Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4191: A sword

"What are you, you dare to yell in front of us?" The eight-character Hu man hated Qin Shaofeng for a long time.

Even if the real cause of his poisoning was not Qin Shaofeng, it still made him hate it.

Hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, he was the first to run away.

This eight-character Hu man is not the most powerful existence among this group of people.

But after all, he was the first to fight Li Naling and others.

This makes his right to speak completely different from others.

The eight-character Hu man spoke.

The others did not say anything, but they all looked over here with ferocious eyes.

All eyes were focused on Qin Shaofeng, as if he wanted to see through Qin Shaofeng with his eyes.

If such a look is on other people, except for Li Naling, I am afraid that no one can bear it.

But they think it is indeed Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng didn't feel even the slightest.

He calmly glanced at the people on the opposite side.

With his cultivation base aura worthy of the pinnacle of the shining star at this time, he was actually only a half-step Void Realm cultivation base, even ignoring so many mid-to-late Void Realm and even pinnacle powerhouses.

If you let outsiders see it, you will be taken aback.

Available at this moment.

Whether it was Li Naling and others, or the people standing in the void opposite him, none of them felt that there was anything wrong.

As if it should be.

"Since you don't want to leave, then you can all stay." Qin Shaofeng's expression was already full of icy cold.

The right hand slowly grabbed it towards the void.

This performance immediately made the eyes of Zhan Cangkong four people surprised.

There was also a slight difference in Li Naling's eyes.

They all know that Qin Shaofeng is very strong. 0 But looking at the scene in front of them, it still makes them a little unacceptable.

I had known that they were facing hundreds of strong people now.

Even for them, after the previous battle, they have already felt the difficulty.

It can even be said that if it were not for Li Naling's poison, even if they hadn't been wiped out, they would have inevitably escaped.

However, as soon as Qin Shaofeng opened his eyes, he burst into such a domineering aura, how could anyone accept it?

"Boy, what do you mean?" A look of fear appeared in the eight-character Hu man's eyes.

It is clear that Qin Shaofeng is so weak that he is so much weaker.

But under the gaze of each other, it seemed that their cultivation bases and Qin Shaofeng had already exchanged.

how can that be?

It's not just a horoscope.

The people from the three continents of Cangming Realm present were counted as one again, and they used to be like the overlord of one party.

At this time, facing Qin Shaofeng, none of them could maintain even the slightest arrogance.

"Since you refuse to leave, what nonsense is there to talk about?" Qin Shaofeng didn't mean to talk nonsense with them at all.

At the same time he opened his mouth, the pitch-black vortex had already appeared.

With the action of pulling out his hand, he took out the ghost song of the war soldier.

The first time the ghost song started, it turned into a cold light and merged into his hands.

"Coming to fight!"

A strong war spirit flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

His dantian has completely recovered.

Even if the meridians only recovered 90%, it still made him feel stronger than he had ever had before, and made him want to find someone to practice his hand.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

The eight-character Hu man rose into anger.

With his original status in the Three Continents, even some big powers need to give him enough face.

Qin Shaofeng was just such a cultivation base, so he dared not to put him in this eye.

If there are only four of them, nothing is a big deal. After all, he was poisoned first.

But in front of hundreds of people, it was impossible for him to admit counsel.

Hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, he jumped up immediately.

"Sword Jue! Devil Slash!"

Qin Shaofeng had no plans to talk nonsense with him at all, but just shot with all his strength.

Gui Zhan, the most familiar sword among the martial arts he practiced.

Calling the strongest may be somewhat reluctant, but it is only relatively speaking.

The long sword shot, the sharp sword light turned into a sword of heaven and earth.

Even the void in front of him seemed to have been cut apart by his sword long ago.

"So strong!"

The first feeling of the eight-character Hu man is powerful and terrifying.

But at this time, where can he show it?

"It's just the pinnacle of Tianjiao. You are not qualified to fight me with this sword. Since you want to die, then I will Chen Quan you." The eight-character Hu man roared.

He jumped up suddenly.

In his hand, a weird weapon that seemed to be a sword was transformed into a sword.

The eight-character Hu man raised his weapon and slashed towards Qin Shaofeng.

"Little guy, go to hell!" The eight-character Hu man roared.

Amidst the roar, he had already used all the Void Realm cultivation bases, and even blocked the space in Qin Shaofeng's sword trajectory.

He is very clear about how many things the difference in cultivation level can represent.

It's a mere star, and his cultivation base is very different.

It's just that, will things really be the same as in his phenomenon?

Electric light flint room.

Qin Shaofeng's sword light had already sealed off the space of the eight-character Hu man.

There is no roar in the phenomenon.

There is no fighting fluctuations that should have appeared.

But even an attack that seemed so common had blocked the space and split it.

The next moment.

Jianmang cut down.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing one of the pinnacle powerhouses in the Void Realm and gaining 90,000 Glory Stars and 1 Martial Art.

One sword, unexpectedly beheaded a strong Void Realm peak?

Qin Shaofeng himself felt incredible.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Half-Step Void Realm Tier 4 (0/500)

Star Position: Colorful Mark Warrior (Silver)

Martial Art: Colorful Tianxu (Level 3)

Strength value: 57/100

Ghost Mark: 1-36

Martial Skills: Colorful Sword Jue, Colorful Heart Jue, Colorful Martial Art, Colorful Dao Yin, Colorful True Jue

Colorful fourth-order: 0/10 million

Inheritance Spells: Si Beast Thunder, Nothingness of Life

Sky Map: Space Four Level 0 (0/100,000)

One turn ghost fire gold core: 3/4

Star value: 830,000

Talent skills: God and Demon Spiritual Code

Knowledge Sea: Colorful Void Realm

Equipment: Luotian Zen Shadow, Ghost Song, Ghost Clothes, Ghost Mansion

After Qin Shaofeng opened the character interface and took a look, his pupils suddenly trembled.

The sword just now directly consumed a quarter of his cultivation power.

But it is strange indeed, a ghost fire golden pill?

Hasn't his ghost fire pill already shattered and become the source of the ghost fire? !

How to show that it is still a ghost fire gold pill?

And it's still a turn?

What happened to me that I don't know, why is the system display like this?

He didn't believe that there would be an error in the system.

That is simply impossible.

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