Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4134: Anger shot

"Are you... the drunk man Li Taibai who asked us for a place in Chongming Pool from Beitian?" Zhan Cangkong's gaze suddenly solidified.

Qin Shaofeng had already said so clearly.

If he still couldn't react, then he didn't deserve to continue to sit in the position of the Northern Sky Young Emperor.

The voice just fell.

His look became unkind.

"I said, how come the aura of the powerhouse of the Void Realm in Yunxian Palace has always appeared recently, it turned out that it was all because of you?"

Zhan Cangkong's eyes widened, and he asked doubtfully: "What on earth did you do to make Yunxian Palace go crazy like this?"

The three old guardians of the Void Realm were also stunned.

They were very upset about Qin Shaofeng's self-proclaimed "Lord".

But they also knew that without Qin Shaofeng, Chongming Chi's belongings would definitely not stay in Beitian.

The pride of the strong northern sky also prevents them from doing ungrateful things.


Qin Shaofeng laughed wildly, and the laughter came from afar.

It made another search for a few people nearby, and he was immediately startled by his laughter.

The three figures of Dunhuang appeared in the eyes of everyone.

When they looked at Qin Shaofeng who was standing opposite the Zhan Cangkong motorcade, each of their eyes were already red.

They have searched Qin Shaofeng for nearly two months.

When the enemies meet, the anger in their hearts can be imagined.

But before they could move, a cold snort sounded.

The voice came from the old guardian of Zhan Cangkong.

"Since the Yunxian Temple dare to take action on the land of our northern sky, you are not qualified to run rampant on our northern sky land, all go to the old man!" This person is a real Void Realm powerhouse.

The pressure of the void realm appeared, and the complexions of the three people whose eyes were red suddenly changed.

Qin Shaofeng didn't seem to feel the slightest pressure, glanced back at the three of them with disdain, and smiled: "I didn't do anything serious, just slaughtered a demon who used living people to make medicine in Yunxian Hall."

"Take a living person to make medicine?!"

Zhan Cangkong's breathing paused.

When he raised his head and looked at the three of them, his eyes were already filled with murderous intent.

As the people of the northern sky, their deeds for so many years are for the common people of the world.

Suddenly I heard that Yunxian Palace was chasing and killing Qin Shaofeng for a demon like that. How could he bear it?

Not to mention Qin Shaofeng's kindness to Beitian.

"Peanut grass, metamorphosis pill, I wonder if Lord Zhan has heard of it?" Qin Shaofeng still said to himself.

"Drinking lunatic, shut up! If you dare to slander the alchemy master of our Yunxian Temple, our Yunxian Temple will definitely live with you!" The three roared together.

They can imagine what the consequences would be if this incident were introduced to Beitian's ears.

"Lord dare to kill in public, do you think he will care about your threat? Hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng laughed wildly: "I don't know what kind of techniques are used in the Yunxian Temple to help these wastes achieve the realm of void, but there is void cultivation base, but there is no real void power."

"And the magic forest of the Cloud Immortal Temple, the chemical life pill that was refined by cultivating peanut grass, can help these people, ghosts, and ghosts become a real void existence."

"Since I see it, I can't just sit idly by."

He explained the situation he encountered word by word.

These words really offended the Ni Lin of the three.

The three of them didn't even care about the existence of the three powerhouse guards, and even rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

"Small, since you are looking for death by yourself, then go and die!"

Amidst the roar, the three of them rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

When the three old guardians saw this, their faces were dark to the extreme.

"Three little thieves, dare you!"

The three of them moved together and stopped them.

Although they reflected in a timely manner, they also regretted in their hearts.

Knowing the murderous intentions of the three people towards Qin Shaofeng for a long time, they should have gotten closer to them earlier.

At this time, the reflection is already slow.

"There are three things that are not human or ghost, and they are not qualified to kill the master in front of the three strong guards, hahaha..."

"I will drink, don't stop drinking!"

Amidst Qin Shaofeng's arrogant laughter, he actually rushed towards the three of them.

When the action appeared, his figure suddenly transformed into dozens of lines.

In the eyes of the three of them, although the phantom that Qin Shaofeng made was weird, the real body could not escape their eyes.

However, the three powerful guardians who were rushing over had a look of surprise in their eyes.

Because they have clearly seen it.

When Qin Shaofeng rushed towards the three of them, among the dozens of figures that were imaginary, there were actually two of them, and they were real existences in their eyes.

With their vision of the Void Realm, they couldn't even tell that Qin Shaofeng's true body was the one.

What a terrible thing is this?

You can imagine it.

If Qin Shaofeng wanted to attack Zhan Cangkong under the protection of any one of the three of them.

Without knowing this, they couldn't really guarantee Zhan Cangkong's safety.

Who is this kid, whose martial skills are so weird?

The thoughts kept in their minds.

But the speed is unabated.

Relying on the pinnacle cultivation base of the mere human status, alone fighting against the three powerhouses of the Void Realm.

Even if Qin Shaofeng had some special abilities, it was absolutely impossible for them to hold on for too long when they wanted to.

Three people are extremely fast.

The speed of everyone is extremely fast.

Especially Qin Shaofeng and the three powerhouses of Yunxian Palace.

Almost in the blink of an eye, there was already contact.

"Die to me!"

The three of them all shot together.

One move was directly their most powerful martial skill, and it was bound to kill Qin Shaofeng with one move.


This trick is indeed successful.

But when they felt that one move hit the entity, they were shocked to find that the Qin Shaofeng they had hit directly exploded in the air and turned into nothingness.

"How could it be possible that even if the three of us's attacks are very tyrannical, it is absolutely impossible to beat him into powder with one move, right?" When one person exclaimed, the three old guardians had already arrived.

Space is blocked!

The figures of the three of them stopped in place immediately.

"You three bastards, how dare you attack our Beitian friends in front of the three old men, even if you are the existence of the Yunxian Temple with a low status, you must give us an explanation today, otherwise..."

A guardian shouted angrily.

But before his voice was over, Qin Shaofeng's seemingly frantic laughter had already resounded.

"Eternity and instant, only separated by me and my sword!"

Qin Shaofeng laughed loudly, making a gesture of holding the hilt of the sword in his hand and swinging it down towards the three of them.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for beheading the trio of the Void Realm powerhouses and gaining 30,000 Glory Stars and 3 martial arts points."

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