Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4132: Who is his disciple?

"Master once taught little monks that monks must not kill, but since my generation of monks practice martial arts, they should defend themselves." Qin Shaofeng said.

The man was confused when he heard it, and couldn't help asking, "Isn't this what it should be? After practicing martial arts, if you can't even protect yourself, what else do you do?

He was in the game and didn't feel anything.

But his two companions faintly felt something wrong.

The murderous aura that came out of this little monk just now doesn't seem like a monk can possess it?

Even some of the world of loose repairs, the big demon known as killing and decisive, may not be able to have the murderous horror that he just exudes?

That is the real murderous aura, a murderous aura that can only be possessed by killing countless people.

At least the three of them combined, the murderous intent that can be formed is absolutely not the murderous horror that this little monk just exudes.

Will he be a monk who doesn't kill?

Looks a bit abnormal, right?

His master's defense of oneself is definitely not what the person asked just now.

“The benefactor’s words are extremely true. The poor monk master also said that the monks of my generation should cultivate their moral character, but if someone deliberately targets them, they can endure it. Thousands of thousands. In the future, when others hear the name of the poor monk, they will not come to die again. This means that I will not go to **** and whoever goes to hell, Amitabha." Qin Shaofeng said word by word.

His words immediately stunned the man.

Even the other two people were shocked.

Is this why I don’t go to **** and who goes to hell?

How did good Buddhist and Taoist things become so terrifying when they reached this little guy's mouth?

Then there is, what does it mean to kill thousands?

What kind of guy is the master of this little monk?

This idea emerged in their hearts.

As soon as the thought appeared, a figure appeared in their minds.

That was a monk who walked out of the Bodhidharma when Emperor Cangming led people to denounce Qin Shaofeng.

It was precisely because of the monk's horror that the Great Emperor Cangming was somewhat restrained in his work.

Listening to the words of the little monk in front of me.

Let them subconsciously think of that terrifying monk.

In the entire Bodhidharma Academy, it seems that only the monk can teach such a concept, right?

It's... so cruel, isn't it?

"Donor, the poor monk master does not allow the poor monk to use his cultivation base. Can the donor send the poor monk back to the monastery? If he can't be quicker, the benefactor may not be able to hold it anymore, Amitabha." Qin Shaofeng said again come out.

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the three of them were immediately messed up in the wind.

What does it mean that the donor can't hold it anymore?

What you are holding is just a dead branch, okay?

You can even let you speak so tall.

It's so speechless!

"This, we still have some things, we can't go that far for the time being."

The man quickly changed his mind.

Send this little monk to Dharma Academy?

Are you kidding me?

It would take at least three days and three nights to get to the Moroccan Temple from here, even if the return journey is not counted.

So much time wasted on this little monk, what are they going to do?

Maybe it was because of the delay of one of them that the drunkard who deserved a thousand swords could run away.

Especially the person who asked Qin Shaofeng the reason.

After looking at Qin Shaofeng's body, he hurriedly said goodbye, "The old man suddenly remembered that there is something else, so let's leave first."

He didn't hesitate at all, turning around, he turned into a streamer and went away.

This action immediately made Qin Shaofeng's expression difficult to look.

"Amitabha, two donors..."


The two of them hadn't been found out by Qin Shaofeng, so naturally they didn't dare to delay the slightest.

As soon as he turned his body, he disappeared into the horizon.

The speed is amazing.

Qin Shaofeng looked at the three people who had gone away in an instant, his face flashed with anger, and he said to himself: "Amitabha Buddha, my Buddha is compassionate. These donors who don't know how to cherish the living body will not die."

"Poor monks can't get angry with them, Amitabha."

"Go, go, benefactor, you have to hold on!"

Qin Shaofengshen's chattering sound, raised his foot and continued to rush towards the distance.

He didn't make a show on purpose.

When he had a dialogue with that person just now, he had already clearly felt that several divine consciousness probes had fallen on him.

If you make the slightest flaw by yourself, I am afraid that you will definitely not only face the three people just now.

I'm afraid there will be more than doubled numbers.

When he went away quickly.

A few figures emerged from the void.

These people look at me, I look at you, face to face for a long time.

One person finally couldn't help but said: "The monk who didn't want to arrive at the Moran Temple can easily not see it. As long as it can see, there is no normal guy.

"It seems that the Bodhidharma Academy has recently begun to give birth to disciples. It seems that the Cangming Realm is really not peaceful."

"You are born in this world, and you don't look at what is born in this world."

"First, a terrifying lone star of the evil god, and then an old guy with **** hands, who can be described as the world's first demon, now this one is even more ruthless..."

"I'll endure, I'll endure, if you don't do anything to me, I can't kill people, or I will kill your whole clan, even if you are scared away by me, I will curse you not to die."

"This, this..."

"Dharma Academy, it really deserves to be said by the emperor himself, the most terrifying place in the world, the old man really doubts whether there is a normal person there."

"I'm afraid not?"

"There is no point in discussing these things now."

"Yes, hurry up to separate and continue searching. That drunkard will never get out far, and we must not let him escape."

"Walk around, scatter search!"

After a few simple exchanges, a group of people dispersed again.

Until all the people on the bright side have gone away.

There are still a few breaths that always follow Qin Shaofeng.

After a short while.

Those few breaths finally disappeared.

At that moment, Qin Shaofeng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He only knew that someone was exploring in secret, but he didn't dare to use his life's emptiness to explore.

But if he could explore it, he would definitely be very grateful for his choice.

There are already ten people who just appear on the surface.

Plus, I don't know a few people secretly.

If he really started fighting, even if he called out Li Naling and others, he might not be able to kill them.

These powerhouses in Yunxian Temple are all exploring nearby.

If anyone else finds out, it will only make the battle more tragic.

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