Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4077: Banquet

"Shijie is back?"

A group of talents just walked to the gate of Tianbei City.

A loud shout has been heard from afar.

Immediately, a few figures ran over from several directions in Tianbei City.

The speed is so fast that he has come to the vicinity almost in the blink of an eye.

A total of more than a dozen people came.

Each of these people has a cultivation base around the ground and a moon position, and they are still using all the cultivation bases on their way.

The speed can be imagined.

The first to speak was naturally the voice of the city lord.

Before the heads of the three major families had time to speak, they had already rushed over first.

But the scene greeted the eyes closed everyone's mouths.

I saw that the guards originally arranged for this group of people are now gone.

And these little guys, who obviously suffered a lot, were all surrounded by a super alcoholic.

And among their children.

Du Shijie and Bai Wensong, the eldest, were actually alone, supporting the drunkard.

Rao is that the two have worked very hard.

But every step of the drunkard's step is like tripping the two of them.

The Lord of the City and the three great masters were well-informed, and they were all stunned by this scene.

"Shijie, who is this?"

The city owner could not hold back the doubts in his heart and asked.

Du Shijie's eyes obviously became weird.

He coughed slightly and said, "Father, this senior has rescued us several times in the Cangming Mountains, otherwise we might not be able to return."

City Master Du's eyes suddenly turned round.

People from the three major families also almost screamed.

Du Shijie's words sounded like they were just telling one thing.

They are very clear.

The purpose of this group of people's trip, but they have already arranged it, it is to find the strong.

According to Du Shijie, doesn't it mean that this drunkard who needs help even when he walks, is not the strong man they are looking for?

This... Is this just an international joke?

How can a guy who can't even take care of himself do that for them?

"It turns out that this gentleman saved these little guys."

No matter how unbelievable City Master Du was, he still clasped his fist towards Qin Shaofeng and said, "If Mr. Master doesn't mind, please move your husband to the City Lord's Mansion. How about picking up the dust for your husband?"

"Receive the wind and dust?"

Qin Shaofeng looked at the mud all over his body as if he was not thinking about it, and said, "It seems like it's time to wash. First go and prepare wine for me. If you want good wine, the more the better."

The corner of Du Chengzhu's mouth suddenly twitched.

Xindao: You are almost drunk to death, even if you want to drink, are you really going to drink yourself to death?

Facing a drunkard who didn't know the foundation, he didn't dare to say anything.

Everything will not be too late until the banquet.

He quickly threw down a bunch of polite words, and personally arranged for the strong to carry Qin Shaofeng away first.

Soon, he looked at the three Patriarchs.

Everyone can see in the eyes of the other party that they don't trust this inexplicable drunkard.

But no matter how you say it.

This person is also the strong one that these little guys invited back.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, ask the situation first.

After thinking about it, everyone followed up.

The person who carried Qin Shaofeng back to the City Lord's Mansion was originally a strong member of the City Lord's Mansion.

He arranged it himself.

Soon someone prepared a bath for Qin Shaofeng.

Even the maid with two city lord's palaces personally cleaned Qin Shaofeng.

Until Qin Shaofeng put on a clean clothes specially prepared for him and walked out, the strong man in the City Lord's Mansion who was in charge of waiting for him was stunned.

"So young?"

The strong man in the City Lord's Mansion subconsciously exclaimed.

But he won't forget his identity, and immediately stepped forward to clasp his fist and said: "This young man, the city lord has ordered someone to prepare a banquet, please come with me."

"Banquet, good banquet, hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng took a bath for almost an hour, and it seemed that he finally became a little more sober.

But in the eyes of the strong man in the city lord's mansion, his behavior still seemed to be an abnormal person.

"My son, please here."

The strong man quickly guided.

Qin Shaofeng didn't seem to know what politeness was at all, so he followed his guidance with one step at a time.

The more he walked away, the stronger the speechless color in the eyes of the strong.

"What the **** is this kid, how can he become such a drunkard at a young age?" The strong man muttered in his heart.

He was unhappy with Qin Shaofeng in every way, but he did his own thing very well.

When Qin Shaofeng came to the banquet hall of the City Lord's Mansion under the guidance of the strong man, he saw City Lord Du and the three Patriarchs, as well as the young people who personally brought Qin Shaofeng over, were already waiting here.

It took him an hour to wash, and the teenagers would have already done it.

And they didn't want seniors to wait, even the two little girls arrived at the fastest speed.

It's just that the waiting senior they expected did not appear.

Instead, they ushered in constant cross-examination by their parents.

They all come from the direct line of the family, and naturally they know a lot about their words and colors.

They can tell.

When they were washing, these people should have heard a lot of things from the Captain Baishan, and they obviously had some prejudices against Qin Shaofeng.

They naturally want to speak for the strong they have invited.

But after a series of good things were said, they still found that their father's face hadn't changed much.

When they were still trying to explain, they saw Qin Shaofeng walking in step by step.

I have to say that Qin Shaofeng was too sloppy before.

They can say that they have never seen Qin Shaofeng's true face.

But Qin Shaofeng's temperament, they remember clearly.

Just by looking at the three-step shaking movement, they immediately recognized that this young and handsome boy brother turned out to be the senior who had saved them.

"Front, senior?"

How many young people looked at it, their voices trembling with young faces that didn't seem to be much bigger than them.

Qin Shaofeng had already seen them, and suddenly said, "Whoever wants to buy me wine, go and bring me all the best wines."

When he spoke, the teenagers instantly felt like they were back in the mountains.

When Du Shijie returned to the City Lord's Mansion, the confidence he had once had naturally returned.

He hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Since Senior has come to our City Lord's Mansion, how can we let Senior not have a good drink?"

As he said, he pointed to ten jars of wine that had been prepared long ago.

When Qin Shaofeng saw the wine, he immediately forgot about them. He quickly stepped forward, grabbed a wine jar, and slapped the mud seal away.

Suddenly, the wine overflowed.

Although there are not too many fine wines in Tianbei City, there are also many top-notch goods.

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