Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4122: An alcoholic fell from the sky

Outside Baiyue City.

Qin Shaofeng and others entered the city from the west gate, and did not notice the situation in the south of the city.

Although the area where Beitian is located is also very large.

But Beitian is the main defense against the invasion of ghosts after all.

In the entire northern sky area, the folk customs are extremely strong.

Even the forces that belonged to Bei Tian mostly had some military-like atmosphere, and the spirit of enduring hardship most often appeared.

Perhaps because of this, few people from the northern sky will arrive.

So much so that it looks very depressed outside the West Gate.

But after coming out of the South City Gate, what I saw at a glance turned out to be like a place like a market.

This gathering place stretches for hundreds of miles.

Qin Shaofeng only glanced in the air, and once again had a new understanding of Beitian.

At this moment, he was not in the mood to care so much.

It is three hundred miles away from Baiyue City.

Specifically, there should be more than three hundred and seventy miles, which is the manor that Elder Xu said.

The manor in name is actually larger than the Forbidden City that Qin Shaofeng had visited before crossing.

Looking into the distance from the air, it really looked like a palace.

He didn't know if anyone else was in the manor.

But in the current manor, there are actually densely packed people who seem to be going to pray for birthdays, and they seem to be doing other things.

Qin Shaofeng was not in the mood to think about what these people were doing.

When he approached from a high altitude, he had already condensed all his breath.

Appeared above the manor.

Or it should be said that it is when the birthday really begins.

The breath of a drunk reappeared in him.

The whole person is like a meteor falling down.



Elder Yunyi is very happy today.

In other words, in recent years, he has been very happy.

Because since he held his first birthday in this neighborhood, he has really discovered what kind of treatment he can get in a place far away from Yunxian Temple with his current status and reputation.

After realizing that, he almost built a manor resembling a palace in every prosperous place on the edge of Yunxian Temple's sphere of influence.

It rotates every five years.

Every birthday, he can get a gift comparable to that of a birthday that has been tens of hundreds of years.

Today is his birthday again.

He deliberately released the news a month ago.

Even for today, he did not hesitate to invite all the cooks in the nearby restaurants.

But when he heard the call of the disciple who was responsible for reporting the name of the gift list outside the door, he still felt that the wine and food he prepared might not be enough.

That's enough food for thousands of people!

What a horrible gift this must be?

Elder Yunyi can become the elder, and his cultivation has naturally reached the Void Realm.


His Void Realm uses a certain special method, so that the combat power is not very real.

He can mobilize the power of the void, but he is very weak.

As long as the opponent's cultivation base can reach the peak of heaven, he will be able to act under the control of his void power.

Although the action is more than tens or hundreds of times more difficult than usual, it is still capable of action.

It is completely impossible to compare with those who truly rely on themselves to reach that level of cultivation.

But even so, it was enough for him.

Of course, the area around here is more sufficient.

It stands to reason that Qin Shaofeng's presence is very weak, but as a powerhouse in the void, he shouldn't have no feeling at all.

It happened that his mind was all focused on the desire for gifts, how could he care for so much?

That's why.

When another voice sounded, he didn't know exactly what the disciple was calling, but he found that a dark shadow suddenly fell from him.


There was a muffled noise.

Suddenly dust rose.

Elder Yunyi saw the dust rising up clearly, and the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely.

Although his ‘Manor’ is huge.

He is very dedicated to his birthday.

Even the cleaning is a special servant he invited.

But after cleaning every place, he would personally check again and again, as long as he found a little dirty place, he would be furious in an instant.

Especially where he was, it was really the ground of soil, and it felt like a glass mirror surface was forced out.

Even if someone wipes the ground with their fingers, they will never wipe out any dust.

It is such a clean place.

As the black shadow fell, the mirror-like ground was smashed into dust.

This shows how terrifying this smashing force is.

He subconsciously looked at lying on the ground, like a corpse, and then subconsciously looked into the sky.

"Does anyone want to use a big living person to plot against the old man?"

Elder Yunyi thought of this, suddenly furious.

Even if he didn't see anyone in the sky, he still got angry when he looked at the person in front of him again.

But he hadn't waited for his angry voice to exit.

"Ah... I had a good night's sleep."

It sounded like a dream.

I saw that the person who was still like a corpse just got up.

With the movement of his getting up, Elder Yunyi clearly saw the big human-shaped hole on the ground.

He knew that the ground he was on was definitely harder than the marble ground by many times.

But a human-shaped pit appeared.

He can imagine.

If there is no defense, even if he smashes such a horrible hole, it will definitely be a lot of pain and seven injuries.

Even if you don't end up with lifelong disability, you have to lie in bed for at least a year and a half.

It happened when he looked back.

But it was clear that the figure that was crawling out didn't even have the slightest injury.

Climbing out of the pothole at will, even more casually lying down next to the stone sculptures on the edge of the road.

Pick up the old wine gourd with one hand.

With the other hand, he opened the lid of the gourd and started pouring wine into his mouth.

"You must be happy in life, don't make the golden bottle empty to the moon, haha, good wine, good wine, hahaha!"

This man was lying on the ground like this, and he started to have a poem while drinking.

Such actions and changes made Elder Yunyi almost shout out.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng who was chanting poems right in front of him, he immediately made Elder Yunyi feel bad.

Does this guy know where he is now?

How dare he be so presumptuous?

Elder Yun Yi thought about it with anger, and then looked at the human-shaped potholes on the ground, and he obviously drank so that he didn't even know Qin Shaofeng where he was.

He simply chose to remain silent.

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