Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4217: What's going on

"Uncle Ye, Uncle Di!"

Zhan Cangkong's whole body trembled suddenly, and the exclamation was already involuntarily yelled out.

Although the two of them are just his protectors, they have been by his side for too long too long.

They are indeed the relationship between superiors and subordinates.

But there was already a deep feeling of love, seeing the two of them just because they were a step slower, they had already ended up like this, and it almost made him collapse.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help frowning after seeing this scene.

But immediately, he has eased over.

In the world of martial arts, death is really not a rare thing, let alone exploring this kind of place that even Ximen Lingzhong is afraid of.

When he frowned, the last four had already rushed out.

There are only four people, all of them are strong people who have reached the nihility in their cultivation base.

Even for those three, Qin Shaofeng could not be named the pinnacle powerhouse of the void, none of them could come out alive.


The speed of the four people unexpectedly caused a sound of breaking through the air, making Qin Shaofeng, who was still paying attention to the death of Di Jingyi, had to take his attention back.

At this time, the four people were already full of horror.

The original clothes on his body had become net-like, and the blood flowed out along the places where the holes appeared, which was unspeakably miserable.

They are strong in the void.

Even they are like this, the results of others can be imagined.

"What kind of attack did you encounter, can someone see it clearly?" Qin Shaofeng frowned and asked.

The four couldn't help but glance at each other.

They were just looking for shock and fleeing for their lives, and no one really deliberately observed what exactly attacked them.

After hearing Qin Shaofeng's question, their faces became difficult to look.

Just such an expression has proved a lot of things.

Qin Shaofeng recognized it at a glance.

He didn't ask more, and turned to Zhan Cangkong and said, "Jianghu Expedition is dealing with death. If this trip doesn't go well, maybe even we will be buried here. Now is not the time for you to be sad."

Where does Zhan Cangkong not know this?

But seeing the people who followed him for so long and died in front of him, he was really very uncomfortable.

Compared to his sadness.

On the contrary, after seeing that he was not pretending, Qin Sanzu had already put away the sadness in his heart and said: "Young Master Li is right. Our three old guys were already ready to die when he came here with him. I only hope that the son can treat the two of them well after he returns."

"for sure!"

Zhan Cangkong spoke firmly.

He seemed to have put away his sorrow, but the sorrow buried deep in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Let's go!"

Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath, but still didn't say anything to make Zhan Cangkong two hide.

Zhan Cangkong knew it himself.

The experience of martial arts is not just to deal with some weaker than oneself, and hide more when encountering life and death crisis.


He also didn't say anything to confess.

Gritting his teeth firmly, he resolutely chose to follow Qin Shaofeng half a step behind him.

Keep going.

At the top, it seems that this abyss is not so wide.

But when they walked up this path, it was different.

Qin Shaofeng was at the forefront.

Behind him, on the left and right, were Zhan Cangkong and Li Naling.

The passer-by Jia Keshuo is a little further behind, but the space he can manipulate, but Qin Shaofeng and the others are all shrouded in it.

This is already ready to help resist at any time.

And behind them are Qin Sanzu and the four three-continent emptiness powerhouses.

Their speed is not very fast.

But with the passage of time, they have also gone a long way.

The road ahead is still that dull.

But in each of them, it seems that they have become very scary.

Qin Shaofeng never spoke.

It's not that he wasn't worried, but that Ximen Lingzhong, who had explored here, didn't say anything. Obviously, there will be no more accidents.

Some unnecessary worries, he will naturally not go there again.

Even if other people have some worries in their hearts.

Watching Qin Shaofeng walk in front of him carelessly, he could only close his mouth.

Their advance did not last long.

I walked through a road that I didn't know how far away, and a little faint voice came from afar.

the voice very low.

But my heart is too quiet, so that they can hear it for the first time.

"Have you heard that, what's the movement ahead?" A three-continent powerhouse spoke first.

The expressions of several people from the Three Continents began to change.

I have to admit that the feeling here is really horrible.

Even the pinnacle powerhouse of the void realm can fall as soon as they fall into the bushes.

Even if they are better than them, if they don't escape fast enough, they will die in it.

Not to mention the deeper place.

It is conceivable that such places will only be more dangerous.

Continuing on this path does make them very worried.

But compared to the accidents that might happen, they still prefer the way they are now.

They are not young, but the things they encounter are far from being comparable to people like Qin Shaofeng.

They did not notice.

When they were nervous, Qin Shaofeng's brows wrinkled slightly, and a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

"Did something happen?" Li Naling asked suspiciously.

Her experience is no less than Qin Shaofeng's, and she is naturally not as worried about the current situation as others.

"It seems to be a ghost slave...no, it should be a ghost or a ghost king." Qin Shaofeng frowned.

He has few words.

Whether it's Zhan Cangkong, Qin Sanzu or the people of the Three Continents, it's just a change of expression.

Li Naling clearly understood what he was really worried about from his words.

The powerhouses of the Three Continents have already arrived.

Qin Shaofeng still took the people from the Three Continents. On the one hand, they needed their combat power. On the other hand, he didn't think that the first place he came would meet the powerhouses of the Three Continents.

However, things backfired.

They really are so unhappy.

The appearance of the powerful presence in the ghosts has proved too many things, and they are not allowed to believe it at all.

"Then what shall we do?" Li Naling asked with a frown similarly.

Although she is a lone ranger.

But those are all old calendars.

Not to mention, even if she encountered such a situation at that time, she had no choice but to leave.

Now that she was following behind Qin Shaofeng, she naturally wanted to ask Qin Shaofeng's opinion.

In their dialogue, there is nothing in the words.

But in the eyes of others, that's not the case.

They had already begun to show fear, and they naturally thought of Li Naling as being like them.

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