Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4154: Instant kill

"Human, you must die!"


The two sea star beasts made a low roar together.

"Void blockade!"

The two starfish roared together.

What they blocked this time was not the void where Qin Shaofeng was, but themselves.

Their hatred for Qin Shaofeng has long been overwhelming.

Finally, when Qin Shaofeng was willing to confront them head-on, they were not willing to let go of this opportunity.

Rather than let their unknown problems exist for a while, they would also kill Qin Shaofeng first.

"Human, go to die..."

The two sea star beasts roared again as they blocked themselves.


Their roars had just been uttered, and they were completely cut off.

Qin Shaofeng spent so much effort on the layout.

Under the sneak attack again, how could it be possible to give these two void realm starfish beasts the slightest chance?

When the two sea star beasts blocked themselves, the long sword he used had already killed them.

With his current cultivation base at the pinnacle of the Glory Star, under his full force, the speed is as fast as a teleportation.

Under the blessing of the colorful inheritance, his long sword had already arrived in front of the two void realm star beasts in an instant.

Pass by one sword.

The two sea star beasts did not put all their defenses on the sword against him.

With all his strength, he cut off the head of the octopus with a single sword.

When the black ink is scattered and gushing.

The long sword in his hand has penetrated deeply into the head of the sea fish.

As soon as the sword fell, Qin Shaofeng himself was shocked by his sword.

He killed two star beasts with a single sword, but used his life nihility.

But with this sword, the two star beasts were killed directly.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for slaying two starfish beasts in the Void Realm, and he obtained 20000 star points and 2 martial arts points.

The moment the system sounded, Qin Shaofeng had already turned around.

The teleport is close to the direction where it was rushing before.

The sword pointed to, and once again slew towards the front.

After talking about it later, from turning around to continuing the rush, he did it all in one go.

As if his figure flickered, he killed the past again.

Such a short time.

The two most powerful Void Realm Starfish Beasts had fallen under his sword.

Such a scene.

Immediately, the starfish beast he saw opened his eyes wide.

"The two patriarchs died?"

The sea star beast whose cultivation level is not in the Void Realm cannot utter human words.

But the light flashing in their eyes had already explained their shock.

In the space controlled by Qin Sanzu.

Whether it was the three powerful guardians in the mid-Void Realm, or Qin Shaofeng's voice changed, they raised their heads to see that scene of Zhan Cangkong.

All were dumbfounded at this moment.

As the opponent of Zhan Cangkong, the starfish beast subconsciously retreated half a step.

Out of space.

He just breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that, it was clear that if Qin Shaofeng shot him, he would flee immediately.

Under such circumstances, Zhan Cangkong's mouth suddenly twitched.

The combat power Qin Shaofeng displayed at this time was indeed strong.

But that is just the power of the Yaoxing position.

The Glory Star Position and the Void Realm are two completely different levels.

Even if the combat power Qin Shaofeng can exert is many times more powerful than the normal Yaoxing position powerhouse.

From Zhan Cangkong's point of view, there are also some indescribable gaps between him and him.

Qin Shaofeng who has a weaker cultivation base.

With just that simple way, so many starfish beasts have been killed, and the two strongest starfish beasts exist in the void realm.

He has not been able to kill any starfish existence so far.

How big is the gap?

Zhan Cangkong suddenly felt ashamed and ashamed.

"Starfish, but so!"

"Sword Art! Exterminate the spirit!"

Qin Shaofeng resounded.

Without the worries of the two Void Realm powerhouses, when he shot again, he really relaxed too much.

It was just a dozen breaths again.

The sea star beast who could not see any hope of winning suddenly disappeared.

No more starfish beasts in the sky.

If it weren't for Qin Shaofeng's **** body, and the sea level behind it had become bloody, I am afraid it would make people feel like an illusion.

Qin Shaofeng looked at the sky that had calmed down.

He just turned around and returned to the void realm controlled by Qin Sanzu.

"Lao Qin's consumption is not small, Ye Lao replaced Qin Lao, and took everyone to fly." Qin Shaofeng commanded, turned and sat down cross-legged.

The three strong Dao protectors all knew that the sea star beast's current retreat was only temporary.

Ye Bing immediately replaced Qin Sanzu.

Ye Bing, who had been resting all the way, drove the void, and immediately let the speed reach the extreme he could display.

"Brother Li, how did you achieve that level just now?" Zhan Cangkong already followed.

Qin Shaofeng looked up at him.

Seeing Zhan Cangkong’s thirst for knowledge, a smile flashed deep in his eyes, saying: "It's just a small trick. You only need to remember that in any battle, you must leave enough cards, and then do more. The battle will naturally understand."

His explanation is over.

The Emerald Dragon King showed his head from his sleeve.

It is still as thick as chopsticks.

But as its Shekou opened, it seemed to form an inner space.

The star beast Yuan Dan formed a small hill in front of Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng waved his hand.

Put all the star beast essence pills away before taking out a storage bag, and then took out the low-level star beast essence pills one after another and began to absorb it.

His explanation is always simple.

In Zhan Cangkong's mind, one thought after another was constantly surging.

He can tell.

Qin Shaofeng didn't hide anything from him.

Doesn't it say.

As long as he can get used to fighting like Qin Shaofeng, he can also have these methods?

With the mere cultivation of the shining star position, it is easy to kill two Void Realm powerhouses in seconds.

He hadn't even dared to think of such a thing before.

Even if Qin Shaofeng's methods are not bright.

Even Qin Shaofeng had already arranged too many things.

Life and death.

It is often the final outcome of the battle.

The dead are never qualified to sue the winner.

Especially in this battle.

Zhan Cangkong was originally born in Beitian, where he often wars, and his awareness of war is definitely not comparable to the vast majority of martial artists in the Cangming Realm.

He quickly understood what Qin Shaofeng had taught.

Swallow a recovery pill.

He sat cross-legged directly opposite Qin Shaofeng.

He didn't practice, but after closing his eyes, he began to think about everything in Qin Shaofeng's battle.

If Qin Shaofeng is replaced by him, what should he do?

All sorts of summaries are indeed the best way to continue to grow stronger.

But he knew clearly that if he didn't have Qin Shaofeng, a top-notch teacher, he would at least spend thousands of times more effort to understand this.

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