Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4145: He is nothingness

Qin Shaofeng clearly felt that the cultivation base aura exuded by the self was actually the realm of nothingness.

This discovery made his laugh even more arrogant.

A turn of consciousness.

He felt that he was walking in nothingness.

One step forward.

He has already come to one of them.

Long sword ghost song swung out.

There is no fluctuation in the power of heaven and earth.

It even seemed that the air in the sky and the earth did not flow because of his sword.

As if he himself existed in nothingness.

No matter how tyrannical his actions are, they can't affect any situation in the real world.


His sword has already been cut down.

In an instant, his left hand took away the person's storage bag, and at the same time he rushed towards the next person.

"System reminder: Congratulations to Qin Shaofeng, the player, for killing two of the strong in the void, and gaining 20000 star points and 2 martial arts points."

With a sword shot, while he was beheading a person, the id had already made exactly the same actions as him.

Not only the person I found fell in an instant.

Even the storage bag with that person disappeared in no time.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading his martial arts, the current Qi Cai Tianxu Tier 3."

"System prompt: Player Qin Shaofeng's star rating has reached the full limit, and the system is automatically upgrading..."

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading. The current Heavenly Position is the first rank and consumes 10,000 Glory Star Points."

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading..."

Another series of system sounds sounded.

Qin Shaofeng is no longer what he used to be, and has no intention of listening at all.

No matter how many levels he will be promoted?

Anyway, at most, it is stuck in the ninth celestial position, and the remaining flares are all converted to the third-order seven-color side.

I have to say that the previous two system conditions made him take it for granted.

At the time of this upgrade.

Just one level of improvement, the consumption will directly reach ten thousand.

What is the value of twenty thousand shining stars?

If he kills only these two people, his cultivation level will indeed not change much.

But the question is, will he only kill these two people?

The system voice in his mind has not yet ended, and the long sword in his hand has already dangled from another person's neck.

"System reminder: Congratulations to Qin Shaofeng, the player, for killing two of the strong in the void, and gaining 20000 star points and 2 martial arts points."

It's too late to say, then it's fast.

After he used the source of nothingness, the whole person seemed to have become an existence in nothingness, and the speed was so fast that he could not even imagine it.

All this happened, in fact, it only happened between the electric light and flint.

When he finished saying this.

The Void Realm powerhouse who died in his hands has reached ten.

Zhan Zuixin and others who have not yet gone far.

Hearing the sound of landing behind him, he glanced back subconsciously.

At the moment when Qin Shaofeng's poem ended, two more people fell from the air inexplicably.

It seems that from beginning to end, there has been no attack.

They just died that way.

The death is so inexplicable.

"This, this... is this Li Ye's real combat power?"

Zhan Zuixin suddenly gasped.

The words caused Du Chengzhu and others to turn their heads subconsciously.

The scenes that greeted them all made them breathe in air-conditioning.

At this moment, they have even forgotten that they need to leave here quickly.

In nothingness.

The expressions in the eyes of the three old guardians had turned into amazement.

They almost unconsciously looked towards the place where the Seventh Patriarch might exist, and looked towards their Young Emperor Zhan Cangkong.

The color of horror in his eyes has not diminished at all, but has become more and more intense.

"Old Qin, the cultivation base that the kid just used, shouldn't it be... Void Realm?"

"Nothingness, turned out to be nothingness?"

"How old is he, how can he display the power of nothingness?"

The three elder guardians sucked in the air-conditioning voice, which was more powerful than that of Zhan Zhan Zhan Xin and others.

They are indeed talking to each other.

But what exactly they said, I'm afraid they don't even know.

The Void Realm and the Void Realm, although in the martial arts arena, are both called the mighty ones.

But as the Void Realm, they all knew clearly.

They want to compare with the strong in the void, how huge the gap is.

Can say without hesitation.

Even if the three of them in the middle stage of the void make a move together, they will definitely not be able to pass a move in the hands of the powerful in the void.

And the pinnacle of the void realm wants to break into the void.

The difficulty is so great that it is terrifying to the extreme.

I am afraid that from the beginning of their cultivation to ten times the sum of their cultivation to the peak of the void, they may not be able to make a breakthrough.

It happened that such a huge difficulty was revealed in Qin Shaofeng's hands, and the shock it caused them was imaginable.

They were too shocked.

So much so that I forgot one thing.

Zhan Cangkong couldn't help but think of them as they almost fell into the unconsciousness of Shocking Dao.

Wouldn't that kid be the original power of a strong man in the void?

At this age, it is simply impossible for the cultivation base to reach the nihility, okay?

After such thoughts appeared, he became more convinced.

"He shouldn't be a real nihility, but used some special methods to use the origin of the nihility powerhouse, right?" He couldn't help but speak.

In a word, the three protectors immediately turned their heads subconsciously.

"It's worthy of being a leader among the younger generation of our Northern Sky, and your thoughts are really much better than ordinary people." The Seventh Patriarch's voice sounded.

The three elders who defended the road finally got their thoughts back by their dialogue.

One person took a deep breath, and his eyes were full of anger and said: "This little **** really dares to play, I really think he has the power of nothingness."

"It turns out that it was just using the power of a certain nihilism powerhouse to integrate into his body!" Another person also said.

After the two of them had finished speaking, they noticed that Qin's expression was not a little relaxed.

And their young emperor fighting against the sky, his eyes were full of shock.

"What happened?"

"That kid isn't the real powerhouse of the void, are you all so shocked?"

The two asked questions together.

I saw that the expression in Old Qin's eyes had become bitter.

Zhan Cangkong couldn't help but explain: "The two, fusing the power of the origin is not as simple as you think."

"You all know that now I am in a state similar to those of the void realm martial arts, whether it is the cultivation base Qihai or the body, I have reached the void realm."

"But I dare say that if I dare to use the trace of the nihilistic origin power given by my father in my body, even if it won't become waste afterwards, I won't want to recover in at least three or two years."

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