Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4110: Learn from

"Go back! What a shame!"

With a flash of Qin Shaofeng's figure, he was already behind Qi Sanchuan who was still in a rage and seemed to want to continue roaring.

With a seemingly random wave of the wine gourd in his hand, it hit Qi Sanchuan's head.

Under a muffled noise.

Qi Sanchuan had already flown out towards the front.

The young man surnamed Dai always stared at this scene in a daze.

He also didn't like Chu Huan, but he had already admitted that there was really nothing wrong with Chu Huan's statement.

I want to persuade my brother.

But I also know that the senior is getting angry, and now it is useless to say anything, and it will make things worse if it is not done.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's gourd, he hurried forward a few steps and moved Qi Sanchuan next.

Look at Qin Shaofeng again.

The look in his eyes fluctuates greatly.

It seemed to be anger in my heart, but there was a touch of gratitude.

After Qin Shaofeng finished this, he staggered back.

The look in his eyes still looked dazed, but the deepest look in his eyes was full of anger and killing intent.

The killing intent was not towards Qi Sanchuan.

But the side of Yunxian Palace.

This competition represents a place of good fortune that belongs to the northern sky.

Even if he didn't enjoy such a treasure, he couldn't let it fall into the hands of Cangming Palace.

What should I do?

Qi Delong's previous shots almost caused a melee.

Can I follow suit?

Those two casual cultivators themselves admitted that they were not opponents of the people found in Yunxian Palace.

It's just that the two of them are not relatives to me...

When Qin Shaofeng thought about this, he couldn't help but look at the killing army.

Leng Weiwei and Su Shan are not related to him.

But this killing army is different!

Shabajun is his book boy. With this identity, he seems to be able to kill while drunk, right?

That's right, as long as Zhang Qingwen can be killed, it is impossible to stop this battle.

While he was still thinking about it, Su Shan walked out with a gloomy face.

The look in Su Shan's eyes was obviously ready to work hard.

When Qin Shaofeng saw this scene, his eyelids couldn't help lowering, and he walked towards the other side shaking step by step.

When he was about to come to Su Shan, he slipped his feet and fell down towards Su Shan.

His performance made Zhang Qingwen and others stunned.

Su Shan has seen too much.

He suddenly stretched out his hand to support Qin Shaofeng, and said, "Master Li, go slowly."

In the world of casual repair, the strong is respected.

Qin Shaofeng has gained his full respect by virtue of his influence.

"Send him back."

Qin Shaofeng said drunkly.

Su Shan had seen too much of this situation, so he had to help Qin Shaofeng walk back.

But seeing this scene in Zhang Qingwen's eyes, Zhang Qingwen did not suddenly wrinkle.

"What does that alcoholic want to do?"

Zhang Qingwen looked at the second elder Xuanshan nervously.

The two elders of Xuanshan still had a cold face.

Their eyes were fixed on Qin Shaofeng, as if they were still thinking about how they could use Qin Shaofeng to kill Qin Shaofeng openly.

A few steps passed.

Su Shan had already sent Qin Shaofeng back to the people.

But just when he was about to turn around and walk out again, he found that Qin Shaofeng had caught his shirt tightly.

"Master Li?" Su Shan asked suspiciously.

"This kind of martial arts competition is interesting and interesting. The master's book boy cultivation level is almost the same. I should go and practice hands. This is a good opportunity!" Qin Shaofeng said with emotion.

Su Shan's eyes suddenly widened.

He naturally knew who Qin Shaofeng was talking about.

But the problem is...

Who is Qin Shaofeng's book boy?

Kill the army!

Obviously, under a certain secret method, forcibly at the fastest speed, the cultivation base was upgraded to the first-order Tian-Moon-level realm.

If he wants to kill, he only needs to move his fingers.

The opponent to face in the next place.

No matter which of the two remaining people is, it is impossible for the Killing Army to provoke.

Why did he suddenly say such a thing?

Su Shan was born in casual cultivation and his mind is natural and bright.

But casual cultivators also have a downside, that is, they are too heavy on promises.

Especially in his eyes, as representatives of Beitian, they can't do things that will damage Beitian's face.

Zhan Zuixin didn't think so after hearing Qin Shaofeng's words.

Didn’t Qi Delong, the second veteran of Xuanshan, already do it once?

In their next two games, no matter how you look at them, they will lose more and win less.

If there are no variables.

They have almost no hope of winning by half a point.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly made such a request, obviously because he already had some plan.

Think about it.

Zhan Zuixin laughed and said: "Although we represent the two major forces in the competition, we have won two games after all. If we send a strong player to the field and directly win the competition, it would be too shabby for Yunxian Temple Now that Master Li has this idea, let Brother Shapojun go to practice his hands."

Their sing-a-chong opening made Zhang Qingwen's expression even harder to look at.

"What does it mean that we have lost two games? You have the ability to send out a strong player to directly win this match." Zhang Qingwen roared.

"If you lose, you lose, what can you say?"

Zhan Zuixin shook his head helplessly, and said bitterly: "We are not like a shameless, running dog force in the North, but we don’t do things that bully. yield."

"This Young Master Dai is a direct disciple of Elder Wu Endless Mountain. As long as you let Young Master Dai take a shot, one move is enough to win the match. Didn't we just let Young Master Qi deliberately lose to you?"

The five casual cultivators who were still present all stared like bronze bells.

Especially Ren Zeming, who had just played in the battle.

It almost jumped up.

I obviously rely on strength to win, okay?

How did you become let go?

As for that **** boy Dai?

You think we can’t tell, he is just Qi Sanchuan’s strength, isn’t his combat power comparable to Qi Sanchuan?

So shameless, what did you say?

They know everything.

But the problem is that Zhan Zuixin's words were not meant for them.

People watching the excitement outside the square are far away from here, and with the shelter of various architectural plants, it is impossible to see too clearly.

But they also know clearly that Beitian has easily won two games.

Although the last game failed, it seems that it has something to do with the mentality of the players.

They didn't know which Master Dai's cultivation strength was, but after hearing the personal discipleship of Elder Wu Endless Mountain, they immediately chose to believe in Zhan Zhan's words.

"Xiaojun, go, just practice your hands well. You don't need to worry about anything. It's just a competition, they don't dare to hurt you." Qin Shaofeng said drunkly.

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