Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4234: Lord

The preconceived thinking of young people is too deep.

Qin Shaofeng and his party, it seems that they are too threatening to cause the current situation.

But if he could know that among the people in front of him, the more dangerous the one who made him feel, the more dangerous he was, and whether he would directly spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The record of the seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er that year will not be mentioned for the time being.

Qin Shaofeng, who seemed to be the least threatening, could really compare the number of murders with any of the seven ghost kings, right?

As for his most dangerous passerby, Jia Keshuo.

Perhaps he was more murderous than Zhan Cangkong.

But if talking about humanoid creatures, Zhan Cangkong was just a ghost corpse slave killed in the land of the shining star, a number that Keshuo could not compare for several lifetimes.

"Since you don't have any bad intentions, then let me go into the city and meet the Lord!" the young man said.

Qin Shaofeng and his party are here for the first time, and it is really a great thing to have such a guide.

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er clasped his fists slightly and said, "Thank you very much, then."

When the young man heard her voice, his face turned red.

Such performance almost caused Qin Shaofeng to squirt out the drink in his mouth.

Isn't this kid who has never seen a woman?

The seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er seemed young, but in fact he had lived for more than a thousand years.

If this young man is alive.

Calculated based on the age of a living person, Qizu Zhan Cai'er is not enough to be his grandmother.

This product can still be like this.

What a wonderful flower!

Qin Shaofeng just thought in his heart, and never showed any abnormal behavior.

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er just rolled his eyes.

She has already begun to inquire about information from young people.

With her experience in the arena, young people have asked everything they want to know before they know it.

This place is called the Palace of Life and Death, and it is a place in the realm of Yin and Yang.

Can ask what the Yin and Yang world is.

The young man didn't even know, he squeaked for a long while, but he couldn't say even half a useful word.

Zhan Cai'er simply stopped asking more.

Continue to ask next.

They have already learned that this palace of life and death has a kind of assessment, that is, the task that the young man has said several times in a row.

The mission is not just for outsiders like them.

Even within the scope of their Palace of Life and Death, all beings are taking one task after another at all times.

The beast he had killed before was the lowest level task.

The difficulty of the task ranges from low to high, and it is said that there are as many as 999.

As long as he can complete all the nine hundred and ninety-nine tasks, he will be appreciated by the Lord, and even have the qualifications to go to Yinyang City.

He said that the narration is only the rules in the palace of life and death.

Qin Shaofeng's group heard it, but it was another scene.

This is indeed just a checkpoint for them in the Tomb of the Dead.

And there is obviously more than one level here.

To get the things in the dead tomb, they need to go through the levels.

The Yin Yang City among the young population.

Obviously it is the next level.

But the problem is...

There are 999 tasks to be done, which is too much, right?

Seventh Patriarch Zhan Cai'er's questioning did not end.


She confessed to the young man again.

It was the ghosts and corpses that first appeared here.

There are two ghost corpses, and there are more than thirty ghost corpses who don't know what level of cultivation can reach.

They had indeed engaged in a **** massacre.

But after the palace master of the Palace of Life and Death took action, he still suppressed them forcibly, and the ghost and corpse were half dead.

After that came the strong from Longyun Continent.

They also made some noise.

But compared with the ghost clan, it is not a wave at all. After the palace owner suppressed it, he has already begun to participate in the task.

By the time he came out, the ghost clan had already done seventy-four missions.

And the people in Longyun Continent have already done 52 tasks.

When Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er heard this, her heart had already begun to fluctuate violently.

According to the young people, aren’t they already behind a lot?

The psychological doubts of the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er only appeared for a moment.

The young man has taken them to a city.

The city seems very magnificent at first glance, especially in the depths of the city, there seems to be a magnificent and unusual hall.

This shows how spectacular this city is.

But behind them, they could faintly feel an extremely gloomy feeling.

As if this is not a city where living people should exist.

With this idea.

They followed the young people all the way, observing every building here.

No matter how they look at it, they can't see even the slightest error.

On the contrary, the arrival of these newcomers kept arousing curious eyes one after another.

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er saw this and couldn't help but continue to ask: "Little brother, don't you need to arrange guards for this city?"

"Guard? What is that?"

The young man suddenly became curious.

This rhetorical question almost made the Seventh Patriarch Zhan Cai'er feel bad.

She subconsciously looked back at the direction of the city gate.

This move made the young people understand.

"We will indeed close the city gate at night, but that is done by the people who return to the city last. If there are people who come back later, we only need to open the door and close the door ourselves." The young man explained.

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er fell silent immediately.

She can see it.

People in the Yin-Yang world can't be treated as normal human beings at all. This is her fault.

"Nothing, aren't you going to see the Lord? Let's go first!"

Zhan Cai'er finally gave in.

Faced with the aboriginal people in the world who are completely opposite to what I know, it is a big weird thing to ask why.

The young man did not say much, and continued to lead the way.

The Lord’s residence is not the most central hall.

But in a restaurant-like building next to the main hall.

When they arrived, the first thing they saw was a stocky old man sitting in the living room on the first floor leisurely, holding a pu fan in his left hand and a teapot in his right hand, lying on a rocking chair and looking directly across from him. The Palace of Life and Death smiled slightly.

The appearance of such a person stunned Qin Shaofeng.

Is this guy really okay?

While he was still thinking, he saw that the young man had already walked over and said, "Holy lord, there are outsiders here again, but they don't seem to be the ones who are here to make trouble."


Humpty Dumpty immediately shifted his gaze to Qin Shaofeng and his group.

This guy turned out to be the Lord of the Palace?

Even Qin Shaofeng was a little messy in the wind.

It's too weird that a short fat man who looks like a rich man has the ability to suppress the ghost king, isn't it?

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