Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4236: Do not care

"In view of the points mentioned earlier, your lord can tell your choice." After waiting for a long while, Gu Chenxing finally asked.

He didn't interrupt Qin Shaofeng again this time.

There is even a big one, as long as Qin Shaofeng doesn't speak, he doesn't want to say anything.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to have not heard it.

What should I do?

He didn't even know anything about this Palace of Life and Death, he knew what to do to have a ghost.


He simply continued to drink as if he was okay.

The lord Gu Chenxing was not in a hurry.

The two just sat like this.

One hour, two hours.

Until most of the day passed.

The three talents who went to understand the situation of the Palace of Life and Death finally came out of the Palace of Life and Death.

Qin Shaofeng is not another martial artist.

His divine consciousness can still unfold, but it is restricted too much.

The worry in the eyes of the three of them can be seen clearly.

He waited until the three of them were about to walk through the door before finally speaking, "You don't need to worry about what I want to do."

"it is good."

The lord Gu Chenxing actually agreed.

Qin Shaofeng was also stunned for a moment.

But he soon understood.

Here is the dead tomb.

Whether it was the Palace of Life and Death in front of him, or the Yin-Yang City further down, it was all related to the ghost fire inheritance he had once received.

Even if he has got the colorful inheritance.

Regarding the things left by the ghost fire emperor, he has not caught a cold.

But when it can be used, he will naturally not refuse.

Soon, the three of them had already walked up the stairs.

Seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er's heart was also a little confused.

She wanted to come over to Qin Shaofeng to discuss what to do next.

But she couldn't think of it.

When she returned to the stairs here, half a day later, she still saw two people sitting on the ground not far apart.

Drinking wine alone, tea drinking alone.

As if this kind of behavior is a kind of enjoyment.

Even she couldn't help being shocked.

She knew Qin Shaofeng's identity, and she knew that Qin Shaofeng was definitely not Qin Shaofeng's nature.

Then why does she still do this?

"You... don't you plan to go back to the house to rest?"

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er couldn't help asking this sentence after being shocked for a while.


Qin Shaofeng finally took action.

He slowly got up, turned and walked into the room.

On the other hand, Palace Master Gu Chenxing remained the same, as if he heard Zhan Cai'er's words on his brows.

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er had already felt that she could no longer understand the situation in front of her.

Just as if he hadn't seen the city lord, he strode into the room with Qin Shaofeng.

Until the last passer-by Jia Keshuo closed the gate.

She finally asked: "What happened just now, how long did you sit at the door with that obviously problematic hall master?"


Qin Shaofeng explained.

It's okay that he didn't explain, this explanation almost made Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er spit blood.

"You have been so long, to what extent have you understood here?" Qin Shaofeng asked back.

"It's troublesome."

The look of Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er suddenly became hard to look.

"When the kid said before, it sounded like the level here is not difficult, but in fact it is far away."

She made a complaint before finally telling what they were investigating.

The ghost king and the people of Longyun Continent who came one step before them have indeed made dozens of characters.

At first glance, the numbers seem to be quite a few.

999 tasks apart, it does not seem to be too far apart.

Where is it actually not too far?

It's simply a sky and an underground.

The characters here are five completely different stages from the beginning, the middle, the later, and the last.

What I said earlier was the first 100 tasks.

Even the first task is almost the task of picking up trash or helping people wipe the table.

Then the difficulty will gradually increase.

When it reaches the hundredth mission, it will become a huge watershed.

Teams like them need to kill a beast comparable to the pinnacle of the star position.

Their suppressed cultivation is so cruel, not to mention beasts of gods, I am afraid that a few lower levels are enough to make them annihilate.

Of course, this is not counting Qin Shaofeng's true combat power, and the three attacks that the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er retained.

One hundred to three hundred are all in the early stage.

Three hundred to five hundred is the mid-term.

Five hundred to nine hundred is the later stage.

The last ninety-nine tasks are the last.

Follow their observations and inquiries.

After they have achieved 900 missions, any mission, the danger they have to face is comparable to the presence of a shining star in the front.

That's almost a matter of looking for death.

And this is only the last, not nine hundred and ninety-nine.

They simply couldn't detect what kind of mission nine hundred and ninety-nine would be.

The only thing that can be imagined is that if all the combat power they retain now is displayed, I am afraid they will only have such a chance.

After Qin Shaofeng truly understood these conditions, his expression began to become weird.

His cultivation was suppressed to 10%.

But Gu Chenxing, the lazy hall master, said that he could reduce a part of the difficulty.

It seems that if he is going to do any tasks, it is impossible for him to have too big a problem.

As a result, the suppression of the cultivation base here has become very obvious.

"Oh, then let's take a rest and rest first!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded, and turned around to head towards the bedroom on the other side.

His actions shocked everyone.

What is going on here?

What is rest and rest?

"Boy, our combat power should be able to complete these tasks. Even if it is a bit difficult, it is the only hopeful team among the crowd that arrives. Why wait and see?" Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er is also full Puzzled.

"Three continents, ghost king."

After leaving these two names, Qin Shaofeng walked into the bedroom and closed the bedroom door with his backhand.

His words nowadays have become less and less.

The inexperienced Zhan Cangkong was really confused.

Even the passer-by Jia Keshuo was a little dazed.

"Yes, we are indeed more than just passing the test."

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er reacted immediately, nodded, and said, "If this is the case, let's take a look at the situation first, Konger, passerby, if you two are okay, just stare at the Palace of Life and Death. The situation, especially the situation of the Three Continents and the King of Ghosts, must be figured out for me."


The two of them had completely understood in her self-talk.

The level here is obviously different from when they were under the starry sky abyss. The enemy is not only the ghost king, but there are probably people from the Three Continents.

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