Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4151: Into the sea

"Quick! Quickly see what happened!"

"Is the sea star beast ready to attack our Cangming Realm?"

"How long has it been since the last time the space barrier had a problem? How did this happen again?"

"Could it be the guy who sneaked in last time and left?"

"You have a lot of nonsense, even if the guy who broke in last time leaves?"

"Isn't that a big deal?"

"Don't think about it that much, this fact is too big, immediately report the matter to the Emperor Xitian, and immediately let the Emperor start sending strong men to investigate this matter!"

Anxious shouts once again sounded from this area.

It used to be a thousand years.

A similar situation has occurred here, with the least interval but more than a hundred years.

The time this time is too close.

It was so close that they had to start worrying.

For a time.

Everyone moved again.

Go to the Emperor Xitian?

This kind of thing is easy to say to some ignorant people, but it makes the face of the person responsible here very ugly.

He alone is responsible for contact with Xitian.

When he reported the matter to Xitian last time, he didn't even say that it was Emperor Xitian, and he didn't even see a high-ranking person from Xitian.

But he was in the west, and he felt an atmosphere that was not right.

I just hope that nothing big will happen in Cangming Realm, right?

The person in charge sighed in his heart, but he had to act for the first time.

They can be responsible for guarding this place, and their cultivation is naturally good.

But there is no strong person who has reached the void.

This side is facing the endless ocean, but not the ghost and corpse clan. There is no human peak powerhouse who will come here to sit here.

They are all nervous.

The defensive barrier fluctuates violently again.

The worries in everyone's hearts have suddenly gone to the extreme.

The voice of discussion suddenly became more anxious.

Everyone responsible for guarding this place can already see a clear color of anxiety on his face.

Among them, there are countless strong stars.

Even the mighty ones in the void realm have some.


Even so, in the eyes of some peak forces, they are just a group of people at the bottom, and no one really cares.

These people are anxious.

Qin Shaofeng and others have already entered the sky above the ocean.

Looking at the endless sea in front of him, he slowly closed his eyes and began to feel the general feeling between him and the land of shining stars.

In other words, it was that he was using his colorful order to start feeling with Tianlian Mountain.

A full half a minute.

His eyes turned in one direction.

Until then, he finally said, "Zhan Cangkong, your three Taoist guardians should also start to do things."

When the Seventh Ancestor heard the words, the four figures appeared in his eyes at the right time.

Qin Shaofeng saw the shock in Zhan Cangkong's eyes at a glance.

However, he said without urgency: "Your three Taoist defenders are all powerful in the void, enough to take us through the ocean, and we are going in that direction."

He pointed out that in his own induction, it was a place of vague feelings.

"What's there?"

Zhan Cangkong asked subconsciously.

But the answer to him was only the back of Qin Shaofeng's head.

Zhan Cangkong was embarrassed.

He deserves to say to the three elders: "Three, you make your own arrangements. Our trip to the ocean during this time is probably not as short as we imagined."

The three old guardians were full of resentment.

If there were only four of them, they would have gone violently.


The existence of the Seventh Patriarch, the acquiescence of the Seventh Patriarch, made them dare not say anything.

The three looked at each other.

The person called Lao Qin was the first to take charge of this matter.

at the same time.

The seventh ancestor's figure has also disappeared.

She seemed to be ready to let go.

But Qin Shaofeng could faintly feel that her spiritual sense was always paying attention to all the movement around her.

It seems to let go, but in fact it is still impossible to really let go.

Old Qin is responsible for leading them forward.

The speed suddenly went to the extreme.

In just a few blinks, it was impossible to see the existence of the defensive barrier.

Can be accompanied by drifting away.

Qin Shaofeng gradually discovered that the continent where Cangming Realm is located can't really be called an interface.

When I lived on that continent, I could indeed feel that the Cangming Realm Continent was very huge.

But compared with this endless ocean, it is still too small.

Accompanied by the continuous increase in flying time in the ocean.

After half a day.

They have truly been far away from the continent of Cangming Realm.

There is an endless ocean in all directions.

Even though there are a lot of them, there is a feeling of a lone boat in the sea in their hearts.

This feeling didn't last long.

The sun gradually fell from the ocean level.

With the advent of night.

A feeling of danger was immediately moved by Qin Shaofeng's sixth sense, or by the heavenly secret technique.

This quiet day also allowed Qin Shaofeng and Zhan Cangkong to learn the names of the three powerful Dao protectors.

Qin Sanzu, Ye Bing, Di Jingyi.

Although the three of them are not the direct line of the Beitian Zhan Family, they are all members of the Zhan Family. The matriline is the people of the North Heaven, so with the diligence of the cultivation base, they enter the Beitian Temple.

"Lao Qin pay attention, Ye Lao and Di Lao are ready to deal with them, and you don't need to worry about ordinary things first."

Qin Shaofeng immediately made arrangements for the three elders.

Immediately, his gaze turned towards Zhan Cangkong and said, "Zhan Cangkong, don't you want to hone yourself through battle? The opportunity is coming soon."

Zhan Cangkong had already thought of this when he was explaining to the three elders.

Hearing this, there was a hint of tension in his eyes.

His eyes were staring at the dark sky, but his body was trembling slightly.

He did fight a lot on the Northern Sky Battlefield before.

But this is the first time he has entered the endless ocean to fight.

He took a deep breath.

He took out his weapons.

It was also a long sword of Yao Shenbing, but at the top level, it seemed to be slightly lower than Qin Shaofeng's ghost song by half a grade.

Rao is so.

The appearance of this long sword also made the eyes of the three old guardians a touch of envy.

This is Yao Shenbing!

Qin Shaofeng glanced at the Yao Shenbing in Zhan Cangkong's hand.

Attention suddenly became his nervousness.

"The battle we are about to encounter is no different from your previous battles. At that time, just abolish your opponent and throw it to me." Qin Shaofeng smiled calmly.

After he said this sentence, he took out the star beast yuan pill again and began to refine it.

Time is still passing slowly.

But in the hearts of everyone in the current state, it seems to be passing very slowly.

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