was still.

It is obviously impossible for this person to know what happened.

Others can see clearly.

Suddenly appeared around the figure behind that person, seeming to be surrounded by countless grievances.

When he spoke, the resentful souls roaming around his body had already rushed in all directions.

Anyone who was touched by the grievances all melted away at the same time.

"Endless Nether!"

Emperor Cangming's silver teeth were almost crushed by him.

He desperately wants to swear.

But when the words came to his lips, he realized that he was not qualified to swear at all.

Just as he didn't want to touch Bodhidharma easily.

These four existences on the endless mountain were the reason why he kept the endless mountain and the Bodhidharma for the last.

As for the northern sky that removes these two parties...

It was not that he was jealous, but because Beitian was located in the far north, and it was a more dangerous pass than the land of ghosts.

If one is not good, he will personally dispatch his subordinates who must not be inferior to the northern forces, and that would be more than worth the gain.

It was originally discovered that the four of them had not appeared, which made his confidence multiplied suddenly disappeared in this one.

Master Juechen is indeed the number one existence in the Cangming Realm.

Even dragons and other races do not know the existence.

But he was only one person.

In addition, after thousands of years of self-cultivation in the Bodhidharma Academy, there is rarely a real mass murder.

The four people in front of them are not.

He had already heard many things just by listening to the words of endless red moon just now.


Master Juechen couldn't help closing his eyes.

He sighed: "Today's matter is indeed the poor monk acting as the referee, and this matter is indeed the fault of the benefactor, but since you have killed so many people, you might as well sell the poor monk for a favor. How about it?"

He is also helpless.

With his name, I believe that in the entire Cangming Realm, no one would dare not give face.

It happened that he was the first to fail today.

Any one of the Four Infinite Red Moons would yell senior in front of him, but under the combination of the four, it was simply not he could suppress it.

Just as the endless red moon said, what can he do if people don't give him face?

"It's just over a thousand, doesn't it seem to be enough?"

The killing intent was lingering in the endless red moon's beautiful eyes, but he did not continue.

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