Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4085: Where is my wine?

"Master, sword."

The Killing Army quickly sent the long sword to Qin Shaofeng.

Start with the hilt.

When Sha Pojun was about to say two comforting words, he saw Qin Shaofeng, who was still lying on the ground before blinking, rushed forward in an instant.

It was like an arrow, just a moment, almost out of his field of vision.

Although the state of the killing army is not very good.

But after all, he was already the cultivation base of Tianyue, and he hurriedly caught up.

"Xiaojun, get Yuandan for the Lord, hahaha..."

He had just caught up for a while when he saw an existence that was even more terrifying than the Heavenly Moon Star Beast he had just killed, falling in front of him.

This is just a contact!

Do not! I didn't even see it at all.

Look at the dead wound again.

The killing army suddenly grew his mouth.

Because Qin Shaofeng's sword was so ingenious that after one sword, the star beast's Yuan Dan appeared in front of him.

He really only needs to reach out and pick it up.

When he picked up the essence pill and hurried to catch up, he saw another star beast descending from the sky.

The blood and a yuan pill swayed down at the same time.


The Killing Army couldn't help exclaiming.

Originally, someone who was only quietly following along the way, but now he was shocked by the scenes before him.

The speed of the two is not slower than him.

He just rushed to the road with all his strength, and couldn't even bother to hide his figure.

But just like this, he can almost only see the back of the two of them.

These changes made him feel more and more incredible.

After all, he was rushing at full speed, but the star beasts that Qin Shaofeng killed along the way, even the ones he knew, seemed to require him to fight with all his strength for an unknown amount of time.

Even in the end, whoever wins and who loses can't be said.

But this class of star beasts can't even stop people's footsteps.

The gap is too big, right?

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Once Qin Shaofeng took the shot, he had no intention of stopping at all.

In fact, he was originally prepared to upgrade in the mountains and forests.

If it weren't for the killing army, he wouldn't waste those seven days at all.

Now that he has cultivated the killing army to the limit, he will naturally take advantage of the remaining few days to replenish the previous time.

In a blink of an eye is an hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.

The sky has gradually darkened.

The Killing Army and someone who followed at full speed already felt that they were exhausted to the extreme just by following.

But Qin Shaofeng, who was still rushing madly just now, suddenly stopped.

The abrupt movement made the Sha Pojun almost ran into it with poor speed control.

"My son, has something happened?" Sha Pojun asked doubtfully.

"Happy event, happy event, hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

Isn't it a happy event?

During these three hours, he first received the news from Shan Mansion that the Yao Shenyi had been modified by Mo Ya.

Plus the ghost song of the war sword modified two days ago...

No, now it should be said that it is Excalibur and Ghost Song.

His equipment is tantamount to being fully prepared again.

Moreover, Mo Ya in the Fan Mansion had even been notified to him that Yao Shenyi had the qualifications to name it, and he had already called it the Ghost Mansion, and even the Fan Mansion was renamed Ghost Mansion by Mo Ya.

The three big ghosts are complete, why not be happy?

But this is not the real reason why he stopped.

The reason was that the heavenly secret technique he had practiced made him faintly feel a hint of danger.

Pamper your feet and fully perform the heavenly secret technique.

Let him clearly see that a hill-like figure is coming toward him quickly, believing that the tea time can come at most.

The existence of that hill is also a giant giant ape.

Looking at the murderous look in the eyes of the Titan Great Ape, I believe it should have something to do with the Titan Great Ape cub who helped the killing army upgrade and become abolished three hours ago.

This adult Titan Great Ape seems to have just entered the position of the Glory Star.

Perhaps his combat power has exceeded him too much.

But when he observed with the heavenly secret technique, he still saw the pure existence of many flaws.

He believed that the difficulty of beheading this star beast that had just entered the position of the shining star was really nonexistent.

All sorts of things have caused his star value to fall to the freezing point.

Now he is moving towards the star position.

The appearance of the star value is naturally a great happy event.

"Happy event? Did the young man also level up?" The Killing Army asked curiously.

"Wait a moment, hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng let go of the long sword in his right hand, and he fell straight down.

Behind him is a strong tree.

The sudden impact of his back caused the big tree to shake violently for a while.

And he pulled the lid of the wine gourd, raised his head and poured wine into his mouth.

Just one bite.

The wine is gone.

"No, no more?"

Qin Shaofeng's expression of madness just now suddenly became astonished.

In an instant, a manic breath came from him.

The Slaying Army who had entered the position of Heaven and Moon stepped back subconsciously.

And the person hiding in the dark had a sharp fluctuation in his pupils.

"Where is the wine? Where is the Lord's wine?"

Qin Shaofeng suddenly turned his head and yelled at the someone: "That guy, did you steal the Lord's wine secretly?"

Someone almost vomited blood with anger.

But Qin Shaofeng pointed out his position.

Naturally, someone does not need to hide.

In fact, he hurried at full speed along the way, and even the killing army had already realized his existence.

It was only because Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything, that the killing army didn't point it.

"Du Zhixing met Li Ye."

Someone came out generously, clasped his fist and bowed, saying: "When I return to Master Li, although I follow Master Li all the way, I have never been within a hundred meters of Master Li, and I will never steal Master Li's wine."

Have seen Qin Shaofeng's terrorist methods.

Someone's original arrogance has long since disappeared.

Qin Shaofeng's eyes revealed the killing intent: "Where did the wine go?"

"Master Li, the wine you got before is really too little. After we go back, I will definitely ask the city lord to collect good wine for you from all over the continent. After the fight is over, you can fill the wine gourd, OK?" Du The trip is not stupid.

After seeing Qin Shaofeng all the way, where would I not know, can't explain that he didn't steal alcohol at this time?

"Filled? Good, good!"

Qin Shaofeng laughed happily, but suddenly his face sank, and said, "I am the master and have no alcohol to drink now."

"You still have wine to drink."

A bead of sweat appeared on Du Zhixing's forehead, and said, "Master, there are two great wines brought out by Zhan Zhanxin in your storage bag."


Qin Shaofeng slapped his forehead fiercely, and said: "Why did you forget about this? That's not bad, that little guy, you are very good, hahaha..."

When he was laughing wildly, he didn't know why the killing army had already moved out two jars of fine wine.

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