Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4199: breakthrough


"This...what's going on?"

"Keshuo is going to make a breakthrough too. His previous cultivation base is clearly weaker than some of us?"

"Could it be the reason for the soul crystal?"

A group of people's eyes were red again.

Qin Shaofeng had the most soul crystals in his hands, and it was also not the existence they could make up their minds.

At this moment.

Qin Shaofeng was not here, but Li Naling and the others obviously also had a lot of soul crystals, making them all subconsciously look over.

"I advise you not to mess around."

Keshuo's voice came out when they were most emotionally excited: "You probably haven't forgotten what the kid said not long ago. If you dare to mess around, I believe you should be clear about the consequences."

Everyone fell silent immediately.

Tianda's interests are right in front of them, but they subconsciously raised their heads, and after seeing a figure not too far away from them, they couldn't help but put away the thoughts in their hearts.

Really dare to shoot at this time is simply looking for death.

They won't do it at this time, but they are all ready.

Qin Shaofeng needs to go to a higher place to find good luck.

Then can they take the opportunity?

It's a big deal to endure it for a few more days.

People have the same heart, and they have the same heart.

A dozen people suddenly seemed to have a tacit understanding.

All this is in the comments of Li Naling and others.

Don't say that these people don't plan to do it for the time being, even if they really have any ideas, they don't have much fear.

On the contrary, it is the change of Keshuo that worries them the most.

An existence that may enter the void at any time.

If he really cultivated to the emptiness, the matter would not be solved so easily.

Don't think so much.

Since Qin Shaofeng stayed with them, he obviously had other successors.

Maybe he was just waiting for these people to take action?

Thinking of this, their cultivation became more focused.

This is especially true for Li Naling, who has already reached the brink of breakthrough.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Qin Shaofeng's figure had already entered the clouds. More than a dozen powerhouses on the Three Continents have already had a time when they couldn't bear it.

The breath of breakthrough finally came out.

That was Keshuo's breakthrough.

Li Naling had already made a breakthrough a day ago, and she was just practicing purely at this time.

She also felt Ke Shuo's breath and couldn't help but glance back.

People from the Three Continents are much more active than her.

One by one got up and gathered around Keshuo.

"Keshuo, you can be considered a breakthrough, it really made us wait!"

"Breakthrough is good, breakthrough is good, hahaha..."

"Kesuo has made a breakthrough, and it doesn't matter if the flag breaks through or not."

"That's right, that's right, Keshuo, we took the soul crystal in their hands together, you take half by yourself, and you just need to share the rest with us."

"How half is enough? Keshuo is now a powerhouse in the Void Realm. At least two-thirds should be taken."

Everyone started to talk.

This group of guys didn't do anything before, and their feelings were all waiting for Keshuo to take the lead.

Hearing this, Keshuo's expression suddenly became weird.

Eyes swept over them one by one.

Look at Li Naling and others who are always calm again, as if watching a jumping clown again, who didn't take their words to heart.

Keshuo immediately sneered: "So you have been waiting for my cultivation base to break through and be the first bird for you?"

As soon as such words were spoken, the people of the three continents were shocked.

Even Li Naling and others were all dumbfounded.

They can't understand what Keshuo is going to do.

They are all from the Three Continents!

Does Keshuo need to say such a thing?

"Keshuo, what do you mean by this, do you think we are just to take advantage of you?" one person roared in anger.

"Yes, if you don't want to make a move first, we'll make a big deal first." Another person shouted.

The shouts of these people have not moved Keshuo the slightest.

Instead, his laughter became colder and colder: "Don't think I don't know what you guys think. When you see my breakthrough, you want to get a share of the pie. It's a good idea, haha!"

Everyone was confused by his theory.

Li Naling is no exception.

"Should it be..."

The sudden voice immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Keshuo hasn't seen the person speaking clearly yet, and his face is slightly red.

I saw the person speaking, it was Qin Sanzu.

The look of doubt grew more and more.

Qin Sanzu knew that he had said the wrong thing, and immediately shook his head and said, "No, it's nothing, I think I was wrong."

He didn't say anything.

But the expression on his face has already explained too many things.

Most of the people present thought of something, and their expressions began to become weird.

Especially the few people who were still questioning Keshuo just now almost spit out blood.

This guy…

This guy turned out to be afraid of Qin Shaofeng, and would rather hide Qin Shaofeng to protect those people than rob him.

This is too peculiar to understand!

That is not something that only some Wu Xiu with a weak cultivation base can do, how can it happen to the existence of such cultivation base as Keshuo?

Even if they are from the same three continents.

They also didn't know that the former Keshuo was born in casual cultivator, and his life-saving measures for some weak people, and seeing people are different from most of the people present.

Qin Shaofeng didn't seem to leave much words.

He didn't believe that Qin Shaofeng would not leave behind.

If they dared to take advantage of the danger, he believed that even if Qin Shaofeng couldn't rush back, they would definitely not succeed.

Since the probability of success is infinitely close to zero.

Then what else can he do? Choosing to help Qin Shaofeng suppress these talents is what he should do most.

"Zhang Yun, what do you say?"

Another person seemed to have changed a lot towards his breath, but he still looked at the person who had broken through some distance.

"I support Keshuo's view. If you don't want to give your life to that kid, you can leave. There is no need to hurt us." Zhang Yun said in a deep voice.

For a moment, everyone fell silent.

They didn't want to believe Ke Shuo's words, after all, Qin Shaofeng's cultivation base was there.

But the problem is that Keshuo made it clear that he wanted to help Qin Shaofeng shelter these people.

Even if they are more in number.

In the face of Keshuo, who has broken through to the void, they have no chance of winning even half a point.

Not to mention that Li Naling's poisonous skills caused them a headache.

Li Naling now has a breakthrough.

What they want to do is even more difficult.

After thinking of this, they all hung their heads at the end.

Keshuo refused to help them, which made them lose the motivation to do anything.

It was the benefits Qin Shaofeng could give that made them reluctant to give up.

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