Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4161: Return to endless hell

Qin Shaofeng's departure this time was not a pretense.

He is really leaving.

When he turned around, he had already reached the entrance of the Tomb of Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods.

He has personally explored the entire Glory Star Land.

It has been discovered that the teleportation array of the Seven Star Gate to the ruins has been destroyed.

Today, one can only enter through the passage in the tomb of Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods if you want to enter the ruined virtual world.

Step into the tomb of Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods.

Before he could move, Divine Sense had discovered that the four Zhan Cangkong had already caught up.

He didn't have more words.

He has said everything that should be said, and no amount of it will make any sense.

He didn't know whether the ghost slave could be counted as life.

But he knew clearly.

The existence of the corpse slave is exactly the same as the many zombie movies he has ever watched. It belongs to the existence of the walking dead.

When he killed the ghost slave child, his heart might also trembled.

But he would not appear similar to Zhan Cangkong's current suspicion.

Once into the world of the tomb of Yaoxing ten thousand gods

Although it was much less than before, there were still a large number of ghost and corpse slaves, and they rushed towards him in the first time.

"Sword Jue!"

Qin Shaofeng is not what he used to be.

It's just a sword aura.

In front of him, he was cleared for several feet.

At the moment when the ghost corpse slave could not be directly attached to his body, a sword aura suddenly formed in front of him.


There was a burst of shouts.

The terrifying sword aura, like the sickle of the **** of death, slaughtered in all directions.

The battle is almost endless.

He never seemed to slow down.

Just a breathing time.

The number of corpses slaves that died in his hands is already unknown.

Zhan Cangkong and others have also caught up.

Follow in his footsteps and step directly into the second world.

"Shaken the sky!"

Qin Shaofeng's handprints changed.

A huge handprint immediately rushed towards the front.

What he has cultivated is not a real earthshaking seal.

Above the level, there are only gods.

However, his current cultivation base is too high and too high, resulting in the supernatural martial arts mark, and the combat power in his hands is no less than that of sword aura.

Suddenly, another world ran by.

One world after another.

It was the first time that Zhan Cangkong saw how Qin Shaofeng slaughtered ghost and corpse slaves.

The initially slightly blank expression in his eyes had long since turned into amazement.

He clearly saw it.

Qin Shaofeng was clearly doing the killing, but there was only compassion in his eyes.

But it wasn't at these ghost corpses slaves.

These are the real living people before turning into ghost and corpse slaves.

That's the compassion for those who died tragically, whose bodies will be manipulated and killed by ghost slaves after death.

And a strong hatred for the ghosts and corpses.

The appearance of every move will cause endless ghosts and corpses to fall.

He never took a straight look.

Even some seemingly young ghoul slaves, even ghoul slaves with big bellies.

Qin Shaofeng wouldn't even look straight.

If he had heard Qin Shaofeng's words before, he might have thought that Qin Shaofeng was intolerable.

But at this moment, all he can feel is endless heartache and monstrous hatred.

If there were no ghosts and corpses, how bright and sunny would those children laugh?

How happy are those pregnant women?

But now, they are just corpses without their souls, and the corpses are still puppets who do things for their enemies.

Zhan Cangkong's heart also began to change as he watched this scene.

When they finally came to the endless deep cave.

Qin Shaofeng finally spoke and said: "Uncle Master, we are here again, you come and see us down!"

Zhan Cangkong, who had recovered some sanity, was taken aback for a moment.

The three protectors were even more stunned.

Even if he was hiding in the nihility, he was always paying attention to his junior and Qin Shaofeng's seventh ancestor, but he was slightly stunned.

Could it be that there is still another tyrannical existence hidden beside them?

The existence that can be hidden under one's eyelids?

When she thought of this, a deep sense of frustration suddenly rose in her heart.

Fortunately, before I came personally, I thought I would be omnipotent, the most powerful existence in this group of people.

Fortunately, she still planned to take action unless Qin Shaofeng begged, or when they really had a life-and-death crisis.

It now appears that her previous ideas were so naive.


They had already seen a golden light flowing on Qin Shaofeng's left arm.

Soon, a mysterious tortoise appeared in their eyes.

The difference is that this mysterious tortoise looks like a tortoise, but in fact it is the same body as a tortoise and a snake.


"It turned out to be a legendary beast?!"

"You still have a basalt guardian?"


Everyone exclaimed in exclamation.

Even the seventh ancestor, the sound of inhaling air-conditioning, was still mixed in the exclamation of the four people.

Now that she knew Qin Shaofeng's identity.

Naturally, he also knew that Qin Shaofeng inherited the basalt beast of the endless mysterious.

But she didn't even feel the breath of Xuanwu before, and thought that Xuanwu was just protecting the way Qin Shaofeng left after a while because of the fall of endless Xuan.

Unexpectedly, Xuanwu was always on Qin Shaofeng's body.

The eyes of the divine beast Xuanwu's head were full of excitement, and he went directly to the black hole, covering the black hole with his body, and said, "Come on!"

Qin Shaofeng would naturally not be polite.

Zhan Cangkong and the others did not hesitate much either.

When they truly stood on Xuanwu, they finally clearly felt the terrifying aura emanating from Xuanwu.

"Xuanwu, you haven't seen it for thousands of years, your cultivation has improved again." The seventh ancestor's voice sounded from Xuanwu's back.

"It hasn't been seen in a thousand years, this world has long been a quaint."

Xuanwu slowly sank, but his voice echoed in everyone's ears: "Zhan Cai'er, now I am just his protector, no matter what you think in your heart, please remember that he is my only little master now. "

"I know."

The voice of the Seventh Patriarch is full of mixed flavors.

Zhan Cangkong's four people were all confused and couldn't help looking around.


In these black holes, there are real people who can't see their fingers, and they obviously can't see anything.

Only Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a hint of surprise.

It seems that this seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er really has some weird relationship with Master.

But now Xuanwu obviously doesn't trust her completely, so there is no need to think about it.

Everyone is thinking.

It didn't take long before they came to the entrance to the endless hell.

Xuanwu shone with golden light again, merged into Qin Shaofeng's left arm again, and turned into a Xuanwu totem.

Qin Shaofeng didn't move forward in a hurry, but turned and looked at the four of them.

"Farther ahead is the endless prison of the Void Realm a thousand years ago. You all keep your emotions to the best. If anyone has a problem after entering the endless prison, others must stun him as soon as possible." Qin Shaofeng said.

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