Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4116: auto update

"If someone else's space can't be sealed, I will lock the space open for you when you take action." Di Shan said with a smile.

"Then I'm welcome."

Joy suddenly appeared in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

He thought he would have to wait a long time.

That being the case.

Naturally, he would not waste any more time, and walked towards the two people who were blocked by the space.

Such an action suddenly changed the faces of the two of them.

They want to say something more.

But under the blockade of space, they couldn't open their mouths.

The mouth opened and closed for a while.

In their horrified eyes, they saw Qin Shaofeng had come near them.

It's almost under life and death crisis.

They wanted to display their defenses, but they were also powerless under the blockade of space.

"The ability of the void to block space is really terrifying."

Qin Shaofeng looked at the expressions of the two at close range and couldn't help but exclaim in secret.

My heart is also ready.

Together with the situation of waiting for the cultivation level, the two elders Xuanshan who failed to comprehend the power of space can only do this when facing a space blockade.

It seems that you need to be more careful when you encounter a powerhouse in the void in the future.

He thought in his heart, but the movement in his hand didn't stop at all.

The right hand directly makes the posture of holding the sword.

But nothing appeared in his hands.

Such a weird scene made both people who were blocked feel suspicious.

But in the next moment.

As Qin Shaofeng's attacking posture was truly made, the expressions on their faces suddenly became extremely heavy.

How can it be!

He doesn't even have a sword in his hand. How can he make us feel such a big crisis?

The expressions of the two suddenly changed.

On the contrary, the expressions of the few people who were not his target became strange.

Mo Ya and Di Shan are the closest to Qin Shaofeng.

But none of them could see the difference from Qin Shaofeng's posture.

I couldn't help thinking together: Is he going to kill the two elders Xuanshan like this?

Prisoner Li Naling, who was guarding Luo San's breakthrough, couldn't help but look back.

A look of doubt also appeared in her eyes for a long time.

Can be very fast.

The doubt in her eyes turned into shock.


Li Naling's exclamation attracted everyone's attention.

But after everyone saw her gaze, they once again looked at Qin Shaofeng, who was just attacking with a sword.


Could it be that what he is using now is the power of nothingness?

But how is this possible?

Nothingness is a sign of the strong in nothingness.

If he really has the ability to control nothingness, and he wants to kill them who have the ability to block space, it will be easy.

Qin Shaofeng is only the peak cultivation base of Tianyue.

How could he master the emptiness?

In everyone's thinking.

The sword in Qin Shaofeng's hand had already been cut down.

One sword fell.

No attack power appeared.

They didn't even feel a little bit of energy.

The moment Qin Shaofeng's sword fell.

The vitality of the second elder Xuanshan disappeared completely.

"Dead, dead?!"

Di Shan and Mo Ya exclaimed together.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for beheading the two powerful players in the Void Realm and gaining 20000 Glory Stars and 2 Martial Arts."

Twenty thousand stars? !

Qin Shaofeng's heart beat involuntarily.

When he was beheading a martial artist who had surpassed his own level too much, he would experience suppression.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he would directly collect all experience points.

That's a full 20,000 shining stars!

Doesn't it mean that he is enough to directly impact the realm around the heaven?

He was still thinking about it excitedly.

"System reminder: Because the player Qin Shaofeng gets too many shining stars, the system is automatically upgrading."

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading, the current rank is the first, and it consumes 100 shining stars."

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading, the current rank is 2nd, and it consumes 10 shining points."

Qin Shaofeng just heard these two sounds, and his heart was already excited.

It seems that this upgrade is nothing more than that.

According to this kind of promotion, won't I still be directly ascended to the heavenly position?

While he was still thinking about it.

The sound of the system is already stuck above the ninth order of human position.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for rising to ten levels in a row, consuming a total of 550 stars."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng's seven-color inheritance and upgrade. The current seven-color second-order, consumes a total of 7,300 shining stars."

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng Qicai inherited experience value increase, the current Qicai second level, experience value 123.3 million."

Qin Shaofeng was stunned immediately.

What just happened?

Why did an unexpected change happen suddenly?

Shouldn't it all be increased to the cultivation base?

How can the remaining true value be automatically added to the martial arts after ten levels of continuous sound?

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Second-order human position (-/1000)

Star Position: Colorful Mark Warrior (Silver)

Martial Art: Colorful Tianxu (Level 2)

Strength value: 2/10

Ghost Mark: 1-36

Martial Arts: Colorful Sword Jue, Colorful Heart Jue, Colorful Martial Art, Colorful Dao Yin, Colorful True Jue

Colorful second-order: 130 million

Inheritance Spells: Si Beast Thunder, Nothingness of Life

Sky map: Space level three (0/10 million)

Ghost Fire Jindan: 9/9

Star value: 0/1000

Talent skills: Spiritual Code of Gods and Demons

Knowledge Sea: Colorful Void Realm

Equipment: Luotian Zen Shadow, Ghost Song, Ghost Clothes, Ghost Mansion

Qin Shaofeng opened the character interface immediately.

But when he saw the remaining Glory Star value, he suddenly felt black in front of him and almost fainted.

That's a full 20,000 shining stars!

After the system is automatically upgraded, how come all my star points are obliterated?

Seven color second-order indeed made him look forward to.

But there is no need to increase it directly, right?

Also, where did my star and moon value go?

Isn't it possible to use the star and moon value to improve martial arts?

After a burst of anger in my heart.

He thought of something again.

The previous upgrade cost 550 points of flares. When the Colorful Legacy was upgraded to Tier 2, it seemed to cost a little more.

Could it be that I was all before? ? ? The star and moon value of is directly converted into the star value to increase the Dao Qi Cai inheritance?

He just thought about it, and the hatred in his heart became stronger.

He did kill the star beast in the forest.

But during this time, most of the star beasts he encountered were below the shining star.

The star and moon value disappears directly.

Doesn't it mean that when he wants another level and martial arts, he has to spend the star value to be feasible?

Seven-color second-tier upgrade to seven-color third-tier actually requires a full 100,000 stars.

That's a hundred thousand!

Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt like crying without tears.

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