Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4147: Promote

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: 9th rank of heaven (0/1 million)

Star Position: Colorful Mark Warrior (Silver)

Martial Art: Colorful Tianxu (Level 3)

Strength value: 30/100

Ghost Mark: 1-36

Martial Skills: Colorful Sword Jue, Colorful Heart Jue, Colorful Martial Art, Colorful Dao Yin, Colorful True Jue

Colorful third-order: 0/1 million

Inheritance Spells: Si Beast Thunder, Nothingness of Life

Sky map: Space level three (0/10 million)

WISP Gold Pill: 900/900

Shining star value: 304,500

Talent skills: Spiritual Code of Gods and Demons

Knowledge Sea: Colorful Void Realm

Equipment: Luotian Zen Shadow, Ghost Song, Ghost Clothes, Ghost Mansion

Qin Shaofeng couldn't wait to open the character interface, his face suddenly became pale as paper.

He originally thought that after the cultivation base reached the ninth rank of heaven, it would definitely become more difficult to break into the void realm.

But it's not like this!

It turned out to be a full million.

The number has increased tenfold than it should have been.

Looking at the new changes in the system interface, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

The 300,000 flare value is obviously the storage content of the flare value.

Obviously, after the cost has reached a very high level, for various reasons, the flaring star value that hadn't been shown in numbers has finally begun to take effect.

At least it has not been directly added to the colorful inheritance by the system.

Maybe it can be regarded as a little benefit?

When he finished thinking about this, he hurriedly took out a pill and swallowed it quickly.

After having Dishan Medicine King by his side, he no longer needs to swallow a lot of pills like he used to.

The pill that Di Shan refined, even if it could not reach the level of Tianying Pill, was not far away.

The entrance of the medicine pill turned into a strong medicinal power and began to nourish his body and meridians.

Since the breakthrough is not under his control, he is all in the fight, so that the injury in his body has not been eased by the improvement of his cultivation.

Although the effect of the pill is good, more of it also helps him stabilize.

According to his estimation, it will take at least two days to return to normal conditions.

After he thought about it for a while.

Open Sky Dragon City and take out the pieces of storage bags.

These are all Star Beast Pills that City Lord Du and others helped to collect from Tianbei City.

Yuan Dan's level is really very low for the Cangming Realm.

But for his current space sky map to absorb and use, it is completely enough.

The only thing that made him helpless was the quantity.

It only took him half an hour to classify all kinds of pills.

Except for the star beast Yuan Dan with the lowest level.

All the other pills were sent into the Sky Dragon City, and a lot of them were taken out, put in the palm of the hand, and began to refine.

There was a time when it was very difficult to absorb the Star Beast Yuandan whose cultivation level was similar to his.

But now his cultivation base has surpassed the Star Beast Yuan Dan too much.

Rao is in extremely poor physical condition at this moment, and the speed of absorption is also very fast.

It was just a few breaths, and a handful of Star Beast Yuan Dan was turned into powder in his absorption.

The star beast yuan pill quickly refines it.

If it is a normal figure, it is very simple to upgrade the space map.


His current upgrade figure is a full 100,000.

Even if it is about one number per second, it is a very long-term number if one wants to absorb the star beast element pill of one hundred thousand.

Two days passed in a flash.

I don't know if it was because of his terrifying combat power or other reasons that the Yunxian Palace had never brought him a sense of crisis.

Two days.

He also finally finished absorbing the 100,000 star beast essence pill.

"Seven ancestors, are you sure that this old fishing man is Li Taibai? How long is he going to rest here?" Zhan Cangkong couldn't help but asked the three old guards, and asked him how much he had in the past two days. Second question.

"He used the original combat power of the void in his strong action. Even though he must have some medicine for this healing, he can't recover in a short time." Seventh Ancestor said.

Such things, Zhan Cangkong naturally knew.

But he couldn't help but sigh deeply.

He can only hope that Qin Shaofeng can recover as soon as possible, can't let them keep waiting like this, right?

Thinking in his mind.

And the three old guardians had already waited impatiently.

Strange spatial fluctuations suddenly appeared from the direction they could see.

It was as if the Void Realm powerhouse specially began to shatter the Void.

It also seems that because of some weird reason there, the space began to collapse.

But no matter which kind it is, it makes them all eyes wide open.

Especially the three elders who protect the road, couldn't help but exclaimed: "How did he do this scene?"

"This kind of space collapse ability, even the old man and others, need to do everything they can. What kind of cultivation is he?"

"Isn't he injured very badly?"

"What the **** is he doing, why is the surrounding space collapsed?"

The shock of the three old men has gone to the extreme.

In the exclamation, he seemed to be puzzled by Qin Shaofeng's actions.

In fact, it was because of their envy and hatred of Qin Shaofeng.

Think about it at the beginning.

When their cultivation base was similar to Qin Shaofeng, even if they tried their best, it was absolutely impossible to do what Qin Shaofeng did now!

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng's space map upgrade, the current space is Level 4, experience value: 00000."

The voice of the system resounded from my mind.

The same experience value made Qin Shaofeng's eyes a touch of bitterness.

It is too difficult for the space map to improve.

The bitterness in his heart was instantly replaced by the surprise after the upgrade of the space map.

I remember that after the upgrade of the space sky map last time, what it brought was just a basic mobilization of space power.

But the fluctuation this time is not in the same order of magnitude as before.

The power of today's space can actually break the void directly.

One can imagine.

If he applies this space-breaking ability to martial arts, how much power can he increase for the Seven Color Sword Art.

Even, there is such a space fragmentation ability.

Even if a real Void Realm powerhouse appeared and imprisoned him with a void blockade, he could still use this method of space fragmentation to force himself out of the blockade.

"What happened over there?"

"The space actually collapsed?"

"Space collapses, what a funny boy."

The same old man fishing around, just like Qin Shaofeng, had been fishing on the spot for two days and two nights, and he hadn't even left.

Qin Shaofeng's mind was absorbing the star beast element pill, and he hadn't noticed it.

Available at this moment.

Although the voices of the three people's subconscious conversations were small, he heard them clearly.

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