Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4239: Can speak human words

"This kind of thing can actually speak human words?"

Zhan Cangkong was completely disturbed by the scenes that appeared before him.

Hearing that weird existence speaks, I can't help but exclaim.

His shock has gone to the extreme.

But but.

His words did not elicit even the slightest response.

Because of this moment, Qin Shaofeng had already walked to the front of the weird existence, and at the same time had already raised his hand.

"Human, you..."


The weird creature looked at Qin Shaofeng approaching, as if he had suffered a great deal of humiliation, and wanted to say something.

But his voice has just been uttered.

Qin Shaofeng's palm had already fallen towards his head.

Still not using much power.

The strange-looking thing had already turned into powder under his palm.

It's really fast to die.

When everyone saw this scene, they almost all exclaimed.

Those things that seemed tall and tall, even before they could even finish a complete sentence, they were already flamboyantly on the street.

The speed of bashing on the street is simply unacceptable!

"This... is this over?"

After a long time, Zhan Cangkong finally said this sentence with a face full of shock.

As for the others, they couldn't say anything.

It really ended like this.

It seemed that he was going to blow up the sky, but he really couldn't even take a single move.

"Let's go, we should also go and see what the tasks in the second phase are." Qin Shaofeng finally spoke to them.

Seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er quickly reacted.

She didn't have any extra words, and she turned away and walked away.

Just when walking on the road.

Zhan Cangkong and passer-by Jiaqiang can be said to be two people, still constantly looking at him.

The color of shock in the eyes is too strong.

Qin Shaofeng's eyes for them always seemed as if they hadn't seen anything.

It has not been too long.

When they returned to the Palace of Life and Death again, they had already met the people from Longyun Continent who had just returned to hand in the task.

This group of people came first.

They took a full month's rest, and their task progress was close to three hundred.

It can be said that they have been advancing almost day and night during this period of time.

The number is almost chasing the team led by the ghost king.

Discover their arrival.

In this team, an old man who seemed to be in a high position all year round couldn't help but be surprised: "Aren't these people from the Void Continent? Don't you plan to rest here until we pass? How could this happen? Ran out?"

They are doing tasks outside almost all the time.

Even if you want to return to hand in tasks, there will be a dedicated person in charge of running errands, and hardly will stay in the Palace of Life and Death.

So that they have completed the things of the characters in front, these people don't even know.

"When do we want to take a break? It doesn't seem to matter to you, right?"

Seventh ancestor Zhan Cai'er was not a good-tempered person.

Hearing the words in this person's mouth, it turned out to be very provocative, and he couldn't help it immediately.

A cold snort made the old man's expression stunned.

She didn't mean to care at all.

He glanced at him coldly again, and walked towards the place in charge of the level task in a stride.

"Hand in task."

Said the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er.

"Huh? Is that the counter for the advancement task?"

When he said his words, everyone in Long Yun Continent looked over in amazement.

Seeing that it was so, everyone's eyes widened.

"Aren't they resting all the time?"

"Could it be that they don't even know how to do the task here, right?"

"It's very likely that."

"You said... Will they really complete the top 100 tasks?"

"How can it be?"

"It may not be impossible, the first hundred tasks are too simple!"

"It's not easy to get it done in such a short time. Don't forget how long it took for so many of us to do the first 100 tasks."

"It seems to be the same."

"They want to complete the top 100 tasks in just a few days. It's simply impossible!"

"Yeah! Especially that BOSS, it is simply too difficult to fight. As long as he cannot be killed instantly after being maimed, he can return to his peak state, which is simply too much trouble."

The words of the people in Longyun Continent continued.

Especially when talking about the BOSS they just killed, it drew a lot of people's chattering even less.

After all, they have only completed such tasks twice.

Naturally, there are a lot of words for such things.

As everyone knows.

When Zhan Cangkong and others listened to their introduction to that BOSS, they almost stared out.

Did we hear it right?

That BOSS can cause so much trouble to people?

Want to kill after being disabled?

Forget it, don't think so much.

Anyway, no matter what the situation of that BOSS is, it is something they don't need to know.

Slap in seconds.

There is no need to fight the disabled, and there is no need to worry about restoring the state.

People in Longyun Continent don't know this.

Seeing that there was no one to refute them, the words suddenly began to become more ugly.

Some people even suggested that they simply couldn't pass the nine hundred and ninety-nine missions here, and they should help them do the missions so that they could crush the ghost king team.

But when they have their own rhetoric.

The woman at the counter has already spoken: "Congratulations to everyone for completing the level task of progress 100, and then you can go to the intermediate level task office to pick up the task."

The appearance of this voice seemed to be a huge slap, slapped on the faces of all those who spoke in the Longyun Continent.

Only those who had followed the Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er through the first pass, felt slightly better.

An existence capable of overwhelming the ghost king.

An existence capable of breaking the defense against the ghost king.

When such two horrible existences appear in the same team, the combat power that can be exploded is simply not what can be imagined in the usual sense!

Seventh Ancestor Zhan Cai'er didn't pay attention to their words at all.

Quickly went to the intermediate level, took the 101st mission, and walked back towards them again, saying: "The mission has been completed, we should also go."

Zhan Cangkong and passer-by Jia Keshuo directly followed.

On the contrary, Qin Shaofeng is still a small and transparent existence.

Rao was a person from Longyun Continent who knew his situation. He had already told others about Qin Shaofeng, but at this moment everyone had Qi Qi ignore Qin Shaofeng.

The intermediate level directly changed a general direction.

It took them a long time to find the exact location.

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