Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4178: Hong Daxian's worries

"Thank you Hong Daxian."

More than a dozen people clasped their fists towards the old man who spoke last.

A dozen of them, all of them came from the mid to late stage of the void in the Capricorn Continent and Longyun Continent.

Only that Hong Daxian is different.

As they call it.

Hong Daxian is a great immortal.

According to the Void Realm cultivation system, it is the beginning of the Void Realm.

Daxian, Xianjun, Xiandi.

This is the division of the cultivation base of the various continents of the Cangming Realm before, during and after the void.

And this Hong Daxian is the second-rank Daxian.

In the early stage of the first stage of nothingness.

Just in front of the people of the Three Continents today, it seemed to be a very powerful existence.

But if Qin Shaofeng was here, he would definitely not even look at it straight.

Can such a nihilism really be able to use the real tyrannical means of nihilism?

Everyone talked for only a moment.

They have done all their actions.

In a blink of an eye.

When Qin Shaofeng was still yelling in the living room, they had already appeared in the inner courtyard of Zunshan Mansion.

When they saw them appear, Sheng Lao and others bowed here one after another: "I have seen Hong Daxian."

"You can go back now."

Hong Daxian waved his hand and said: "If something accident happens, if Luoshen wants to start the battle state of Yunshan City, he still needs the assistance of you people."

"If those people really only have the strength in the face, the old man alone will be enough to sweep them."

What he said is true.

The strong in nothingness.

Even if it was only a short time after entering the void, that was not something that Wu Xiu could contend.

Not to mention that they still have so many people.

"Yes, my lord."

Sheng Lao and the others clasped their fists again, then gave up the space blockade and turned and left one after another.

Hong Daxian waved his hand.

A full twelve of mid-Void Realm powerhouses immediately surrounded the inner courtyard and sealed off the space.

Hong Daxian took the four late stage experts in the void and strode into the inner courtyard sealed by the void.

The replacement of the space blockade caused the scene outside Qin Shaofeng's eyes to continuously change.

He can no longer pretend to be indifferent.

Seeing clearly the four people who came striding forward, their bodies exuding tyrannical aura, a smile suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"You have been preparing for so long, are you ready?" Qin Shaofeng sneered.

His words suddenly changed Hong Daxian's expression slightly.

Hong Daxian has been here for a long time, always observing Qin Shaofeng's situation from Luohai.

Under observation.

He had clearly felt that Qin Shaofeng seemed to have something wrong with him.

See you right now.

He didn't intend to hide his breath at all.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't show any fear at all.

Seeing that it seemed to be an icy look ready to fight at any time, making him more cautious.

"Boy, you are really crazy!"

A strong man in the late stage of the Void Realm suddenly couldn't bear it, and said angrily: "Even if your kid has a lot of hole cards, you are just a little arrogant, and you are still a poisonous arrogant, how dare you talk to Hong Daxian like this? "

"Daxian? Hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng really couldn't understand.

He had already stood up clearly, how could this guy still say such a thing?

As for that Hong Daxian...

He really felt very speechless.

All he was worried about was the changes in this Yunshan City, not a small martial artist who had just entered the void.

Fortunately, they can still open their mouths to be a big fairy.

These guys can really put gold on their faces!

"Enough, give this kid to Benxian."

The first time Hong Daxian saw Qin Shaofeng, he felt something was wrong. How could the people he brought with him say such things?

Autumn poison?

I'm afraid that kid has already seen through.

"Little guy, the old man admits that we are all underestimating you, but you should also be able to feel that the gap between you and the immortal is not so small. The old man advises you to tell the truth, what is going on in our Three Continent City. "Hong Daxian asked in a deep voice.

"Victory master, master tells you all, hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng still didn't have the slightest intention to respond, his right hand was already caught in the void in the laughter.

Zhanbing Guiqu was immediately caught out of the void by him.

"Void detective?"

"No, it's not right, it seems to be a space storage."

"He is just a little Tianjiao, how can he understand such a sophisticated storage method?"

"It's not necessarily spatial storage. Although the old man doesn't know how to store it, he has also seen spatial storage methods, which is definitely not what he is currently using.

The four late elders in the void began to discuss.

Only Hong Daxian's expression became more solemn.

Since he appeared, he has completely exuded the aura of his body's cultivation base.

He didn't believe it, Qin Shaofeng couldn't tell at all.

It happened that Qin Shaofeng didn't move at all, and even declared war on him.

Don't say that the other party is just a little arrogant.

Even the peak powerhouse of the gods shouldn't have such confidence, right?

"Boy, the old man didn't come here to fight you. As long as you tell what the old man and others need to know, the old man promises to let you all leave." Hong Daxian's dignity has reached the extreme.

Before he came here, he had thought about too many possibilities.

Only now this may not be possible.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

He didn't believe that Qin Shaofeng was just pretending to be.

"So generous?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled weirdly, and said: "The secrets of the Lord are not something you little ants can explore. If you really want to know, you just need to tell the Lord how did you move the formation of our Void Realm. The way of law will do."

His opening this time was only a test.

But he never expected it.

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the expressions of the four Hong Daxian suddenly changed.

Sure enough, there is a problem!

Qin Shaofeng suddenly realized.

"It seems that the Lord has discovered something extraordinary! Ahahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng smirked up to the sky and said, "Master discovered your secret. Now you have to kill the master, and you have to kill if you don't kill the master. Then just do it directly. What nonsense is there?"

The long sword in his hand suddenly turned into a sword of heaven and earth and blended into his right hand.

Long sword pointed at Hong Daxian.

The breath of the half-step Void Realm broke out completely.

The tyrannical aura fluctuated, and immediately dissipated towards the entire building.

Under the strong confrontation.

Hong Daxian and the others couldn't even imagine that he would shoot directly, and still move towards the surrounding buildings.

In the past, the same martial arts battle, even if the aura cannot affect the void, the peak power of the void, they will try to converge the aura as much as possible.

As a result, all combat power is integrated into martial arts.

Qin Shaofeng is doing the opposite now.

The terrifying half-step Void Realm aura almost immediately blasted the building he was in into slag.

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