Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4182: No serious injuries found

"Is this preparing the three cities to be one to trap us?"

Qin Shaofeng took a sharp breath.

While shocked in my heart, I also rejoiced.

Fortunately, the number of enemies he killed before was enough, so that he was able to upgrade the Seven Colors inheritance to the fourth stage of the Seven Colors at a critical time.

If this is not the case, I am afraid that if it is too late, they will be trapped by three cities.

The Capricorn City transformed by the Capricorn Continent and the Longyun City transformed by the Longyun Continent are still controlled by someone, or some kind of program has already been set.

The two cities seemed to have noticed their appearance, and they were surrounded by them.

"What a treacherous three-city man!"

Qin Shaofeng yelled angrily and shouted: "You guys, come here!"

At this time, he was still under the cultivation base of the void.

The right hand points to the four people and one claw.

That piece of void suddenly burst out at him.

In the blink of an eye.

He had already led the four people towards him, and because Yunshan City had not yet successfully condensed, he rushed past the gap between the two cities that still existed.

The light curtain of the defensive formation appeared when he was about to reach the edge of the gap.

"The defensive formation with one-third of the power of the Tianji Building is not qualified to block the Lord from the inside, let me drive!"

Qin Shaofeng shouted, and a sword slashed towards the defensive light curtain.

The four-color sword aura came out abruptly, moving towards the defensive array light curtain.

There was a loud rumbling sound.

The defensive array burst into pieces.

Qin Shaofeng and the four of them had already rushed out of the battle formation range formed by the three cities in the first time.

At this moment, Longshan City condensed successfully.

There was a loud noise.

The three cities have been brought together, and the three cities have turned into a perfect fortress.

A stream of light flashed past it.

In a flash.

The three cities seem to have become a whole.

Even with Qin Shaofeng's current cultivation base combat power, a sense of powerlessness arose from such a whole.

Fortunately, they ran out in time.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief.

He found that in his space, Ye Bing, who fell to the end, had half of his body soaked in blood.

Under closer observation, he suddenly took a breath.

Ye Bing's entire left arm disappeared at some point.

Even he didn't feel the least bit of it before.

Don't dare to hesitate.

He took out one healed indifferently, and threw it into Ye Bing's mouth, who also looked back at the horrible scene behind, but had not yet discovered his own injuries, and opened his mouth.

"Swallow, heal!"

Qin Shaofeng's commands were extremely concise.

The next moment.

He took advantage of his limited time and took the four of them to escape quickly.


Ye Bing was stunned.

He was obviously in trust in Qin Shaofeng, and subconsciously swallowed the pill into his abdomen.

The mild medicinal power immediately made him feel refreshed.

Only then did he speak in doubt.

On the other hand, the other three people stared at him with blood red and wide eyes.

"What are you doing looking at me like this?"

Ye Bing still did not find his own problem.

"It's nothing, you can heal your injuries!"

Zhan Cangkong didn't break it, but said exactly the same words as Qin Shaofeng.

Ye Bing didn't know why.

But after hearing exactly the same words from Qin Shaofeng and Zhan Cangkong, he also subconsciously started to use medicinal power to heal his injuries.

Even if he still doesn't know where the injury is.

Qin Shaofeng was surrounded by a Medicine King whose cultivation reached the Void Realm.

The pill grade he took out, even among forces such as Beitian, was near the peak of existence.

The absorption of medicine is just a few breathing times.

Ye Bing's injuries were completely under control.

Even if the wound has just healed, it has not yet fully reached a normal state, and the injury of losing his arm will prevent him from recovering from the severe injury in the first time.

At least pain or other things will recover 90%.

Ye Bing finally absorbed the power of the pill.

He asked them suspiciously, "Young Master Li, Young Emperor, how come you all let the old man heal?"

In the eyes of Qin Sanzu and Di Jingyi, the color of fear had reached the extreme.

They finally understood why Qin Shaofeng was worried.

Even if those strong are strong, they are not qualified to be compared with them.

But that organ city is too terrifying.

Ye Bing, whose cultivation base had reached the middle stage of the Void Realm, was severely wounded and crippled by those cities, and he didn't even feel the slightest feeling.

Even now, they are all in a daze.

Ye Bing clearly saw their look.

Subconsciously look towards yourself.

It didn't matter at this sight, he was trembling violently: "I, my left arm actually...his!"

Before Ye Bing finished his words, he took a breath.

He lost more than just his left arm.

Half of his shoulder has disappeared.

If Qin Shaofeng's speed was slow for an instant.

His whole person, I am afraid, will be cut in half by the closing of the three cities.

"Di Jingyi took over, let's walk straight away for a while, so as to avoid any changes in the horror city." Qin Shaofeng shouted anxiously.

The limit time he can display the origin of nothingness is only a quarter of an hour.

As time got closer, the tearing of his body had gone to the extreme.

The longer the time, the greater his injury.

He didn't dare to really wait for the time to reach its limit.


Di Jingyi also knew that the sequelae caused by Qin Shaofeng's use of the source of nothingness were not small, and he immediately took over if he didn't consume much.

Qin Shaofeng unloaded the burden and quickly delivered the pill into his mouth immediately.

The pill he swallowed was at the same level as the pill he gave Ye Bing.

This kind of medicine can heal even Ye Bing's injuries.

But it works on him, but the effect is extremely insignificant.

Swallow seven pills one after another.

He finally felt the tearing of his body and meridians, and finally he was effectively controlled.

But his face was still as pale as paper.

Zhan Cangkong and the others, the moment he put away the source of nothingness, all eyes fell on him.

It just smelled the scent of the pill.

They had already determined that these pill was the pill he had just let Ye Bing swallow.

Ye Bing, just one is enough.

But he swallowed seven, and his expression was still terrifying.

Zhan Cangkong couldn't help asking: "Brother Li, you have suffered so much damage from your use of void combat power, why don't you let Seventh Ancestor or Senior Xuanwu help?"

Qin Sanzu and Ye Bing nodded together.

If Qin Shaofeng is willing to invite one of them out.

Mo said it was his current injury, even Ye Bing's injury would not appear.

"They are just cards. If we have to ask them for help for anything, then we should still practice a fart, and we should just lie at home and sleep a long time. That is safer." Qin Shaofeng said.

A word directly shut everyone up.

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