Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4140: Seven Progenitors

"You even hid your cultivation base before?"

Old Qin couldn't help but exclaimed.

But immediately, the surprise in his eyes turned into disdain, and he shook his head and said: "But even so, you are still just an ant in front of my young master. What qualifications do you have to say that under the protection of our three elders, the young master's side Is still weak?"

"Your strength is indeed very weak."

A cold voice suddenly sounded in the crowd.

This sound was too abrupt, and even Qin Shaofeng couldn't help being curious, and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

But what he saw happened to be Zhan Cangkong with a shocked expression on his face.

"Huh? It's clearly a woman who just spoke, isn't it?" Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but asked curiously.

As soon as the voice fell, he felt that there seemed to be an extra person in the living room.

Subconsciously want to use the nihilism of one's life.

But before he moved, he was shocked again.

The person who can appear in this way is definitely a powerful person in the void.

Now that he hasn't traveled to the land of the shining star, some of his own secrets can be hidden, it is better to hide them appropriately.

"It's a funny little guy."

The cold voice just sounded again and a laugh, and said: "You kid is really cautious, but I don't have any bad intentions, old lady, I just want to tell you that the safety of my empty house does not require you to come. Worry, as long as you promise to take him out to practice, the old lady will come after your trip to Chongming Lake."

"Are you? Seventh Patriarch?" Zhan Cangkong asked subconsciously.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know the ancestors of Beitian.

But since the seventh ancestor spoke in this way, he had obviously seen through many of his secrets.

After all, the Void Realm looks at people, but they are completely different from those who are still at the level of ordinary people.

Since he was seen through, he didn't bother to pretend it.

The emptiness of life was immediately unfolded.

Everything in front of me seemed to be suddenly torn apart by some powerful force, forming two identical overlapping worlds.

It's just that in another world of nothingness, there is a beautiful figure who looks only in his twenties but has white hair.

This is the Seventh Patriarch Zhan Cangkong said.

Seventh Ancestor didn't seem to know his abilities, and when he discovered that Qin Shaofeng could also use this power of emptiness, there was a look of surprise in his beautiful eyes.

"Unexpectedly, the Seventh Ancestor... Li Jianxian had met Senior."

Qin Shaofeng clasped his fist and bowed his fist towards the Seventh Ancestor, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that we would be accompanied by a powerful person at the peak of the void. I believe that our hope of returning alive can increase to 50%, hahaha..."

As he said, he took off the hip flask from his waist and took a few sips.

This scene immediately stunned Zhan Cangkong and the others.

After all, in their eyes, when Qin Shaofeng had just performed his life nihilism, it seemed that there was only a strange light flashing in his eyes, and then he just stared at him for a while before making a fist and bowing.

Other than that, there is no other behavior.

But he actually said the cultivation base of the Seventh Patriarch in one go? !

Although the Seventh Ancestor's cultivation is very strong, it also belongs to a big secret in Beitian. They really can't believe this.

Especially after listening to what he said, coupled with the Seventh Patriarch at the pinnacle of the void, this trip turned out to be only 50% hopeful.

This this this...

What does this kid want to do?

Isn't he going to assassinate Emperor Cangming or Emperor Ghost?

Thinking of the existence of these two, they felt a tingling scalp.

The Great Emperor Cangming won't talk about it for the time being.

Although the ghost and corpse emperor was in the hegemonic power, it was not a secret, but it was only heard.

No one can be sure whether there is such a thing in the ghost clan.

After all, more than a thousand years of fighting have come down.

But no one has seen that ghost emperor with his own eyes.

"It seems that you are really a kid who knows nothing about life and death. In that case, you can go directly to Chongming Lake. No matter what you need, I will prepare everything for you." Seventh Ancestor said.

"Then thank the Seventh Ancestor."

Qin Shaofeng laughed and clasped his fists.

It's just that there is no real respect for him on his face.

The three old guardians couldn't help but roll their eyes again.

"Zhan Zuixin, since we don't need to look for the Star Beast Yuandan anymore, then we can go directly to Chongming Pool. This time the opening of Chongming Pool is in your hands. You can lead the way!" Zhan Cangkong took the initiative to speak. .

Now he is also full of worries.

Qin Shaofeng's words, in their opinion, are a bit too scary after all.

Coupled with a powerful man in the void, the chances of surviving this trip are so low, no wonder he said that he could not protect himself.

I hope this trip is just for experience, rather than really going to die!

Everyone is in a strange emotional state.

Zhan Zuixin personally led everyone out of the city.

Their movements naturally led the hundreds of Yunxian Temple powerhouses to follow.

But after knowing the news that the Seventh Patriarch will come in person.

No matter who it is, there will be no more caring emotions in my heart.

As for Qin Shaofeng...

After the three elders looked at Qin Shaofeng, they ignored him.

In the eyes of the three of them, this kid is simply a goblin who caused trouble.

If he could know what fear is, that would be a rare thing.

The opening place of Chongming Pond is in a mountain depression more than 100 miles southwest of Tianbei City.

The prohibition on relics here is very general.

But Chongming Pool is a relic of Beitian. Even if it is easy to open, no one dares to make an idea without Beitian's consent.

Even the Yunxian Temple, which was deliberately robbed, is the same.

Zhan Zuixin easily opened the remains of Chongming Pond with a Chongming bird feather specially used to open this ruin.

"Young Emperor, Li Ye, as long as you set foot in the remains of Chongming Pond, you will automatically begin to absorb the power of Chongming Bird's vitality, and we will wait for the two of you outside." Zhan Zuixin said.

As the young master of Beitian, Zhan Cangkong would not know this?

He said this to Qin Shaofeng more.

Qin Shaofeng had already expected Chongming Chi for a long time.

He ignored his words and strode into the remains of Chongming Lake.

The remains of Chongming Pool is really the smallest one he has ever seen.

The radius is up to more than 30 meters, except for the stone he is now on for the three people to stand on, there is only a pool of blood in front.

The power of qi and blood in the blood pool had obviously been absorbed too hard.

So that from his current position, he can still see the bottom of the pool faintly.

As Zhan Zuixin said.

As soon as he entered this ruin, the voice of the system had already sounded in his mind.

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for entering the martial skill experience point secret realm, the colorful inheritance is slowly upgrading..."

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