Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4120: You seem to be rich

"Are we eligible to go in now?"

Chu Huan obviously still had anger in his heart.

But it was not because the dogs of the two girls looked down on others.

It was because he was anxious about the lone wolf right now, and the girl's words were just a lead at best.

"Yes, you can. If you come, you can come in naturally."

Elder Xu's face also began to become respectful.

Even if Chu Huan looked so young.

In the face of being able to take out the soul crystal, he did not dare to show any disrespect.

"Huh! You know the current affairs!"

Chu Huan snorted and put away the soul crystal.

When Elder Xu's expression became slightly ugly, he displayed the endless seal.

The disciple of Endless Mountain does not need any identity token at all.

The endless seal is their best token.

Elder Xu suddenly took a breath when he saw the endless mark on his forehead.

He quickly backed three steps and bowed to Chu Huan.

"Old man, Xu Lanzhi, the lay elder of the firm, I have met my husband." Elder Xu naturally understood what Chu Huan's identity represented.

"I'm not here to listen to your kind words. I heard that there is a lone wolf in your place. I need to take him away. As for how much money is needed, you can ask above." Chu Huan said.

"Lone, lone wolf!"

Elder Xu trembled all over again.

Although the lone wolf had escaped from the status of a slave, he was only the lowest servant in the battlefield.

If it were to change from the past, he would definitely not be able to figure out who that lone wolf was.

But now he only listened to the name, and his heart trembled.

Because of this name, it just appeared three days ago.

It was a guardian of Yunxian Temple who came to ask someone in person.

At that time, he delayed most of an hour in order to find someone, and also made the protector of Yunxian Temple furious.

Later, after inquiring, he knew that it was because of the killing and breaking army.

As for the killing army, in his eyes it was nothing more than a waste that had just been released from slavery, and he didn't care about it at all.

But he couldn't think of it.

A little lone wolf not only attracted the guardian of Yunxian Temple, but also attracted the inner disciples of the endless mountain.

Do not underestimate the identity of the inner door of the endless mountain.

Tian Xing Commercial Bank belongs to the subordinate forces of the endless mountain.

In the eyes of this elder Xu, Chu Huan's identity as an inner disciple was no lower than that of the protector of the Yunxian Temple.


If Chu Huan and Yunxian Temple showed their identities together.

He would only stand firmly on Chu Huan's side.

This can be seen.

After he knew what Chu Huan was looking for about the lone wolf, the level of panic in his heart had reached.

"What happened?" Chu Huan's expression suddenly became cold.

"Sir, it's not that the old man doesn't want to make someone, but because the lone wolf is no longer in our great battlefield." Elder Xu bowed in fear.

He dared not wait for Chu Huan to ask again, and quickly explained what he knew.

When he said the identity of the protector and what he planned to do to the lone wolf, the breath in Chu Huan burst out uncontrollably.

Just because that Yunxian Temple protector is a magical alchemy.

Because of the killing of the army, he actually planned to use the lone wolf as the soil for the cultivation of the pill and the elixir. After the elixir is planted on the lone wolf, he will send the lone wolf and the pill into the alchemy furnace. Refining.

Lone Wolf has never been exposed to such a thing.

But he also heard a tingling scalp.

He couldn't imagine.

What kind of person can he do such a cruel thing?

Modao Wuxiu!

Could it be that cultivating the devil way has already cultivated that person's humanity?

Rao is that the anger in Chu Huan's heart has gone to the extreme.

But he couldn't send his anger towards this elder Xu either.

After all, before they came here.

The lone wolf is just a servant of the Great Battle Arena.

How could this elder Xu offend the protector of Yunxian Palace because of a servant born in a slave?

"Who was the one who took the lone wolf, what cultivation base, and where did he live?" Chu Huan asked quickly.

Although he was asking, he was already worried to the extreme in his heart.

After all, being able to become a protector of such a hegemonic power like Yunxian Palace, the cultivation base would naturally not be weak.

You can imagine how difficult it is to **** someone out of the opponent's hands based on them.

"Devil Forest Guardian, I don't know what his real name is, and I don't know what his cultivation level is."

"I only know that he is the magic forest guardian of Yunxian Temple, living in another courtyard west of the city."

"But sir, you'd better not go there. If you really want to save people, you can go directly to a manor three hundred miles south of the city."

"I heard that he is going to attend the birthday banquet of Elder Yunyi in the Yunxian Temple where he lives, and he will make alchemy for Elder Yunyi on the spot at the birthday banquet."

Elder Xu explained everything at an astonishing speed.

You know, what he is facing is just an endless mountain disciple.

In the presence of so many people, it was equivalent to having completely offended the Elder Yunwing and the Magic Forest Protector.

But he didn't see the slightest worry on his face.

Only the guilt for Chu Huan.

Chu Huan immediately turned around: "Go, let's go to the manor in the south of the city."

"Not urgent."

Qin Shaofeng just moved the wine gourd away from his mouth and said: "After this incident, if the two guys don't die, they will trouble Tianxing Firm, so leave your help Yujian to them!"

Elder Xu did not know the identity of the four people outside Chu Huan.

Even as the elder, he had never seen him before.

Suddenly seeing Qin Shaofeng stop him, he was still taken aback.

Hearing this, the look of horror on his face finally turned into a surprise, and he quickly said: "No need, our Tianxue firm is a force under the command of the endless mountain, and our headquarters has a jade slip of the endless mountain."

"Leave this one too!"

Chu Huan threw a piece of jade slip casually.

Without waiting for Elder Xu to say anything, he turned and rushed out in the direction of leaving the city.

The four of them hurried away like four sharp swords.

But Qin Shaofeng never moved.

Elder Xu had already breathed a sigh of relief, but when he saw this, he became nervous again.

"Heavenly Star Arena, it looks like a lot of money?"

Qin Shaofeng asked drunkly.

Elder Xu was immediately taken aback and nodded again and again and said: "There is still a front, I wonder if this gentleman plans?"

He is really scared now.

If Qin Shaofeng robbed the title of endless mountain, it would be very difficult for him to do it!

"It's fine if you have money, hehehe!"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes narrowed, and he said with a smile: "Old man, look, for your sake, the father asked Chu Huan to leave his distress jade to you. Shouldn't you say something too?"

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