Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4105: Fight to fight

Zhan Zuixin's face became more and more ugly.

Although he is the person responsible for this battle for Chongming Pool on behalf of Beitian, he himself is not good at eloquence.

Suddenly faced with the shameless behavior of the two people one after another, a small face suddenly turned red.

The age difference between the two is not small.

Zhang Qingwen almost smiled when he saw his look change.

Just as he said to the end, the reason he suddenly remembered gave him a bit of confidence.

He immediately shouted: "Zhan Zuixin, do you think that a Void Realm mighty person can provoke anyone?"

Listening to his words, even Qin Shaofeng's expression changed slightly.

He did face off to Qi Delong.

But the matter itself, after all, was Qi Delong who was the first to make trouble. As long as he possessed a certain eloquence, it was impossible for Zhang Qingwen's obvious arrogant words to stop.

It just so happened now that this happened.

"What a mighty person in the Void Realm, can the Void Realm cultivation base be able to arbitrarily interfere with the competition between the two powers that have been decided long ago?" The Killing Army walked out unbearably.

As the pinnacle of the Ethereal Realm, he couldn't catch the problem either.

However, Zhan Zuixin, who should have spoken the most, had nothing to say, and he had to stand up.

When he said that, Qi Delong's gaze suddenly turned around.

The aura of the Void Realm powerhouse broke out again.

But before he pressed his aura toward the Killing Army, another sword light suddenly rose up into the sky, cutting his aura again.

"If you come out to make trouble, you are still arrogant, and now you have to use the cultivation as a way to suppress people, Yunxian Palace, really deserves to be the peak of the mainland's strength, hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng no longer needs other people to speak this time.

He swung the long sword that was condensed by the power of the earth and earth in his hand once in a volley, and then pointed at Zhang Qingwen and Xuanshan two elders.

"The people in the Yunxian Temple, whoever wants to do something to the Lord's person, just do it directly, there is no need to make so many excuses, hahaha..."

His words are no longer about him.

But his body was still swaying, and the long sword in his hand first pointed towards Zhang Qingwen, and then immediately pointed towards the second elder Xuanshan.

"A group of brazen people who can't afford to lose, just go together. Master has been around the world for so many years, and he still doesn't care about this little thing, hahaha..." He was still smiling proudly.

As if he singled out Yunxian Palace by his own strength, it was a trivial matter.

But he is not willing to expose his strength easily.

But it was clear that neither Shapojun nor Chu Huan were the little guys like Zhan Zuixin who had just entered the rivers and lakes, and they would definitely be able to hear the meaning of his words.

as predicted.

The first time he spoke, Chu Huan's lips moved slightly.

Immediately, he had come to Qin Shaofeng's side.

"It seems that all competitions in martial arts are bullshit, then we are counted as an endless mountain, and our endless mountain has not been humiliated for a long time!" Chu Huan's words were even more vicious.

There were originally two endless mountain disciples who didn't know how to decide.

Hearing this, they displayed the long sword and the endless seal together, and walked over quickly.

Zhan Zui looked at their movements with hesitation in his eyes.

But he knew it very well.

The words Chu Huan just transmitted to him must be true.

If you don't do it yourself, I'm afraid that today's excitement will really become bigger.

"Well, since Yunxian Temple shamelessly broke the contract, we Beitian will naturally accompany us to the end!"

As he said, he took out a piece of jade pendant.

The jade pendant looks simple, with only a simple reddish red character'North' on it.

However, the faint aura radiating from this piece of jade pendant changed the complexions of Zhang Qingwen and the two elders Xuanshan.

The faint aura radiating from the jade card could make them clearly feel that it turned out to belong to the aura of Fuluo.

This turned out to be a piece of existence that was refined into a talisman using only that word.

No need to think too much.

They all know that this is obviously the jade pendant used by Beitian to send messages, or to ask for help.

Zhang Qingwen's face suddenly darkened.

Elder Xuanshan’s face was dark enough, but the light radiating from their eyes could make people clearly feel their anger.

What about the anger of the strong in the void?

There are big forces behind Zhan Zuixin and others.

As for Qin Shaofeng, he didn't even look at the two Void Realm guys.

Although the number of people in his Fan Mansion has decreased.

But Li Naling, the prisoner of Infinite Prison, was able to make a name in the Void Realm thousands of years ago, and her combat power is obviously not comparable to these two people who have only been famous for hundreds of years and have become running dogs of Yunxian Palace.

"Aren't you going to fight in groups? Come then!"

Seeing that they all stopped speaking, Chu Huan suddenly mocked.

There is indeed Cangming Palace behind Yunxian Temple.

But the ambition of Cangming Palace has been completely exposed, as long as they dare to brazenly go to war with Beitian.

I believe the Bodhidharma Academy will not sit idly by.

As for the endless mountains and dragons that have formed an alliance, they will also stand on the side of the northern sky.

Even the kinsmen who have come to make trouble once are afraid that they will stand up and help Beitian.

This is not in the interest of Cangming Palace.

The expressions of the three were extremely ugly.

But they didn't dare to say what they wanted Qin Shaofeng to fight against Qi Delong.

"Who said that there is a group battle? Is it clear that you said it?"

Zhang Qingwen finally had to speak.

"Senior Qi Delong just said that, and none of you said that you disagree, so I will tell them to play the second game. Since you all have opinions, you must first compare."

"As for the matter between that kid and Senior Qi Delong, our Yunxian Temple will not interfere, and I believe you will not interfere with Beitian and Infinite Mountain."

Zhang Qingwen deserves to be a representative of Yunxian Temple.

His words are directly forcing Beitian and Wujinshan to stop intervening in this matter, obviously they want to die with Qin Shaofeng.


Zhan Zuixin came out furiously, and said, "Master Li is helping us Beitian. If you dare to secretly attack Master Li, then you will never die with us Beitian!"

There was no joy or anger on Zhang Qingwen's face.

He turned his head and looked at each other at Xuanshan, and smiled: "I will talk about this later. Let's continue the competition now!"

The meaning of the eye contact is very simple.

Can't deal with Qin Shaofeng blatantly, can't he wait for Qin Shaofeng to leave the range of the northern sky, or after Zhan Zuixin's vision, and others do?

Even if that kid is somewhat capable.

The two elders of Xuanshan shot together, even if they were two powerhouses of the same rank, they might not be able to fight with them.

Not to mention it is a small Tianyue Pinnacle Martial Art.

By him?

Being able to live a few breaths under the joint hands of the two elders is already a record against the sky.

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