Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4219: Tudu plum

After Qin Shaofeng explained everything, he directly ordered the departure.

But after this series of changes.

Qin Shaofeng, who was supposed to be a domineering side leak, turned out to be a passerby.

It seems that the name Passerby A is more suitable for him.

Seven ancestors and others have seen him look like a drunkard.

Passers-by Jiake Shuoke is somewhat incompetent.

He just stared at Qin Shaofeng for a long time, and finally changed back to his original expression when the voice was very, very close.

Not much further forward.

The road has come to an end.

But at the end of the road, it was no longer the original small road, but a very huge area.

Further in this area, there is a group of stone pillars.

And in that clearing area, more than twenty figures existed in it.

If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that not all of those people are human martial arts.

Twenty-one of them are indeed humans.

Moreover, they are all existences with a not weak cultivation base, none in the early stage of the void, and at least the existence of the middle stage of the void.

There are even nine strong people in the late stage of the void.

But opposite them, there were only five ghosts.

One ghost king, three ghosts.

Zhan Cangkong and Passerby might not know each other, but Qin Shaofeng and Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er could indeed recognize them at a glance.

They are observing the existence in front of them.

The two sides facing off in the distance have also looked back.

The gaze of the ghost king fell on the seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er.

Qin Shaofeng was a very inconspicuous existence for the Ghost King.

And now, under the phantom mask and cross-dress, he has become completely different from before.

The Ghost King didn't recognize him, but it was reasonable.

But Qin Shaofeng couldn't calm down the moment he saw the ghost king.

The fluctuations in my heart are already great.

If it weren't for the role of the phantom mask, there would be a tendency to be seen by others.

A total of seven ghost and corpse kings were suppressed in the Void Realm.

People who have rarely met with the ghost king can't tell which is which.

But this ghost king is really different.

This was the first ghost king Qin Shaofeng saw, and it was also the one that came out when Yunxian Mountain collapsed when he and Chenxing went to explore the so-called alien world.

It was also the guy who killed some of his real people.

Unexpectedly, when I came back to the Tomb of Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods, the first one I saw was this guy.


When Qin Shaofeng's mood fluctuated violently, the powerhouses of the Three Continents had already noticed them.

A powerful man in the late stage of the void has already spoken.

Passer-by Jia Keshuo also glanced there, his face was not very good.

"My lord, I have vowed to follow this one from Void Continent, and now I am called Passerby." Passerby Jia Keshuo said.

As he said before, he has truly recognized the name Passerby.

The word Keshuo, which looks like a passerby Jiakeshuo, can also be erased.

"Road... A passerby?"

The man's jaw was dislocated in shock.

The smile that this sentence brings is really incredible.

It is true that Keshuo has always had no good impressions of their forces.

But you shouldn't even change your name after following someone, right?

I told you earlier that the people he was following turned out to be from the Void Continent.

Void Continent?

Where is the Void Continent? It seems that we don't have such a continent in Cangming Realm, right?

In doubt, he heard the exclamation of his classmates around him.

"Void Continent? Is it the Fierce Beast Continent? Those invaders approaching from the Void Realm?"

This exclamation made everyone unable to calm down.

Keshuo really betrayed the Three Continents?

"Please don't say it so badly."

Passerby looked slightly chilled, and said: "My lord has officially confirmed that the Ferocious Beast Continent has been renamed the Void Continent."

"Secondly, my lord is indeed a person from the Void Realm, but the Void Realm has been wiped out by the Ghost Corpse Clan. They have been in the Cangming Realm for thousands of years, and they can already be regarded as our people in the Cangming Realm."

"Not to mention, how can we say that we have a common enemy?"

His words were so sharp that he was speechless to say that the three continent powerhouses were speechless.

No one can veto what he said.

But they, as high-ranking members of the Three Continents, knew something that no one else could know.

Apparently someone from the same force as the passer-by Jia Keshuo... actually sneered when he heard that.

He seemed to be persuaded by passers-by Jia Keshuo.

"Since you have made such a decision, that's fine." He sneered and said to the passer-by Jia Keshuo in a daze.

How about that?

Shouldn't there be rage or other emotional outbursts?

Passers-by Jia Keshuo doubts.

Qin Shaofeng, who looked like a drunkard, obviously felt something wrong.

Those people are so easy to talk.

In their eyes, the original Keshuo seemed to be a cannon fodder.

Keshuo's decision now is only to decide to go to a more deadly place.

It seems that there really is a big problem on the Void Continent.

Why has it been thousands of years... almost no one knows the situation outside the mainland?

Why did no one know the existence of the Three Continents for thousands of years?

As for the Miracle Continent, he automatically ignored it.

The situation on the Miracle Continent is not even clear to the people on the Three Continents, and the Void Continent does not know that the real numbers are normal.

"Thank you."

Passer-by Jia Keshuo also had a lot of doubts, but he didn't plan to ask any questions.

The man finally stopped struggling with this matter and said: "As you said, we are all people in the Cangming Realm, and we also have a common enemy. Then should your master also come to help?"

Ke Shuo frowned suddenly.

He subconsciously wanted to look back, but he reacted instantly.

He turned his head, but he stopped abruptly after he only twisted a third, and it happened to be where the Seventh Patriarch was.

"It's not impossible to shoot together."

Seventh Ancestor spoke coldly.

As a being who has experienced the war a thousand years ago, her performance to outsiders is no different from other people.

Binghan's voice made the people of the Three Continents frowned subconsciously.

It's not that they were unhappy with the words of the Seventh Patriarch Zhan Cai'er.

But when they heard Zhan Cai'er speak, they actually encountered the oldest ancestor of their own power.

This feeling can make them immediately accept that there is a ghost.

"You guys can already be on par with this dead ghost king. If you have this seat, this **** has no chance of winning at all."

"Du Li, is there anything wrong with what you said about this seat?" Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er's last words were looking at the ghost king.

The Ghost King's face changed, and he said coldly, "Zhan Cai'er, just because you haven't called this king by name."

His voice stunned Qin Shaofeng.

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