Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4211: Came just right


Before Qin Shaofeng saw the visitor, he had already opened his mouth in surprise.

Now the seven cornerstones of the formation have received five.

There has also been news about where the base of the formation is.

Unknown danger is ahead, and it is a great thing to be able to have more powerful people like Ximen Lingzhong.

His uncle said this.

Ke Shuo, who was cultivating next to him, suddenly turned his head.

As a powerhouse in the void.

The arrival of Ximen Lingzhong didn't make him feel even the slightest breath, it was enough to shock him.

At this moment, I heard that the other party turned out to be the uncle of the son he had just recognized recently.

The worry and fear in my heart suddenly turned into curiosity.

What kind of tyrannical existence would the son's uncle be?

"You kid have pointed ears."

Ximen Lingzhong's laughter made people sound like shuddering. He appeared and said, "The old man deliberately covered up the killing intent in his voice. You can even hear it directly."

"Uncle joked. There are probably not many people who can come to me quietly in the world, right?" Qin Shaofeng laughed.

"That's true."

Ximen Lingzhong nodded.

He knew what kind of existence Qin Shaofeng had around him.

It is really impossible for ordinary people to come to Qin Shaofeng quietly like him.

"Uncle, you came just right. I found a weird place to explore here. If you don't come, I really don't know if I should wait for you." Qin Shaofeng smiled.

"Should you wait for me?"

Ximen Lingzhong sneered and said, "I think you want me to be your thug?"

Qin Shaofeng still had a calm smile on his face, but he didn't speak any more.

Their conversation immediately attracted Keshuo's suspicious look.

Come and be a thug for him?

This strong man who can appear so that he can't even notice, is going to come to be a thug for the son?

He just felt suspicious for a while.

Soon, he suppressed all the doubts in his heart.

No matter what happened to Qin Shaofeng, they had nothing to do with him. He just waited for Qin Shaofeng's order.

"Let’s talk about what you found first!"

Ximen Lingzhong just said something like a joke, and already asked.

"A teleportation array."

Qin Shaofeng opened his mouth and explained: "I believe you have seen the situation in this abyss, and I have found five teleportation base stones in these places, and passerby has also found me the base of the formation."

When talking about this, he deliberately sold a pass before continuing: "A teleportation formation that will exist in such a place, uncle, do you think it will be a simple existence?"

Ximen Lingzhong's thousand-year experience is not comparable to ordinary people.

Just listening to Qin Shaofeng's statement, he had completely understood it.

A place that shouldn't have appeared.

Then the secrets contained in this place can be imagined.

Not to mention.

Such a place is just a hidden teleportation position.

Even so, the teleportation array was torn down.

Just thinking of this, he could already imagine where the teleportation array might teleport them to.

"Uncle, didn't the person you borrowed from me follow?" Qin Shaofeng had stared at him for a long time.

He had already had nothing to say about Ximen Lingzhong's hiding methods.

Now that he has said everything he needs to say, he naturally needs to ask about it.

"Who said he didn't follow?"

Ximen Lingzhong saw through his Xiao Jiujiu at a glance.

With a light wave of the big hand, Wang Sheng appeared behind him.

"Just bring it."

Qin Shaofengchao Wang Sheng took a look, and immediately opened the door of the ghost mansion, saying: "You have lost all your cultivation base during this period of time. Go to the ghost mansion and upgrade your cultivation first. I'll look for you again."


Wang Sheng nodded directly, unable to walk into the whirlpool.

As someone who came out of endless hell.

He is another person whose roots have been completely cut off thousands of years ago, and he is completely different from Ke Jiuxiao.

The master of Ke Jiuxiao a thousand years ago is still there, so the sense of belonging is naturally in two aspects, neither of which matters.

Li Naling and Qin Shaofeng might be the only ones who made him feel a sense of belonging.

Especially in the time of the Ghost Mansion, he almost regarded the Ghost Mansion as his home.

Qin Shaofeng's words meant for him to go home, where he needed to know Ximen Lingzhong again.

But his move caused Ximen Lingzhong to almost spit blood.

"You kid is really good enough! Could the old man still abduct your person?" Ximen Lingzhong was speechless.

"of course not."

Qin Shaofeng smiled indifferently, and said: "It's not just Wang Sheng, if you bring Ke Jiuxiao also, I suggest you let him practice first."


Ximen Lingzhong's expression changed slightly.

He glanced at the people next to Qin Shaofeng.

He naturally recognized Zhan Cangkong and others.

I knew that the purpose of these people following Qin Shaofeng was to fight Cangkong for more insight.

They are by Qin Shaofeng's side, and it is naturally understandable.

But apart from a few people in Zhan Cangkong.

There was only Li Naling beside Qin Shaofeng.

And Li Naling is already a cultivation base in the late stage of the Void Realm.

This was a lot better than Ke Jiuxiao's time following him.

Especially when he looked at Keshuo, he felt even more weird.

With his eyesight, how could he fail to see that Keshuo has become Qin Shaofeng's person.

And this one is still a strong man in the void.

"It seems that you are really planning to do something troublesome?" Ximen Lingzhong's eyes were suspicious.

The voice fell off.

He waved his hand again and made Ke Jiuxiao's figure emerge.

This kind of concealment made Qin Shaofeng amazed.

Really deserved to be Ximen Lingzhong, the method was really powerful.

If Qin Shaofeng didn't have much, letting Ke Jiuxiao also practice it was to hide Ximen Lingzhong again.

time flies.

It's another seven days.

When Qin Shaofeng entered the real void, a figure came from afar when it was not too late.

The person here is Zhang Yun.

He also took out a cornerstone of the formation.

It was another two days in a blink of an eye.

The last crowd Qin Shaofeng was waiting for finally arrived.

The two people who had gone to break through had already entered the void.

Of the other seven people, now there are only five people left.

All five were wounded.

But they were fortunate enough to take out the last cornerstone of the formation.

After Qin Shaofeng glanced at them, he directly sent out five soul crystals.

These people are so desperate for him, they can't treat him badly, right?

Three soul crystals were indeed his promise, but he would not really care about the one or two soul crystals.

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