Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4201: Pathfinder

A group of people walked in mighty force.

Keshuo's example is right in front of us, making all eleven people perform extremely hard.

Along the way.

Many people from the Three Continents looked at this scene.

What's more, I couldn't help but come forward to ask the reason.

Whenever this time.

The leader of the Void Realm peak who personally led the way and seemed to have foreseen the reward of Qin Shaofeng would give a cold snort, and immediately frightened people back.

Uncomprehensible emotions suddenly surfaced in everyone's hearts.

What are these people doing?

How could he lead a group of strangers forward in such a rush.

The curiosity grew stronger.

These people couldn't help hanging behind them, as if they wanted to see what they wanted to do.

When the eleven people saw such a situation, they were all worried in their hearts.

But when they saw that Qin Shaofeng didn't even bother at all, he finally felt relieved.

It took nearly ten days along the way.

Many people hanging in the back of the team already knew what had happened here before, and some people had left.

More people noticed the Keshuo in Qin Shaofeng's team.

Looking at the cultivation base of Qin Shaofeng and the others, they still bravely followed up.

More than ten days.

Qin Shaofeng finally piled up his cultivation base to the eighth half-step void realm under the accumulation of resources like a hill.

Even the experience value has reached 600.

It is only three or two days before the next breakthrough.

And at this time.

Under the leadership of the group, he finally saw the so-called cave.

Really can only be so-called.

Because it's just a scene I saw before my eyes, it can no longer be described as a cave.

At least there must be mountains in the cave, right?

Not here.

On the contrary, a thick mist enveloped the scenes before them, giving people a sense of a mountain really hidden in the mist in front of them.

This scene immediately gave Qin Shaofeng an inexplicable familiar feeling.

But he could also clearly determine that none of the similar places he had seen before could not be compared with the cave in front of him.

While he was still observing, a piece of news emerged from the sea of ​​knowledge.

That is the communication fluctuation of the Heavenly Void Insect King.

This place is not a cave, but a place of death accumulated by a group of weird beast entities.

Perhaps it cannot be said to be the land of death, where there are still faintly alive lives.

It feels too indifferent, and the Tianxu Insect King is not sure whether it is true or not.

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with brilliance.

The difference here is weird.

What is even more surprising is the saying of the King of Void Insects as'exotic beast'.

The Tianxu Insect King has been with him for too long, and his words for the star beast are almost exactly the same as his own.

Even the sacred beasts, the ancient fierce beasts, he can clearly identify them.

But why does he use this term?

There must be something wrong inside.

"There is indeed a problem with this place, as before, I need someone to find the way for me." Qin Shaofeng said calmly.

At the same time, he threw a soul crystal to the person who just led the way.

If you want people to kill yourself, you can't be stingy.

He knows this very well.

Everyone was already ready. Seeing Qin Shaofeng's gift unexpectedly, everyone shouted: "I am willing to find the way for the son."

Even Keshuo, who was already standing behind Qin Shaofeng, clasped his fist and said: "My son, after I enter the realm of the Great Immortal, I can already feel some places that ordinary people can't feel. There is a great danger in it, even if it's me. I'm not sure that it will work, I am willing to find the way for the son myself."

His cultivation has reached the nihility, so that when he started talking about the dangerous situation here, the eleven people subconsciously appeared worried.

But they never thought of Keshuo's second sentence.

Where did this guy see that it was dangerous, and he was clearly trying to fight them for success!

This cargo has already got two soul crystals, and it's unreasonable to even want to steal power from us.

"My son, there may be a lot of dangers here, but I am the best at saving lives. I believe that I will let the son observe more things." Another person ran out.

This person was not the end, but just the beginning, and everyone shouted loudly.

The sound of the film immediately caused the people who hung behind to watch the excitement to startle their chins.

What's more, the eyes are already round.

There seems to be no obstruction from the eye sockets, I am afraid it can really stare out the eyes.

Who is that group?

Although they have not yet reached the realm of the Great Immortal, they are also the pinnacle of the gods. In front of them on weekdays, relying on the cultivation base that is about to break through is prestigious.

They couldn't imagine that such a group of people would be like a group of dogs to please someone.

Not to mention, there is a great immortal among them!

How can this make them bear it?

"Needless to say."

When Qin Shaofeng went with them before, he thought about using these people.

Now that they have completely entered their own sets.

Knowing the situation of the crisis here, there is obvious cannon fodder, it is impossible for him not to use it.

"Since there are still people coming, let them investigate the situation in front. If there is a real danger, you can look at it again." Qin Shaofeng said.

As soon as he said these words, the complexions of all eleven people suddenly changed slightly.

What Keshuo said just now seemed to echo in his ears.

There is a real danger here, and Qin Shaofeng can think that they are likely to be in danger of crisis.

Thinking of this, the eleven people looked at the more than fifty people who were catching up from behind.

"Come here two people."

Zhang Yun, whose cultivation base was already on the verge of breaking through, yelled, with his cultivation base full of aura, and he was behind the group of people in the first place.

Others came to realize.

No need for any more explanations, everyone all went round and round towards the group of people.

Keshuo could have left it alone.

Although there are a lot of people in that group, there are not many people who can really be regarded by them.

But he also sealed the void in the first place.

The void blockade performed by the Void Realm powerhouse, even if there are ten or eight Void Realm peak powerhouses, it is impossible to break through it if they can't achieve a perfect match.

Not to mention, among the fifty-odd people, there are actually only six peak powers in the void.

There are only fourteen strong people in the late stage of the void.

It is simply impossible to break through his blockade.

In a flash.

They can only roll their eyes.

"Listen to you people, it is your great luck that the son is willing to let you help you find the way. If someone can help the son find the way, your benefits will naturally be indispensable."

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