Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4096: Glue

"Chu Huan? Why are you here?"

The attention before the killing army was indeed on Qin Shaofeng.

Accompanied by the sound of a slightly familiar voice, he suddenly raised his head.

When Chu Huan was in the Void Realm, he was much younger than him.

So that there is not much change now.

The other party could recognize that it was already condensed with blood and dust, and it was not known how many times it had been cracked open.

Now it is already embarrassing than a beggar, and it seems that it is not too conscious.

How could he not recognize Chu Huan?

They are just the joy of encountering old friends in another country.

No one noticed.

When they called each other's names, Zhan Zuixin and others' faces had already turned black.

The people around Qin Shaofeng actually knew this **** Chu Huan?

Look at the way they talk.

It doesn't seem to be the same situation with them.

Thinking about Qin Shaofeng's seemingly unreliable style again, they all felt a bad feeling in their hearts.

A drunkard, a hungry ghost of the best color.

Are these two guys related?

Zhan Zuixin did think of this.

The anger of his sister being cheated away still made him shout: "Big Brother Li, this Chu Huan deceived her eleven-year-old sister. My younger sister is only eleven! This nasty ghost will not let it go. , Brother Li is going to be the master for me!"

"Eleven years old?"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes also appeared astonished.

He seems to be drunk, but in fact, with his current cultivation base, how can this situation really happen?

What Zhan Zuixin said, he could hear clearly.

He had known for a long time that Chu Huan needed a woman to cultivate.

But he had never heard of it, Chu Huan was so hungry that he didn't choose food.

The eleven-year-old girl never let it go.

It's a **** to the extreme!

Although he thought so in his heart.

But he wouldn't really say anything.

It is impossible for him to really help Zhan Zuixin to be fair, right?


In the anticipation of Zhan Zui's eyes, he suddenly burped.

The drunkenness in his eyes seemed to turn into excitement.

"What kind of wine is eleven years old? I have been drinking for so many years. I have never heard of such a wine before. Bring it to my master." Qin Shaofeng shouted excitedly.

Zhan Zuixin was stunned.

The sudden change in emotion just now connects what he said with the wine.

How good is this wine?

Is it possible that we can't speak well if we leave the wine?

Their emotions are in Qin Shaofeng's words.

After all, in their opinion, the only person who can help them is the guy who looks so drunk that he might get down at any time.

But since I discovered that the Slaying Army was following Qin Shaofeng.

And Qin Shaofeng has such a personality.

This made his attention already on Qin Shaofeng.

He couldn't see Qin Shaofeng's identity.

But faintly, he could feel an inexplicable sense of crisis from Qin Shaofeng.

Zhan Zuixin asked the drunkard for help.

It will definitely not be aimless.

But when Qin Shaofeng's expression changed, his attention became more concentrated, staring at Qin Shaofeng's expression for a moment.

With his terrifying eyesight, and all his attention.

Let him be the only one in the audience, and I can see that Qin Shaofeng is not really drunk, and he was really surprised by his ‘record’ just now.

But this person didn't want to be an enemy of himself at all, so he would appear as drunk again.

"It's not the wine, it's this bastard, the hungry ghost who cheated my eleven-year-old sister." Zhan Zuixin was about to cry again.


Qin Shaofeng jumped up suddenly.

But when he landed, he seemed too drunk, slipped on his feet, and fell to the side again.

The Killing Army was in the midst of seeing Chu Huan's surprise and being stunned by Chu Huan's'records', and failed to react in time.

Du Zhixing is not the case.

He held Qin Shaofeng for the first time, but did not speak.

With the cultivation base of the fifth-order heaven and moon position.

He could clearly feel that Chu Huan and the two young men who seemed to be at odds with him, but were also two young men on the side, each had the ability to kill themselves.

Li Ye, a drunkard, really looks up to himself.

But since he did this deliberately, he obviously doesn't want to be amicable, so he shouldn't be loyal at this time.

Is the drunkard Li Ye really drunk?

When he first saw Qin Shaofeng, he really thought about it, but it definitely wouldn't be now.

A drunk drunkard can have the strength to kill a giant giant ape with a shining star and two powerhouses with a shining star?

That's just a joke, right?

"What... you, you, you bastard, you cheated the wine from your eleven-year-old little sister, I warn you, bring me the wine immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being impolite." Qin Shaofeng roared angrily. sound.

It's just that his roar and the truth are really irrelevant.

Two disciples of the endless mountain.

He has a new understanding of the unreliability of the alcoholic in front of him.

They became more and more curious.

How can he be so drunk to believe in such a drunkard who is presided over by Beitian?

"Master Li, oooooo..."

Zhan Zuixin really started to cry this time.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng again, he was still swaying under Du Zhixing's support.

It is also clear that Qin Shaofeng may be paralyzed by alcohol, but his head is always sober.

Obviously, I don't want to mix up this matter.

He immediately stood up and asked in a deep voice, "Chu Huan, even if you **** is interested in women, shouldn't you go to underage girls?"

"Cough cough cough!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't want to care about this.

Where does Chu Huan want Qin Shaofeng to be in charge?

He was worried and didn't know how to solve it. He heard that the killing army seemed to be questioning, but in fact it was a question to give himself a chance to step down. He hurriedly said, "I admit that I do plan to raise it first, but I It's really not that beast!"

"Although I don't remember who his sister is, since I went to lie to it, naturally it was because of her special aptitude. I kept it for her to cultivate her into a super powerful combat power against the enemy ghost clan in the future. "


The killing army was really shocked.

He only knew Chu Huan's upgrade method before, but he really didn't know that Chu Huan could still have this method.

In fact, Mo said he didn't know, and Qin Shaofeng didn't know either.

"This is a special mystery that I realized when I was visualizing the Ancient Secret Scroll of Infinite Mountain. It allows people of different cultivation levels to practice the whole array together, and the final combat power that can be formed and the increase to me. They are all incomparable."

Chu Huan said helplessly, "Moreover, what I did was really not very good. Isn't this all going to be made up by helping the eldest brother?"

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